Income Inequality in America Trade unions play a role in income inequality in America between unionized members and non-unionized members. Trade unions represent employee rights and oversee the fair treatment of employees who have joined the trade union. According to Piketty, trade unions “negotiate not only minimums but also complete wage schedules with employers in each branch of industry” (Piketty 310). Although trade unions represent the needs of employees, they fail to oversee the rights and needs of those who are not registered or unionized. Trade unions may negotiate the increase in wages of employees in a particular company, but not all companies. For example, a union of the Coca Cola company negotiates pay increase for their employees but not for those working for Pepsi. This creates wage inequality since only members of a particular union experience pay increment while the other does not experience the wage rise. Therefore, unions play a role in wage disparity because they only bargain for wage increment for unionized members and not non-members. Over the years, the population of immigrants entering the country in…

The health care situation in America Discussion The health care situation in America is highly disjointed, clumsy, and focuses on intervention as opposed to prevention and inclusive health control. Besides, health care costs stay high and at untenable rates as care quality falls far from ideal. But, over the last few years, health care policies adopted through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), in addition to the Children’s Health Program (CHIP), have helped to increase access to cheap care coverage to many of the uninsured and non-Medicare qualified individuals. Other policies that relate to access, quality, and cost include the Affordable care Act of 2010, Medicaid, Medicaid, and Patient Safety and Quality Improvement (PSQIA). These policies promote health care access for many of the people from lower socioeconomic levels. Griffith, Evans, and Bor (2017) assert that these policies give proof that the disparity in care access, cost, and quality has considerably reduced, especially under the ACA policy. The Health Markets (2020) health care reforms imply making health care cheaper as well as access to many of the Americans…

Critical Response on “If Americans Love Moms, Why Do We Let Them Die?” By Nicholas Kristoff The source of the article, If Americans Love Moms, Why Do We Let Them Die? Is the New York Times and its author is Nicholas Kristoff. In the article, Kristoff is of the opinion that despite the economic advancement of the United States, the country has not done a lot to prevent maternal mortality. According to Kristoff, the United States has failed to control maternal mortality, saving lives in childbirth is often complicated, and almost half of the pregnancies in America are unintended. Kristoff singles out the situation in the Texas State where he acknowledges that the rate at which women die from pregnancy is very high as compared to other developed countries. To prove his statement, Kristoff makes some comparisons with other developed countries. For instance, Kristoff states that a pregnant woman in Texas is about 10 times likely to die as compared to a pregnant woman in Spain or Sweden. In addition, the healthcare plans proposed by the Republicans are likely to…

Let America Be America Again Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be. Let it be the pioneer on the plain Seeking a home where he himself is free.   (America never was America to me.)   Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed– Let it be that great strong land of love   Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme That any man be crushed by one above.   (It never was America to me.)   O, let my land be a land where Liberty Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath, But opportunity is real, and life is free, Equality is in the air we breathe.   (There’s never been equality for me, Nor freedom in this “homeland of the free.”)   Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark?   And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?   I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart, I am the Negro bearing slavery’s scars.   I am the red man driven from the land, I…

Why America Is the Land of Opportunities For many years, America has been perceived as a continent of opportunity. In this continent, you can achieve great things regardless of who you are. The many opportunities available in this place has attracted many people from different countries. Irrespective of where you came from, as long you are legally in America, you will be given a fair treatment. In many parts of the world, if you were born in poverty, you are likely to remain in that state for the rest of your life. You will not get the right education, and this consequently makes you end up low pay jobs. You will be struggling in low paying carries. However, in America, equal educational opportunities are provided to everyone from America and those from abroad. America is the home of the most prestigious educational institutions in the world. Some universities like Harvard University are highly ranked and have been in existence for many millennia. The institution provides excellent training in various fields such as medicine, engineering, and science. The skills that people…

African Americans in WWI The onset of the First World War appeared to the African Americans as if they would never be part of it. As well, the war would have come as a gateway for the African Americans to attain social freedom, political breakthroughs, economic growth, among others privileges that they had since long been denied by the whites. In other words, World War I acted as a platform that would showcase the potential of the Black people politically. And based on the fact that the Blacks were not ready for the war at the beginning, maybe they had not noticed the potential it had as far as their demands for democracy and justice were concerned.. However, the experience of African Americans during the war was double-edged. In that case, following their acceptance to join the army, they stood a good position to winning great favor from the government, and maybe the racial judgments would eventually cease. Regarding the latter, more wars erupted among the Black soldiers and the White Soldiers as of 1917. That is a reflection of…

Asian American Studies The influence of Asian Americans is reshaping how race is understood and portrayed in affirmative action debates. However, including Asian Americans in the complicated politics of affirmative action is becoming increasingly essential. The hegemonic ”black/white” paradigm of race politics has massively reshaped how individuals and professionals engage, think, and politically mobilize along racial standpoints (Filler, 2016). A more nuanced understanding of the affirmative action debate is crucial in understanding the course to be taken in the representation of Asian Americans in media and mainstream electoral politics. This study will, therefore, focus on Asian American stereotypes existing in the media and the role they play in mainstream electoral politics, their successes, failures, opportunities, and limitations. In her article, Christian Collet talks about the aspect of deracialization. It is a widely discussed phenomenon in American politics. Collet argues that this aspect shows the complexity of many Asian American politics, especially in multicultural urban milieus where the Asian American candidates are elected in these non-Asian constituencies. I think that Collets description of the deracialization aspect fully fits the Asian American…

How To Play American Football   American football has become the most popular sport. Currently, American football has become very familiar with a diverse country ‍, and American football, which traces its root to rugby football, has risen in more than a century. Still, this game become one of the most popular sports in the world. The National Football League (NFL) has been the center of focus of American football in the world. Millions of tunes fight to see the very best teams fight for the ultimate glory of being the Superbowl Champion. American football is governed by a set of rules which ensure healthy competition and fair play. We consider in precise and crisp detail, American football rules as well as how to play American football. How To Play American Football The Object of the Game The purpose of American football is to make more points than your opposition. To do this, they must step down from the pitch of the game periodically before getting the ball into the ‘end zone’ for a touchdown. This can be achieved by…

Comparison between British and American legal prison legal systems Someone might argue that the private sector’s involvement in the penal system, prima facie, can be regarded as a quick and low-cost remedy to the myriad serious problems facing the penal system including the poor conditions within the prisons, inadequate prisons space, and poor state responsibilities of adequately managing the services within the prisons. However, prisons in both Britain and America are exhibiting different challenges as a result of the policies and regulations governing the entire correctional systems. Despite these dilapidated conditions, prisons remained a significant and integral component of the criminal justice system in the two regions and used appropriately, and they serve a vital purpose in upholding the rule of law. Prisons help the law enforced to ensure that the alleged offenders are subjected to justice and enable the provision of sanctions for serious wrongdoing. The prisons are expected to provide humane experience as well as opportunities to the prisoner to receive the necessary assistance and provide rehabilitations. Basing on these arguments, this research is purposed to explore the…

Americans own nearly half (46%) of Estimated 857 Million of Civilian-owned Guns in the World.  As presented inthe CNN report, the number of accessible firearms to Americans civilians stands at an estimate of more than 393 million. The estimation is from the survey carried by Switzerland-based Small Arms Survey (SAS) in the year 2018. As the rate of firearm production continues to increase daily, the recently updated claims that the global civilian who holds guns is about 857. According to SAS, the estimate is a 32% increase since the body carried a survey on the same a decade ago where there were 650million of civilians in the gun cache. Also, SAS claims that the exact figure of a civilian who owns firearms is challagive to pinpoint since there are other factors like unregistered guns, global conflicts, and illegal trades.  Moreover, this report states that Americans possess the number of firearms per individual globally. This report presented by CNN attracts attentionbecause it is shocking that America dominates the number of civilians who own guns globally. At first, onecannotbelieve the presentation since…

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