Legalization of Euthanasia Introduction The Legalization of Euthanasia has been eliciting heated debates for a period close to a decade. The discussions have extended into the judicial system of the United States with several lawsuits filed either supporting or disregarding the act. This paper will be another form of extended debate. Euthanasia is the act only undertaken by physicians to intentionally end the life of a person at his or her request. Upon the request, the physician then administers a lethal substance to terminate life. Euthanasia is often confused to Physician-assisted Suicide (PAS). In PAS, a person administers the lethal subsistence himself upon the recommendation by a physician. Some countries like Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxemburg have legalized euthanasia. In these countries, all the legal, and social aspects were put into consideration to safeguard the practice to prevent any possible abuse. Euthanasia should be legalized in civilized societies to allow people die without pain, and in dignity with the assistance of others if they cannot do so. Reasons for Legalizing Euthanasia The right to die among the terminally ill patients is…



Euthanasia Euthanasia is the termination of a person’s life due to terminal illness to relieve them of their suffering. A person’s life is often ended at their request, but at other times it is ended at the request of their family members, physicians, or court order (Keown, 2018). In the United Kingdom, euthanasia is against the law; hence it is considered illegal. Committing this crime can lead to fourteen years of imprisonment. In many years now, euthanasia has been an issue debated by many healthcare facilitators and many other people. The argument is surrounded by ethical, religious, and practical considerations. Many ethical questions are raised concerning this issue; for instance, people ask whether there is a moral difference between letting a person die or killing them. An example of a religious question raised is whether a human being is allowed to decide on when a person should and when to die. Several people believe that euthanasia should not be allowed since it can be abused and used as a cover-up for murder. On the other hand, some people believe that…

Defending an argument for a position on active voluntary euthanasia. Skills required and developed in this task: Using the “position, argument, objection and reply” format Being precise in formulating a position Exploring views that are not your own Expressing yourself concisely Purpose of the task To reinforce a useful format for presenting arguments in philosophy To give you practice in being very clear about what you are arguing for To prepare you to mount your own arguments more ably (in later essays) To give practice in writing clearly, directly and briefly.[unique_solution] The structure of the task Choose ONE argument FOR or AGAINST Active Voluntary Euthanasia (AVE) When writing: State the position that the argument is intended to support – either that acts of AVE are morally permissible (or impermissible), or that AVE should be legalised (or remain illegal), or both.  You can say “My position is…”  or “The position I will be discussing is….” State the argument, briefly.  You can say “One argument for this position is…” Describe ONE objection to that argument. You can say “An objection to this…

For Active Voluntary Euthanasia The position I will be discussing in this argument is that Active Voluntary Euthanasia should be legalized. Active voluntary Euthanasia is the practice of administering medications to bring the patient’s painless death at the patient’s request. One argument for this position is the significance of active voluntary euthanasia in protecting the human dignity. As a law, voluntary euthanasia is accepted in some countries such as the United States of America. Euthanasia is also one of the most researched subjects in modern bioethics. A survey conducted in the United States reveals that 46% of physicians support for euthanasia while 41% of physicians are against voluntary euthanasia (Saad, 2017).  In my position, active voluntary euthanasia should be allowed only in some life circumstances of life from the way we understand the value of life. I choose this position about active voluntary euthanasia because in some circumstances euthanasia protects human dignity. Imagine a situation whereby illness has left you incapable of doing most of the life basics such as being unable to think, being unable to eat, being unable…

Euthanasia Should Be Banned             “The technology advancement in the medical sector has currently improved the duration of an individual take in the healthcare facilities and the life of a person in general (, 2018).” People are ageing, and this is in accord with the modern medicine which has prolonged the lifespan of an individual with a motive outcome that more patients will die of the chronic disorders in the current population more than the past. It is clear that in the last decades, euthanasia has been under controversial discussion in the healthcare sector. Euthanasia is termed as the ending of the life of a person to relieve suffering, or it can mercy killing. It is believed to be a terrible act which always goes against the moral principle, religious and the right of a person to live. Due to this argument, we dwell and justify that euthanasia should be highly banned as it permits and erode on one own respect for our own lives. Besides all of these facts, euthanasia goes against any moral principles and violates the international…

The legalization of euthanasia The legalization of euthanasia has been a hotly-debated topic in the medical field. Some people have argued that physician-assisted suicide (PAS) should be made lawful to control more suffering to patients in healthcare amenities. Still, I say, it is against the right to life whatsoever. Assisted suicide involves a process where medical practitioners facilitate a patient’s death by encouraging the use or providing a lethal dose to the patient to initiate suicide. Think of a situation where physicians may misuse the legal process for personal gain. Despite an individual‘s consent due to pain and suffering, deliberate killing is against social norms and code of medical ethics; therefore, it should be considered a criminal act and evil in society. A study conducted by Mayo Clinic in 2005 on terminal illness diagnosis, showed that in most cases, the prediction from doctors is rarely accurate. Patients considered in end-stage disease situations such as lung cancer where a specialist may recommend euthanasia were found to live longer than predicted by the doctor hence resisting legal platform for assisted killing (Yang…


Asian massage

Asian massage Asian massage consists of useful and healing technique, which works with the energy flow of body and mind. It creates balance within our chakras or inner elements to reset the body. It stimulates our three systems of the body. Endocrine system Nervous system Immune system Massage boosts the flow and production of our neurotransmitters, which activates overall brain function. Like sleep, mood, satisfaction, appetite, rejuvenation, visual attention, and different senses. Indeed people are suffering from so many diseases due to constant busy in their work because they don’t go for a massage. Most of the physical and mental disorder is born due to lack of exercise or massage. The people are living the life of hustle-bustle in every city. They are entirely confined to their daily activities. As a result, they are inflicted with different ailments. Massage is the elixir of life. When we go for a massage, immense pressure is applied to the muscles of the body, which leads to settling entire elements within the body and mind.   Case Study – Alchemy of Asian Massage Let…

Major Crypto conferences Across Asia Cancelled as Coronavirus Spreads The spread of the Coronavirus has reportedly led to the cancellations or delays of multiple major cryptocurrency events across the globe. The Region that has experienced the most havoc of the virus is Asia. Affected events include the Hong Kong Blockchain Week 2020, Token2049, and Binance Blockchain Week Vietnam, which are all incredibly popular events with a plethora of industry leaders slated to give informative presentations about the crypto world. Erhan Korhaliller, the founder of Istanbul Blockchain Week, addressed the issue of the series of event cancellations in Asia, saying: “The health & safety of delegates at any conference has to be of paramount importance, so I can understand the tough choice that the conferences in Asia have had to make.” The cancellations and postponements of these events is an unfortunate result of the Coronavirus’s spread. Still, crypto enthusiasts who were planning to attend the now postponed Asia events can go to other alternatives, including Istanbul Blockchain Week. The cancellations come as news emerges that the newly developed Algorand blockchain platform…

A Rhetorical Analysis of Kailash Chand’s,”Why we should make euthanasia legal.” Introduction In his article, “Why we should make euthanasia legal published July 2009 in the Guardian, Kailash Chand states that there should be an introduction of new legalization to allow terminally ill people the choice of an assisted death. He starts by explaining how mentally competent beings should have the option of assisted dying and that the law should not criminalize people who support human beings make rational decisions to end their sufferings. His article further goes on by explaining how there are a couple of patients in terrible battles with incurable conditions who deliberate to end their suffering. He cannot condone denying rights to patients with prolonged illness to end their suffering. The rest of his article is devoted to explaining why euthanasia should be legalized. Kailash Chand’s article tries to persuade the audience that they must enact legislation that fully decriminalizes physical-assisted suicide or euthanasia activities. He further explains why the laws can be changed. He believes the law emphasizes, “Prevention of Cruelty and Protection of Human…

VESPASIAN’S RULE             According to Suetonius, the correct use of public power is one where a leader upholds justice despite the circumstances. According to Suetonius, Vespasian rises to power after a series of difficult tests which are an intense preparation for the emperor role. Being the first member of the Equestrian family to rise to the position of emperor yet being so strong is an accurate measure of leadership capability. Suetonius argues correctly that correct use of public involves strong upholding of justice, cherishing dignity, military mighty and should not have an excessive love for money, traits which Vespasian fulfils but except for love for money though Suetonius argues that it is for the good of the empire. The reason for the above argument is that Vespasian is a successful emperor at long last supporting Suetonius’ evidence. A well-functioning state requires a strong military army since it is common that a weak government will eventually be overthrown. The economy of a state is also a critical issue that needs to be given sufficient attention to the functioning of every arm…

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