Market Appeal/Robusticity Matrix of tourism potential Apply the Market Appeal/Robusticity Matrix of tourism potential (explained on 15 October) to the World Heritage site case, which you studied as Part 1 of the TraHE group task (and presented in class on October 15th). Evaluate the cultural values, physical values, tourism values, and experiential values to confirm tourism potential of your site. Make conclusions about your site potential grade (A, B, C or D), according to the Matrix. Support your decision with 4-5 reasons. Propose whether tourism or Cultural Heritage Management should be the lead consideration in management decisions about your site. Reflect your positions in 5-7 slides and a short description (1-2 pages of text). So, you should submit two files (one PPT and one PDF). Call the files TraHEgroupXXXpresentation and TraHEgroupXXXnotes  (XXX is of course the name of your group). Make sure to mention the group members in both documents. Make conclusions about your site potential grade (A, B, C or D), according to the Matrix. Support your decision with 4-5 reasons. Propose whether tourism or Cultural Heritage Management should…

Hazards Identification and Evaluation in Oklahoma City Introduction A risk is any activity or situation that involves exposure to danger, loss, or harm to people or their properties. Risks are usually uncontrolled losses resulting from any given inaction or action that is foreseen or unforeseen. To manage risk, it is essential first to identify hazards that constitute the risk of harming the community and people living in it. Hazards are agents that result in risk and are mostly either natural or manmade. In such cases, emergency management is important for a country or society to help in reducing the vulnerability to hazards and cope with disasters. Oklahoma City is a state in the United States that is mostly affected by hazards making the community both economically and financially vulnerable. This paper identifies risks in Oklahoma City, categorizing, evaluating, and assessing them according to their probability of occurrence. Hazards in Oklahoma City Oklahoma City is mostly affected by specific hazards that are categorized and identified by NFPA. The categories include geological, intentional, meteorological, and biological, which is mainly caused by technology…

Smart City ICT and IoT infrastructure for Hong Kong Introduction Recently, many cities around the world are exploring the many possibilities using technology to improve on economic, social and environmental sectors of the cities(1). The City administration has started to lay out their plans and strategies for a Smart City so as to improve on the quality of life and the economy(1). Hong Kong, being a global city has had many discussions on their smart city development plan. In 1998, the first Digital 21 strategy was published by the Hong Kong government(2). The strategy pointed out the blueprint for improvement in Information and communications technology. Objectives The purpose of this report is to offer an consolidated an extensive review the current status of Information and communication technology and internet of things infrastructure in Hong Kong, to review the ICT and IoT infrastructure in selected smart cities and also to discuss on the challenges in implementation of smart city ICT and IoT infrastructure for Hong Kong. Methodology The goal, objectives, and methods to be used in the study were set and…

Research Proposal: Race/Ethnicity and Health Care Challenges Introduction American healthcare is advancing with the advancements in technology that aid diagnosis, treatment, and care. Research points that in as much that there is an overall improvement in healthcare investment, racial minorities do not receive equivalent treatment as their nonminority counterparts who suffer the same conditions. The bigger picture is that the minorities end up leading in morbidity and mortality that result from chronic illnesses. Institute of Medicine (IOM) researched in this relationship and concluded that there is an unfortunate occurrence in which racial minorities get worse treatment as compared to their other nonminority colleagues. They defined ethnic differences in access to healthcare as the disparity that does not emanate from the inability to access healthcare but as a result of institutional factors that hinder people from the services as they access healthcare. One reason to blame for this is that minorities, especially Hispanics and Blacks, do not secure equivalent insurance from their employers. This research will focus on the factors that make it hard for minorities to access healthcare like the…

How to become Number 1 Photographer in your City on Google Have you ever thought why your local photography business page is posted beyond the first few pages of Google? If your business is not placed in the first few pages of SERP or Search Engine Result Pages for keywords which are associated with your business, a customer will not be able to find you either. If your business cannot be found easily, it will eventually hamper the revenue. It is high time that you start investing in Social media optimization strategy. Working on SEO will improve the business site, and contents will add value to the clients fulfilling the queries. But you need to understand that aiming for number 1 photography spot in your city will require good search engine work and optimization. Identify the client who is best for your business and create a proper digital marketing strategy to get them on board. Basics of Local SEO Basic traditional SEO is known and used by all businesses today. Traditional SEO aims to rank high in SERP for strategic…

The Lost City of Z In this book, David Grann (2009) dives into the Fawcett approach of exploration of the South America Amazon Forest, the most massive jungle of the world. Fawcett, termed as the greatest explorer to give insights of the Amazon forest, as survived it, told its story and gained recognition from the Royal Geographical Society for his expedition works of mapping of South America. Fawcett explains how he, in the company of his son Jack, and the best friend Raleigh survived through the jungle of the Amazon where explorers got lost, died, and were never found- terming it as the lost city Z. The approach used by Fawcett has been exemplary useful to the current group of explorers and anthropologists in their mission of expedition as he displays skillfulness, geometry mastery, and high survival tactics. Approaches used by Fawcett in his expedition As Fawcett sets mission into the Amazon, he tags his son jack, along with Jack’s best friend, Raleigh. Fawcett believed that moving into the hostile environment of Amazon should not have been done using a…



Ethinicity SOC-100 Short-Answer Quiz Complete the quiz in a Word document.  This is an open book quiz.  The answer to each question must be 100-125 words. Topic 5 Describe the difference between race and ethnicity. What roles do race and social class continue to play in the United States? Ethnicity is a measure of person’s cultural affiliation while on the other hand race can be defined as genetically distinct population belonging to the same species .with very minor genetic and morphological differences An ethnic group or ethnicity is a population group whose members identifies with each other on the basis of common nationality or share cultural traditions while race refers is the concept of dividing people into populations or groups according to various sets of physical characteristics which may result from genetic inheritance .Ethnic groups differentiate themselves distinctively from others one time to another while races are assumed to be distinguished by skin color, facial type. In UN States races and social class makes a difference in people daily live, in education people from different races are considered differently in…

Part A – Reaction Calculations for Simply supported beams                (Total 25) Problem 1[1]                                                                                                     (20 Marks) For the beams a and b shown in Figure 1a and Figure 1b respectively: Clearly present the Free Body Diagram (FBD) of the beam (8Marks) Calculate the Reactions at the Supports A and B and carry out checks (12Marks) For loading use the following: Point load (P):                       1st and 2nd digit of your student number (for example if SN: 123456, PL=12kN) For UDL:                                The last digit of your student Number Simply Supported Beam a P= …kN             Figure 1a – Simply supported beam loaded with inclined point load (P) and Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL)  Simply Supported with Cantilever Beam b               Figure 1b – Simply supported beam loaded with inclined point load (P) and Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL)                       Problem 2[2]                                                                                                     (5 Marks) 2a. For the Cantilever beam shown in Figure 2: Clearly present the Free Body Diagram (FBD) of the…

Which is the best city to buy a property in India?   Before you buy a property, consider checking the property sales data across major cities in India. This will help you to judge the property demand. From my personal research, I have found the following findings: As per the Statista-reports, during 2019, Mumbai had the highest property sale compared to Bangalore, Delhi and Hyderabad. Around 61 thousand residential properties were sold. Bangalore bags the second position with around 48 thousand residential buildings being sold. Kolkata recorded the minimum residential sales with just 11 thousand housing units. When it comes to buying a property- it can be an apartment, a plot or an independent house. If you are looking for a low risk property with average returns, then I would suggest you to buy an apartment in Bangalore. Now that you are ready to bear a medium risk, then it’s good to go for buying a plot in a city. This is because; a plot in a city can either bring you good returns in the future or come down…

If you want to plan a trip to the city of Agra and plan for an unforgettable experience? We have plenty of things to do and places to visit in Agra city, including the famous Taj Mahal. The Taj is one of the most visited places by Indian tourists and is equally attractive to Westerners. A date with one of the Indian escorts can give you a memorable experience that you would remember. A trendy city of India, Agra is one of the most favorite destinations for a private tour. So the presence of an escort in Agra would be a great luxury. We offer our clients a service of transporting a potential client from the airport to the hotel on the final date. This could be music to an amazing and thrilling time. Agra escorts can come with you on a rented vehicle and meet you at the airport. We give you a fantastic and exotic holiday experience. The Taj Mahal is a monument that has been coming up every now and then, making it a beautiful place to…

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