Country evaluation The chosen country is Jordan. The country is generally a small market with high income. It has a population of around 9.4 million. Level of economic development The Real GDP of the country was 1.9 percent in 2018, and during the second quarter of 2019, the growth rate stood at 1.8 percent. The prolonged weak level of economic development of Jordan is caused by the reducing labor force engagement rate along with the escalated level of unemployment in the country. for instance, during the second quarter of 2019, the country recorder unemployment rate of 192 percent compared to 18.2 percent during the same period in 2018. The trend of unemployment is high among the youths, university graduates, along with the females. However, the country’s balance of payment is significantly growing due to better terms of trade, which has assisted in reducing the costs associated with the importation of goods into the country. Moreover, export growth is also picking up while the FDI flow has remained stagnant. Market growth rate The current market growth rate of Jordan is below…

connection between the level of corruption in a country and the economic development There is a direct connection between the level of corruption in a country and the economic development. When corruption rate is low, then economic growth is better, and when the corruption level is high, the economy tend to be reduced. The discussion analysis about how corruption affects economy in a particular country in different ways. When a country is corrupt, many things will be affected. High corruption affects the efficient allocation of resources in a country. Lack oof resources might affect organizations which in return affects the economy of the country. Illegal businesses and the less qualified ones keeps on increasing in corrupt countries. Having illegal and unqualified organizations makes the country retard in terms of development because the results from such organizations not good. the reason behind this its because when this businesess are involved in activities in economic growth like roads, hospitals the services will be of low quality. Countries with a high rate of corruption the healthy and education sector will also be highly…

Why Insurance is necessary for the Economic Development of a Country Insurance is an arrangement between a company or an individual with and insurance company to offer guaranteed compensation for a particular loss, death, damage, illness in return for a payment of a premium that is specified by the insurer. The insurance sector provides capital for investments that are productive in various sectors. The insurance sector enables financial stability for companies and also improves trading and commercial activities that facilitate economic growth and development. Insurance policy for an organization contributes to the sustainable growth of an economy through the various compensation policies often offered by the insurer (Asongu & Odhiambo, 2019). This discussion expounds on the benefits of insurance for the economic development of a country and the types of insurance policies and their benefits on the property insured. Insurance helps business organizations to mitigate imminent risks and protect their employees. Assisting the business to mitigate various risks often has a long-term positive implication on the economy. A business may suffer financial stagnation because of disasters and other unpredictable challenges.…

Memoir: In the Country We Love I was born to Colombian immigrant parents who struggled hard to remedy their situation. At the age of 14, I arrived home to find a stampede that there was the deportation of my parents. Fear, shame and instability took on course after this. I found refuge in the performing arts where a family friend introduced me, a situation that increased the distance to my parents’ relationship.  Later on, I finished my education at Boston Arts academy. There were severe financial and mental obstacles in our family. I once had to seek a therapist help after succumbing to depression, where I became alcoholism, injuring myself and nearly committed suicide. My situation can be replicated into acceptance and respect, ethnic and cultural differences and generation gaps diversity issues. Love to me appeared to be poignant, and a shocking challenge in my childhood after my parents’ deportation. It is a situation that accustoms me sometimes to yelling in my mother’s name after waking up. It is rare to hear kids left behind by their parents in their…

What are the essential expert tips about relocating across the country? Relocating can be as tiring as well as thrilling, depending on how you carry out the necessary activities. If you manage to get the services of a good and renowned local moving company around you, the entire process of shifting to your new place can be quite thrilling for you. However, there are some pointers to keep in mind as you decide to move to your new destination. Here are some of the expert tips that can guide you to step around your country without any hassles: Hire the best transportation company The first important thing to do before you actually move out of your apartment would be hiring the services of an excellent local moving company around you. You need such services as they provide guaranteed translocation services within an affordable price range. Also, you cannot move all your belongings alone to a new place all by yourself. You need expert hands to do the job for you. Hence, you need such services to help you move from…

 how the progressive era contributed to the development of public administration in the country Introduction The learning outcomes for week two focused on the leaders and scholars in the field of public administration. They were also very compatible with the course learning objectives. The class materials provided knowledge on the various changes that have continued to be witnessed in public administration and how these changes have shaped the field. Specifically, I was intrigued by how the progressive era contributed to the development of public administration in the country. Progressive Era The progressive era was between 1896 to 1961, and t6he class readings revealed how this era shaped the public administration to a better form. Based on the class readings, this era largely contributed to the transformation of the public administration in the country. At the beginning of the 1890s, specific problems facing the United States necessitated changes in areas such as politics, socialization, economy, and also change or the introduction of policies. The cities of the United States, for example, were crowded, and there was also the issue of poor…

Country of the one god             Country of the one god is a text that talks about people invented Christianity. It also illustrates the processes and procedures which were followed in the invention the god. There are several stages which were involved in the process of inventing the religion. It also comprises of various characters that are of different characteristics (Meer, 2013). These characters have some common and also unique features. Some of the features enhance their relationship and strengthen it. It also gives the different views from different characters from their point of view. Some of these characters have close and a good relationship towards each other while others have got a poor relationship. Some are very respectful to their fellow characters while others are not. Some of those with the very best relationships are resulting from them having some common ties which may include similar religion, similar culture and other factors. Difference in the religion is causing poor relationship among the characters (Goby & Nickerson 2013) for this to be solved in an efficient manner the differences between…

difference in the GDP of a given country Introduction Gross domestic product GDP is essential and the most common indicator used in tracking the economic health of a nation. It refers to the monetary value of all the finished goods ad services produced with the borders of a given country in a given period. This includes everything produced both by the citizens and foreigners of the country. The GDP often includes various factors, such as the element of consumption and investment. The value of GDP change indicates the country’s economic position, that is, whether the country’s economy is improving or worsening. The difference in the country’s GDP often occurs in four main phases of the business cycle (Kumar, 2017). These include; the peak, contraction, trough, and expansion. When an economy expands, the growth in the value of GDP always indicates positive growth. A country with a growing economy means that the business, jobs, and personal incomes are also increasing at the same time.  Equally, when the GDP of a country is deteriorating or decline in the change in the GDP…

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