Cell phones and tablets are safe for teenagers′ physical and
mental health
Topic 1: Cell phones and tablets are safe for teenagers′ physical and mental health. Topic 2: Technology makes us more productive at school and work. Write an essay that discusses why one should be undecided on the two topics above, the key arguments surrounding each topic above for each side (support or against) (do researches and please cite the sources where you got the arguments from), discuss logos (logical), ethos (ethical), pathos (emotional) appeals in relation to each topic above, which appeals you′ll need to choose a side (support or against) in each topic above, what type of evidence would you need to reach a decision (support or against) in each topic above, and develop a list of insightful questions that would help you gain a better understanding about the two topics above to reach a decision (support or against). Is there an opportunity for a ″win-win″ or a ″happy-medium″ solution?[unique_solution]
Cell phones and tablets are safe for teenagers′ physical and
mental health
Topic 1: Cell phones and tablets are safe for teenagers′ physical and mental health. Topic 2: Technology makes us more productive at school and work. Write an essay that discusses why one should be undecided on the two topics above, the key arguments surrounding each topic above for each side (support or against) (do researches and please cite the sources where you got the arguments from), discuss logos (logical), ethos (ethical), pathos (emotional) appeals in relation to each topic above, which appeals you′ll need to choose a side (support or against) in each topic above, what type of evidence would you need to reach a decision (support or against) in each topic above, and develop a list of insightful questions that would help you gain a better understanding about the two topics above to reach a decision (support or against). Is there an opportunity for a ″win-win″ or a ″happy-medium″ solution?