Character Comparisons
Characters in different literature work present either similar ideologies or differences.
The comparison between Salome in Oscar Wilde and M. Butterfly can be based on the impact of music on winning people’s emotions. Salome is based on the biblical story in the book of Matthew where the princess is invited to dance in front of the king. Herod, who was the king at the time was interested in the dancing prowess of her daughter and promised to give everything her daughter would so wish. To the amusement of the king, the daughter asked for the head of a prisoner named John. In the M. Butterfly, Rene is deceived into falling in love with Lilling without knowing Lilling is a man. Rene later realized that female roles in the music used to be performed by men, and therefore they broke up.
Ti-Jean and Gross-Jean are brothers with different characteristics. Gross-Jean is a strong character who lacks self-control in standing for his ideology.”Ideology leads to crimes that cannot be accounted for…,”Nealon et al. (p.97). Gross-Jean does not respect forest creatures, and he ends being eaten up due to his over-confidence. The deceptive devil causes Gross-Jean’s death. On the other side, Ti-Jean is educated but has an entirely different attitude from his brother Gross. Ti-Jean listens carefully to his mother’s advice and therefore is guided by his mother’s prayers. Also, Ti-Jean listens to the forest creatures and is therefore advised about the disguises of the devil. Ti-Jean is the only brother who defeats the devil.
The appearance and nature of Caliban and Ariel are different. “The definition of difference is always affected by individual’s perception…,” Nealon et al. (p.171). Ariel is presented as a spirit whereas Caliban as presented as bestial. Also, the connection between the two characters and the Witch who ruled the island is different. Ariel is a prisoner to the witch whereas Caliban is the witch’s offspring. Ariel works magic under commands from his master, but Caliban is a menial and lowly servant.
The ideologies presented by different characters in different stories are either similar or different.