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Christ’s Wisdom for Leaders, CEOs, and Entrepreneurs

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Christ’s Wisdom for Leaders, CEOs, and Entrepreneurs


Maybe you are a CEO who has to deal with complicated people.  Or you are an entrepreneur that is struggling to establish a successful business. It could be that the pressure of being a great leader is becoming real, and a part of you just wants to quit.


Could it be that you are struggling to become a good leader, CEO or entrepreneur because of your past pain?


Fear, anxiety, and doubt have become a major part of your life. All this is making you insecure because you are beginning to allow the past to control your life.  You no longer feel motivated though deep down, you know that God has called you into the marketplace, to lead others or run that company.  Much as you want to quit, you know that it is not the right thing to do.


Well, we have all been there.


There are things that we go through in life that leave us fearful, anxious and doubtful. Rejection, failure and bad experiences can make us question everything and stop us from chasing our purpose.


But here is the thing:


You don’t have to entertain feelings of fear, anxiety, and doubt anymore. Focusing on them will cause you to fall back on your calling. Not just that it will open up doors for the enemy in your life, and when that happens, you will experience a downward spiral in your business or job, family, spiritual journey and health.


See, you are in a battle with a real enemy that does not want you to succeed. Why? You were made in the image of God, and that means that you automatically became a target of the enemy because he hates God. The enemy knows that your success glorifies God, so he will do anything to stop you.


The good news:


Jesus Christ already defeated him at the cross, and that means that your future as a CEO, leader or entrepreneur is secure in him. I Nicolas Kimaz encourage you to accept him as your Savior and accept his love for you.


Why is that?


It is because Christ’s love activates the miracle of wisdom in your life.


That’s right!


Whether you are a CEO, a leader or an entrepreneur you need to know, understand and accept Christ’s love because it’s only in doing so that you’ll be able to experience it on a deeper level and activate the miracle of wisdom.


What is wisdom?


According to the Cambridge English dictionary, wisdom is the ability to use your knowledge and experience to make good decisions and judgments.


See, you have to make critical decisions at home, in your office or business. There are lives out there that you need to change. To do all this successfully, you need to have wisdom.

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Now there are so many ways that you can acquire wisdom. With so many books and easy access to the internet, you can acquire knowledge about leadership and entrepreneurship from the comfort of your home. But that doesn’t mean that you will make the right life choices.  The best way is to go to the source, and that is Jesus.  The Bible calls Jesus the wisdom of God. So if we need wisdom in any area of our lives, choose Christ’s wisdom and not the worlds. (1Corinthians 1:24)


To understand how Christ’s wisdom transforms the lives of CEOs, business people and leaders, and helps them to make right decisions and judgments you need to understand the 4WISDOMS to successful leadership, entrepreneurship, and for CEOs.


Written below are the 4wisdoms that are found in Jesus and how they will help you in life:



To succeed in life, you need to use force to possess your possession. Now, this doesn’t mean that you become a violent person. As we have already seen, we are in a spiritual battle with a real enemy. We have to fight so that we can be successful in our endeavour; that is why the Bible tells us that the violent take it by force. (Matthew 11:12)


But here is the thing we cannot fight using our strength. We need Jesus.


Jesus Christ, the wisdom of God, is the most powerful force to reckon with. Even though he was fully man and fully God, he did great exploits in the world within three years. Jesus transformed so many lives in a very short time.


Now with the challenges that you are facing right now you need a very powerful force that will enable you to overcome them and become a force to reckon with in your office, business, at home or in the marketplace. Jesus is the same today, yesterday and forever. The same way he transformed lives in the past, is the same way he will do it for you now.


Turn to him today and seek his face. Ask him to show you how much he loves you. His love will activate a powerful force in your spirit, mind, and body. It will break the chains of anxiety, fear, doubt, and insecurity and propel you to greater heights.


See, you do not have to struggle with this alone. Turn to God and ask him to exert his force upon your life. Allow him to break every yoke that has been holding you and hindering you from becoming a great CEO, entrepreneur or leader.


When you give him control and stop doing things all by yourself, Jesus will provide you with the power to become a great influencer across the globe. Like the Samaritan woman, you will run to different people who are going through the same experiences that you have faced and lead them back to Jesus. (John 4:1-42)


You will not only influence millions of people to listen to you, buy your products and services or to embrace the vision for your company. You will also influence them to know the one true living God.



Environmental and physiological factors determine your frequency. When your frequency drops, your immune system is affected negatively, and you end up being prone to sickness and diseases. If the environment you are in is not working for you, then you will become stressed, anxious and afraid.


On the other hand, an increase in your frequency will boost your energy and immune system. You will start to feel great again, become happy and motivated to lead, run a successful business and even manage difficult people. You will attract positive emotions and the right things that you want.

Now, there are so many solutions being offered out there for people whose frequencies have dropped.  The problem with those solutions is that they only work temporarily and some of them open up doors for the enemy and his minions to come and control our lives. We need to test every spirit and make sure that we are walking in the ways of the Lord.


To have a high frequency you need help from the highest frequency of all time and that is Jesus. See nothing can make Jesus’ frequency go down. He is a perfect man. Jesus always remained calm even in the midst of chaos. He walked in the midst of people who wanted to kill him and left (Luke 4: 28-30).Though he did nothing wrong, Jesus remained calm when he was before Pilate.


The truth is we can never be perfect like Jesus but when we depend on his love; he will help us to rise above the things that lower our frequencies. He will also ensure that we attain the highest level of frequency so that we can attract the right people and situations in our lives.


Jesus Christ will show you what is making you to be stressed, anxious or afraid. He will also show you what to do so that you can maintain a high frequency as you face different challenges in life.



Are your employees giving you a headache? Is your business on the verge of collapsing? Or are people questioning your leadership skills?


  • Jesus Christ the Most powerful wave that silences other waves.


It is easy to get caught up in the wave of life when you have to; start a successful business or project, take care of your family and work on your spirituality. It is easy for one to get caught up with a new venture and find it hard to balance life. But we need to have a balance in life.


You need to be incharge of your life because God has given you a choice. Things should not control you, you need to control them.


But how?


Our lives seem to move in waves and there are those times when the waves are so fierce. Most of us try to ride each wave the best way we can but we end up failing miserably because God did not call us so that we can do it alone. We are his stewards and Jesus is the CEO of our lives.


No matter how fierce the wave of life is, you need to remember that Jesus is the most powerful wave.


Jesus walked above the waves in the sea as his disciples struggled with the boat. In life, Jesus had to deal with different kinds of waves (Matthew 14:22-36). He had to deal with his family who did not believe in his message, and then there were the Pharisees who envied him. Jesus had to deal with the sick, the poor and sinners who needed his attention. He also had to find time to spend with his Father in prayer.


His schedule was always full for three years but he knew how to balance life. He knew when to preach, heal, pray and attend feasts. He is the best person to turn to for wisdom because he can relate to our daily struggles.


So no matter how fierce the wave is, know that there is one who walks above it for all things in heaven and earth were created for Him and through him.


  • Jesus Christ the most powerful wave that brings a sudden increase

Sometimes life can slow us down. You may try one thing and then another with no success. You may try all your best to lead your children in the right direction but they may not turn out right. A CEO can work so hard and bring his company to the top only for him to be removed from that position. An entrepreneur can sacrifice all his life to build a successful business only for it to collapse.


The truth is it takes the grace of God for us to climb to the top and stay there. Jesus is the most powerful wave that causes us to experience a sudden increase. Whether you are just starting out or you have been trying so many things for long with no success, know that Jesus will give you wisdom so that you can know what to do to experience a sudden increase.


When you look unto Jesus and allow him to take charge of your life he will pour out waves of love in your life that will cause you to rise above all kinds of waves that life throws at you. Not just that you will send the waves that you get from Jesus to people around you and end up being successful.



There will be times in leadership or entrepreneurship when you will feel like pulling your hair. Other times people will get on your last nerve and you will feel like pulling their hair. But you do not have to take that road however mad you are at someone or yourself.


You need to channel the right vibrations to yourself and others, and it all starts on the inside. You need to be in the right emotional state for you to send the right vibrations to the atmosphere.


A CEO, entrepreneur, or leader will attract the right people in their lives when their vibration matches those specific people.


Now you need to be careful about the kind of people and things you attract to your life. Some people may be fun but they are not good people. Some situations may seem pleasing to you but they are not.  When you attract the wrong people you will start doing wrong things and vice versa.


But how does one ensure that they attract the right people?


By surrendering your emotions and atmosphere to Jesus. Spend time in meditation and breathwork. As you do this you will begin to have the peace, love and joy. Open your heart, mind and soul to him and there will be a shift in you and the atmosphere around you. You will start feeling good about yourself and start attracting good things in your life because God’s favor will be upon you.


Jesus who is a great and powerful vibration was able to transform Zacchaeus the chief tax collector into an honest man. When you read the story of Zacchaeus in Luke 19, you don’t see Jesus asking Zacchaeus to return the money that he had taken from people. But Zacchaeus got up and promised to return the money he had taken.


Amazing right?


By hanging around Jesus, an honest and humble man, Zaccheus was able to attract the vibrations of honesty and humility.


In short:


Every Christian entrepreneur, CEO and leader needs Christ’s wisdom to succeed in life. The 4WISDOMs, Force, Vibration, Frequency and Wave that are found in Christ are very important and should be known by every Christian that wants to be successful as they help you know how to deal with the issues of life.


The truth is you will face different challenges in life but by focusing on Christ’s love you will be able to take control of the waves that life toasts to you. You will be able to maintain a high frequency even when all odds are against you. Jesus the most powerful vibration will enable you to channel the right vibrations to other people and yourself. Most of all you will become a powerful force in the world.





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