Climate change and its threat to food production
Climate change
Climate change is a defining issue at the moment. These are because of the shifting weather pattern that brings a threat to food production, animals, and more so to human beings. Due to these changes increase of risks, impacts of climate change are global and need drastic action. Adapting to these impacts would be costly and more difficult. Temperature rise is the most concern change in most regions that appears in most areas worldwide.
Scientist proves that global temperatures would continue to rise even for decades to come. These are due to man’s activities from the greenhouses gases. The amount of heat change would determine the ability to trap these gases. The world experts agree that the industrial revolution of the greenhouse effect brings a harsh environment that is born from agricultural, technological, demographic, thus creating a model of production and consumption.also a new geological period of Anthropocene characterizes humans impacts that bring temperature rise.
The global temperature change increase brings disastrous consequences that not only endangers humans but also the survival of fauna and flora and more so to plants.rise in temperatures affects the environment and the people as well. Some of the impacts are intense hurricanes, severe heat waves which would be life-threatening both to humans and animals.hibernation of animals, severe drought to crop production shortage of water are more of the effects of temperature regulating these, people should plant trees that would reduce the emission of gases such as carbon .also man activities such as industrialization should improve on the technology that would reduce the emission of these gases
The intergovernmental panel on climate change report states that the world is heading to painful problems, as emission keep rising. The story suggests of astonishing breaking storms, drought heat waves, in the world with 1degrees Celsius of global warming. An increase in room temperature is a substantial consequence that would affect the ecosystem, and human beings .limiting global warming would reduce these challenges in humans .well being and the environment. The report seeks ways that would stabilize global warming that requires unpretending efforts to cut fossil fuel use, shut coal, and gas power, and these would help reduce the global change.
Forest planting can play a significant role in cutting emissions.These are because forest provides with super service to humans that help cut carbon dioxide. Reforestation and improving forest management can remove CO2 in the atmosphere that would reduce the emission up to 18 percent. Protecting the existing forests would thus avoid dangerous climate change — the planet’s future climate ties to the existence of forests.
In conclusion, high temperatures are due to the global emission that results in human activities. These emission results to the greenhouse effect to the atmosphere , thus only endangers human being but even to plants and animals. Planting trees can help reduce the emission and therefore urge to conserve the environment and continue planting more trees.