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Climate Change/Global Warming/Environmental Issues

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Climate Change/Global Warming


Climate Change/Global Warming/Environmental Issues

The world’s environment and climate is an essential aspect that should be put into consideration and should be conserved and maintained. The environment of a region determines the type of economic activities that can be carried out, the kind of ecology that can exist, and also how people relate with each other (Gupta, 2019). Over the year, industrialization and emission of chemicals, fumes, and carbon from vehicles and different types of pollutants have led to global warming, which has affected the world as a whole. Unpredicted weather patterns, high temperatures that cause drought or high rainfall that cause floods and landslides, rising sea waters causing high tide that causes damage is as a result of global warming. Global warming poses a threat to the wellbeing of human beings and should be dealt with effectively as soon as possible.

The federal climate change policy of America aims at reducing the emission of greenhouse gas, which was done by following the Kyoto protocols and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The policy aimed at reducing the emission of methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, sulphur hexafluoride, among other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (Novak, 2019). All these were to be achieved through ensuring that industries use a safe method of emitting their gases to the environment to prevent emitting the pollutant agents. Also, the government established measures in the transport sector to ensure that only safe fuel is used and that old vehicles are not allowed on the road.

The magnitude of the global warming issues is so vast that nations all over the world are putting measures and strategies in place to try and reverse the problem. The only way to reduce the impact of global warming on American citizens is to join hands with other nations and organizations to try and reduce the number of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere. No matter the differences in opinions, ideologies, or policies that other countries have, which America does not agree with, it is essential to join forces to enhance the fight against global warming and climate change as it is an issue of concern (Orend, 2013). The government needs to ensure that the laid down policies on how to reduce pollution are followed and that those who violate these rules are made an example of so that others might respect and follow the regulations.

International relation comes in handy not only on matters of politics and economics but also on matters of climate and other things that affect people at a global level. According to Orend (2013), the author states that international relations are an essential aspect when dealing with a global problem. The importance of having nations or countries coming together to come up with a solution to a global problem because with combined power and resources, it easy to find a solution to an issue (Orend, 2013). That is why organizations like the United Nations (UN) bring nations together in unity no matter their differences to find a solution to issues affecting the world.

The issue of national relations is what led to The Paris Agreement; Paris Agreement was arrived at or focused on bringing all nations into a common cause to undertake its efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects. With the unity between nations was meant to enhance support to assist all countries to fight global warming and climate change in the world. The Paris Agreement stated that all the parties or countries involved should put their best efforts through Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to help the countries achieve their set goals in the agreement (UNFCC 2019). So the Paris agreement was meant to ensure that the parties or countries involved kept their part of the deal and commitment. The primary goal of this agreement was to ensure a safe environment for a future generation free from global warming and climate change.

Realism Perspective of Global Warming

Realism is one of the ancient theories that relate to international relations, and it sets the assumption of how the world works. Realism theory looks at things from a realistic perspective weighing all the possibilities that might occur when a specific action is taken (Lieven, 2020). The realism theory has been the primary strand of thinking that the United States uses in making its decision. Realism states that a state or a country is mainly concerned with its power and security out of mutually beneficial cooperation. Realists argue that cooperation only occurs when a nation or a state benefits more from the coalition. Because of this, then it shows that every state focuses more on its benefits and does not have a global perspective.

Realist explains the situation of global warming as a real threat to the world and states, and if nothing is done to curb the situation, then it will get out of hand, and adverse impacts will be witnessed (Cornell & Parker, 2010). The rising sea waters pose a threat to the coastal cities, the high temperatures might cause desertification, and the unpredictable heavy rains might cause a flood, which can affect people’s lives negatively. Realist says that global warming and climate change have caused the Europe refugee crises due to climate-driven migration, and it might cause other adverse effects as witnessed in the ice age.

Realism suggests that for America to avert all these adverse effects of climate change and global warming, it should start dealing with it at an individual level and also to corporate with others to fight to prevent it from getting worse. The reason behind the realism thoughts is that this situation affects the whole world, and if you only focus on preventing it in your state, then those other places will still contribute to climate change that will affect America (Frank, 2010). If climate change is not dealt with, then desertification will increase, floods, tides that might sweep off cities and towns, among other calamities. Dealing with this issue requires the commitment of every country or state in the world as it cannot be defeated individually.

Liberalism Perspective of Global Warming

Liberalism is also one of the ancient theories of international justice, which focuses more on protecting, enhancing, and providing individual freedom to participate in politics. Liberalism aims at dispersing power that is held by the government to encourage diversity and creativity (Novak, 2019). Liberals are always on the front line in support of democracy and the civil rights of the people in a nation. The liberalism theory states that the availability of diplomacy and proper governmental institutions and countries or states can come together and minimize conflicts between them and maximize prosperity by working together. Liberalism and realism are founded on different ideologies, but they share the same perspective on issues of climate change and global warming.

Just as the other theory liberalism predicts that if the issue of global warming is not taken care of early enough, it will cause climate change that will result in adverse effects in the world such as calamities that might harm the wellbeing of the human race. It is clear that liberals also conquer that this is an issue that should be taken care of with heists to prevent further effects. The liberalism approach suggests that nations should pull resources together to fight global warming and climate change in the world (Zheng, 2019). The reason behind this sentiment or reasoning is that there is no state strong enough to fight global warming on its own, and together a lot can be accomplished.

The liberalism theory proposes that America should put away its grudge with other powerful countries and come together as one unit to put global warming to an end. It states that America can work together with other nations to combine resources and opinions for strategies that will result in achieving more than it could have when working alone. Supporting and helping others makes the team strong, which makes it possible to conquer all the challenges that are thrown at them (Orend, 2013). It is essential for America to look at the issue from a broader perspective and not rely on what benefits it will gain from this cooperation or collaboration. If this is done, then it will be straightforward to fight global warming at put an end to climate change.

Personal Conclusion

I believe and strongly support the liberalism theory perspective in the fight against global warming. As the president of the United States of America, it is essential to put an end to this issue, and it can only be done through collaboration and cooperation with other nations. I believe, as the president of the most powerful country in the world, you should lead by example, which will positively influence others to join the fight against global warming. It is important to note that this is not a fight meant for allies only but even those that are categorized as the enemies of America. Hence, it is a noble thing for you to give an olive branch for the sake of saving the world and ensuring the welfare of all human beings. Remember, with a pleasant climate and environment in America, the development will be enhanced, and more will be achieved.



Cornell, S., & Parker, J. (2010). Critical realist interdisciplinarity: a research agenda to support action on global warming. In Interdisciplinarity and Climate Change (pp. 39-48). Routledge.

Frank, C. (2010). Global warming and cultural/media articulations of emerging and contending social imaginaries: A critical realist perspective. In Interdisciplinarity and Climate Change (pp. 114-129). Routledge.

Gupta, A. (2019). Climate Change and Global Warming: A Critical Analysis. National Journal of Environmental Law1(2), 37-41.

Lieven, A. (2020). Climate change and the nation state: The case for nationalism in a warming world.

McKibben, B. (2018). Global Warming’s Terrifying New Math. Retrieved from

Novak, M. (2019). Climate Change: What Should Liberals Do?. Available at SSRN 3467972.

Orend, B. (2013). Introduction to international studies. Oxford University Press.

United Nation, (UNFCC 2019).  Climate Change, The Paris Agreement from

Zheng, X. (2019). Liberal Citizenship, Republican Citizenship, and Environmental Challenges (Master’s thesis).



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