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Code of Ethics

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Code of Ethics

write a three to four page paper discussing your personal code of ethics as compared to the NASW Code of Ethics, noting areas where your personal values are consistent with NASW and any areas where you disagree or see potential for ethical dilemmas, AND discussing your understanding of the concept of ″professional use of self″ and what you personally would bring to the social work profession as you professionally use your ″self″ to help other people. Professional Use of Self″ Statement The term ″professional use of self″, as applied in the social services field, is the worker′s conscious use of his or her self as a vehicle to effect change in the helpee, client, consumer, group or community. The Social Work Dictionary defines ″self″ as ″an individual′s unique identity; that part of the personality or character that distinguishes the person or entity from all others″. [unique_solution]When we think about the ″tools″ of the helping profession, this concept reminds us that ″we″ are our best therapeutic instrument, our most effective tool. Being fully ourselves in genuine, authentic ways as we relate to our clients, while consciously applying our knowledge and skills in the context of the values and ethics of our profession is the essence of ″professional use of self″. It includes being aware of what our words and body language are communicating to others, and consciously using our voice tone, facial expression, body posture, eye contact, and other nonverbal communication in ways that are congruent with our verbal communication and with our authentic selves, while maintaining the boundaries that differentiate a professional relationship from a personal one. Thus, this practice is closely tied to the concept of ″self-awareness″, in that we must know ourselves to fully be ourselves. And since we, like all human beings, are continuously changing physically, mentally, and emotionally, self-analysis has to be an on-going growth process. Conscious reflection upon our own life experiences, examining and clarifying our own values, acknowledging our own limitations, and making sincere attempts to overcome those limitations by thoughtful attempts to stretch our capacity to be understanding, tolerant, accepting, caring and empathetic, are all part of developing an effective ″professional use of self″

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