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Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

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Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

      This Work Plan is a proposal for the Community Teaching Work Plan on Primary Prevention/ Health Promotion that majorly focuses on adolescent health.

Planning Before Teaching:

Name and Credentials of Teacher:


Estimated Time Teaching Will Last:

35-45 minutes

Location of Teaching:

Community School.

Supplies, Material, Equipment Needed:

Refreshments, Screen, Projector, Paper handouts, Notebooks, and Laptop.

Estimated Cost:


Community and Target Aggregate:

Adolescents aged between 10-17years and Young adults aged between 18-25 years.


Primary Prevention/ Health Promotion: Stopping Drug Abuse and Promoting Mental Health.


Identification of Focus for Community Teaching (Topic Selection):

Primary Prevention/ Health Promotion. With a focal point on Stopping substance use and promoting mental well-being for the youths.

Epidemiological Rationale for Topic (Statistics Related to Topic):

According to the World Health Organization, several countries are struggling with the psychoactive drug abuse effects. Based on the statistics, at least a total of 3.3 million people loses their lives annually due to the hazardous use of alcohol. The organization further estimates that each individual in the world aged 15 years or older consume 6.2 liters of pure alcohol yearly. Concerning other drugs, close to 11 million people inject themselves with drugs for various reasons. It is important to note that the range of age outlined by WHO begins at 15 years, which is at the adolescent stage (WHO,2020).

The high usage of substance predisposes many young adults to the dangers of drugs and alcohol. The risks of youths indulging in this behavior are so high that parents are now exhibiting a lot of concern and worries. They fear that the drugs are ruining their children’s future. Furthermore, the fact that it progresses to addiction makes it complicated, after which it becomes difficult to stop. Studies show that there is a relationship between substance use and the rates of dropouts as well as mental illness. SAMHSA, for instance, states that 31 percent of dropouts were actively engaging in substance use (de la Sierra & Schachter.,2018)

Therefore, this proposal aims at educating adolescents and young adults on the medical and psycho social effects of substance use. Also, it intends to equip the youths with the necessary skills to combating substance abuse. This knowledge is very vital as it will help them preserve their lives.

Teaching Plan Criteria

The target audience of the proposal is the youth. Therefore, the formulation was in a way that encourages participants to fulfill the objectives quickly. It follows the community-based course planning model proposed by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). Four stages are outlined, and they include PARE (Preparation, Action, Reflection, and Evaluation).

The preparation primarily entails the selection of a community partner. One that has the target audience and is collaborative and willing to learn. During implementation, each party involved identifies its role. Also, there will be the provision of learning resources and refreshments to the audience. There will be an inclusion of reflection and formative evaluative measures to assess the understanding of the audience. There will be consecutive assessment reports to ensure the smooth running of the program. Finally, the presentation will constitute conversations from the audience. At the terminal end, an evaluation will take place. This evaluation process is vital in determining the experience of the participants. The review also assesses whether there was a realization of the set objectives.

Nursing Diagnosis:

Individuals who are active substance users are generally prone to the dual diagnosis of mental disorders and substance abuse problems. This effect is because drugs usually affect the neurotransmitters present in the brain. Typically, the two clinical indications co-occur signifying a strong correlation between the drugs and the status of mental health. The Journal of American Medical Association reports that 37 percent of those taking excessive alcohol and 53 percent of substance abusers also present cases of mental illnesses. Also, of all people confirmed to be mentally ill, 29 percent of them are either taking alcohol or using drugs. It is important to note that substance-induced disorders are distinct from independent mental illnesses. They have symptoms such as depression, anxiety, increased blood pressure, and agitation. These symptoms are known to advance from mild to acute stages when not addressed in time (de la Sierra & Schachter.,2018).

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Readiness for Learning:

The students’ punctuality at the venue of the lesson delivery will be an indicator of their preparedness to get knowledge. Similarly, it will show their emotional willingness to understanding the subject matter.  The degree of their concentration and attention during the lesson will point to their emotional preparedness.

Active participation from the audience will be a sign of experiential preparedness during the presentation. Being young adults who are full of energy, I expect a lot of questions, comments, and feedback.


The goal of the teaching program is to educate adolescents and young adults on the medical and psycho social dangers of substance use and to equip them with the primary prevention measures that will guarantee the quality and healthy lives. This goal adheres to HP2020 objective AH-7 and AH-5.6. AH-7’s objective is to minimize the proportion of adolescents being offered, sold, or given illegal drugs. The baseline data indicates that the number now is at 22.7 percent, while the target is 20.4 percent. “Knowledge is power,” and after the youngsters gain the knowledge, they will stop being victims of substance addiction. AH-5.6 objective aims at reducing school absenteeism among adolescents as a result of illness or injury. Substance use is often associated with physical injuries and mental illnesses that will prevent a student from reporting to school. By stopping substance use, the rate of absenteeism will equally reduce (,2020).

The Relationship of HP2020 Objective to Alma Ata’s Health for All Global Initiatives

The HP2020 objectives mentioned above aim at promoting health among adolescents and young adults. Similarly, Alma Ata’s Health for All Global Initiatives promotes mental, physical, and social well-being. Both of them highlight the importance of quality human health. Therefore, they prioritize the implementation of these objectives as global goals. However, there is a present disparity in health status between developing nations and developed states. Alma Ata’s Health and HP2020 have common purposes of ensuring the health fraternity achieve excellent results. Their common aim to increase life expectancy and improve the quality of life of each individual regardless of age (Hone et al.,2018).

Develop Behavioral Objectives (Including Domains), Content, and Strategies/Methods:

Behavioral Objective
and Domain


1. Young adults should be able to mention the dangers related to substance use and substance-induced disorders. (Cognitive)




Explaining all the effects including:

·         Medical effects like elevated blood pressure, sexual dysfunction, sleep disorder, drug-associated cancers.

·         Psycho social effects.

·         Anxiety disorders

·         Poor performance in school, truancy.

·         Road accidents and physical injuries. (de la Sierra & Schachter.,2018)

1. Images projected on a screen showing some effects related to drug abuse. A detailed explanation by the presenter and finally a bit of advice from the reformer.


2. By the end of the lesson, the youngsters should be able to explain the benefits of living a drug-free life. (Cognitive)




2 Increased mental capacity. A general increase in school performance. Having better and healthy social relationships. An increase in self-esteem (Jiloha,2017).2. A chart illustrating the advantages of breaking drug addiction. This chart shall include both short-term to long term benefits.
3. For the adolescents in school, at least each of them should be able to join an active club in the school or a game. (Psychomotor)



3. The clubs and games could include: music club, science club, chess club, golf club, soccer, tennis, rugby, cricket, etc.3. Projection of different images illustrating sports. The presenter describes the games and mentions the importance of extracurricular activities as a primary measure to stop substance use.
4. Adolescents and young adults should be able to identify people in their lives to act as mentors. (Psychomotor)



4. Qualities of a mentor: someone trustworthy, the person is not involved in substance use, someone understanding who will not judge you instead, and finally, he/she must be willing and ready to help the adolescent or young adult (Teman,2019).4. The presenter describes the process of selecting a mentor for oneself. He/she will also mention the importance of a mentor in stopping substance use. There will be a table listing the values of such a person.


Before the presentation, it was a requirement for the adolescents in school to come up with life quotes and slogans. After that, they were to note them on a paper and avail them during the presentation. This activity is the first instance where creativity was employed. By deriving these quotes, adolescents can get a sense of the importance of quality life. The application of creativity is also evident in the designing of the handouts. They contained vivid explanations of the effects of substance use, methods to overcome addiction, and the benefits of having a drug-free life.

The inclusion of one person who managed to overcome addiction is also crucial. This person will enable adolescents to relate their situations and get the idea that it is possible. Creativity is also evident in the designing of a forum in which the audience shares their opinions and stories (Austin,2019).

Evaluation Methods of the Objectives (Outcome Evaluation):

  1. I expected that adolescents would have plenty of questions based on their experiences. Their quizzes will show their interest and urge to know more concerning substance use.
  2. There will be an open session at the end of the course in which the members will get a chance to share their deliberations.

Evaluation Methods of Goal:

The presenter will ask random questions at the end of the teaching to determine the impact of the program. Correct answers from the audience will signify content understanding.

For further assessment, I will select some members from the school to act as peer educators. They will be following up on the students to check for progress.  Finally, all participants will record their contact details, which will be used to call them late to assess their progress (Austin,2019).

Planned Evaluation of Lesson and Teacher (Process Evaluation):

The program has put in place two members who will be keenly following the presentation and scoring the presenter. After the presentation, they will submit their assessment. The rubric will contain various aspects of content delivery. The audience will also be asked to leave remarks regarding the speaker (Redfern,2019).


Stereotypes and false beliefs regarding substance use are some barriers. Some drug users may already be filled with misinformed ideas about drugs. For instance, some adolescents have been deceived into thinking drugs boost the mental capability and instill confidence. Persuading those who are tightly attached to the beliefs may be hard.

Existing society members who are active substance users provide a negative example to young adults. They could be parents, instructors, tutors, elder siblings, friends, or public figures like music artists. They all contribute to an unfavorable environment for transformation.

The program is designed to avail enough evidence on the hazardous nature of drugs to counter those problems. Also, the audience will likely believe the reformer, and he/she will play a vital role in convincing the audience.

Therapeutic Communication

At the start of the session, I will begin by mentioning a slogan relating to life without drugs.  An example of a famous slogan would be, “DON’T HUFF DON’T PUFF STAY AWAY FROM THAT STUFF.”  With that, I will have my audience’s attention. After that, I will briefly relate the slogan to the topic of interest. Before getting into the content, I will acknowledge their presence and welcome all of them to the session.

As mentioned earlier, I will utilize the teach-back theory to signify active listening. This theory will help in creating a very engaging conversation. Paper handouts will also be issued to indicate active listening. The learning materials will contain a low-level language that the audience quickly understands as compared to technical, medical vocabularies.  The presentation will be composed of several pictures illustrating the dangers of substance use to one’s health. As the presenter, I will exhibit a lot of passion for the topic of discussion to capture the attention and interest of the audience (Schwind et al.,2016).

At the terminal end of the presentation, I will do a summary of issues addressed and give a chance for my audience to ask any questions or give their comments regarding the topic. Also, I will end by advising them to keep diaries where they will be tracking individual progress. Finally, I will also appreciate my audience for attending before handing over to other community partners present to give their remarks, too (Schwind et al.,2016).

Since I will be addressing young people, I will make the presentation lively by employing non-verbal skills, and I will continually maintain eye contact. I will also listen to them when airing their views. The project also factored in refreshments meant to act as appreciation to the audience.




Austin, Z. (2019). How to design and use learning objectives in clinical teaching. Acute pain10, 00.

de la Sierra, L. R., & Schachter, J. (2018). Severe mental illness. In The Late Teenage Years (pp. 49-55). Routledge. (2020 February 22). Topics & Objectives. Retrieved from

Hone, T., Macinko, J., & Millett, C. (2018). Revisiting Alma-Ata: what is the role of primary health care in achieving Sustainable Development Goals? The Lancet392(10156), 1461-1472.

Jiloha, R. C. (2017). Prevention, early intervention, and harm reduction of substance use in adolescents—Indian journal of psychiatry59(1), 111.

Redfern, G. B. (2019). Evaluating teachers and administrators: A performance objectives approach. Routledge.

Schwind, J. K., McCay, E., Metersky, K., & Martin, J. (2016). Development and implementation of an advanced therapeutic communication course: An interprofessional collaboration. Journal of Nursing Education55(10), 592-597.

Teman, N. R., Jung, S., & Minter, R. M. (2019). Mentors and Mentoring. In Success in Academic Surgery: Developing a Career in Surgical Education (pp. 107-113). Springer, Cham.

World Health Organization. (2020). Management of Substance Abuse: Facts and Figures. Retrieved from


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