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General Purpose: Conduct and Advertisement

Specific Purpose: Inform and win my client niche regarding the advantages of going the Sony Flat Screen way.

Central Idea:Sony Flat Screenis a leading brandoffering excellent products in the market for binge television enthusiasts.


We, as a leading brand sell more flat screens that Samsung, LG, Panasonic, and Vizio. Our products remain at the heart and centre of the image, allowing our clients to live in their own world and play in ours. Probably to several of our clienteles, finding pleasure in our products remains the path to their joy, establishing the reasons why the quality of our products never goes off style. A flick of a single button allows our customers to travel from the east to the Serengeti—watching men walking through the moon, listen to world-renowned leaders giving historical speeches and athletes breaking vital records. In a bid to meet with our clients at the middle, I will conduct an advertisement aimed at informing as winning our client niche in regards to the advantages of going the Sony Flat Screen way(Mukherjee, 2019). Sony Flat Screen remains one of the leading brands in the market that provides exquisite images to TV lovers. A precise presentation regarding the advantages of buying the Sony Flat Screen takes precedence in which:

  1. Sony Flat Screen remains the latest technology in the market that provides users with exquisite TV viewership.
  2. Sony Flat Screen Offers Quality Images.
  3. Sony Flat Screen offers higher definition colour through the use of its Bravia engine.
  4. Tasked its Tonic systems with a system that separates generic visuals—providing a display of varied colour capabilities(Mukherjee, 2019).
  5. Provides and operates on the Bravia Oled Technology
  6. The TV runs on the OLED technology that produces sounds from within the system itself.
  7. The Innocean provides a breathtaking image and film that immense the viewers with vision and sound quality.
  8. Offers more to the TV than the television panel, an aspect that focuses on the value of the brand
  9. The product provides an intelligent functional remote control that senses touch.
  10. Users are provided with options of viewership, allowing the use of 3D glasses to increase efficiency(Mukherjee, 2019).
  11. Sony is a Consumer Electronic Developing Powerhouse
  12. The firm’s competitive product stands as the best in the consumer market
  13. In regards to the pricing, the product provides value for the clients’ money
  14. Designed to capture the attention of quality product lovers.
  15. A well designed and developed processing engine that operates on the 4K scaled system
  16. The system provides TV lovers with a higher dynamic range (HDR)
  17. Users have a colour palette to choose from—a feature that provides perfection on the images(Mukherjee, 2019).
  18. Expanding of a more bigger and broader-screen TV
  19. Customers have the capacity to enjoy deeper blacks in the products picture qualities, providing a stunning, bright and intensive viewership.
  20. Provides 49-75 inch screen TV’s that suits the preferences and tastes of clients(Ohta et al., 2016).
  21. Price Leadership and quality production of Sony Flat Screen
  22. Sony remains the leader in the prices of the products
  23. Sony provides the best product at a lower price
  24. The product meets the quality demands of the clients(Ads We Like: Sony Bravia immerses viewers in an evocative river of high-def TVs, n.d.)
  25. Product is Readily Available in the Market
  26. Easier to access the product in the market, making it easier for clients to purchase the product in different stores.
  27. After-sales services offered by the brand to increase customer loyalty(Ohta et al., 2016)
  28. PlayStation fit into Sony’s Product
  29. Fits the play station features on the product
  30. VR incorporated in the TV set to increase viewership


The precise presentation regarding the advantages of buying the Sony Flat Screen reveals the rationale behind the consideration of the product as a brand leader in the market(Ohta et al., 2016). Some of the standard function Sony Flat Screen offers to its users include quality Images, the Bravia Oled Technology, provides more to the TV than the television panel, an aspect that focuses on the value of the brand, as well as a bigger and broader-screen TV.




















Ads We Like: Sony Bravia immerses viewers in an evocative river of high-def TVs. (n.d.). The Drum. Retrieved March 4, 2020, from

Mukherjee, W. (2019, April 30). Focused on profits, Sony to stay away from pricing war. The Economic Times.

Ohta, Y., Fushimi, T., & Kubota, H. (2016). Sony Android TVTM. The Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, 70(1), 112–115.


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