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Container technology

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Container technology

Container technology has been gaining popularity among companies, looking to develop, scale, and manage SaaS applications efficiently and cost-effectively. Hence, the efficiency and cost benefits of containerization are currently among the hottest topics in cloud computing.


There have been several container management platforms coming to the forefront, all aiming to reduce the complexity of managing containers applications. Top among them is Kubernetes.

Kubernetes. Explained

Kubernetes, also referred to as K8, is an open-source system for container management. Container management includes automation, scaling, and orchestration of applications.

Originally designed by Google, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation is currently maintaining Kubernetes.

What Are Containers, And Where Does Kubernetes Fit In?

Containers are self-contained software packages that provide programmers and developers the capability to package part or all of an application into a single object. They are lightweight and include everything required to run, such as code, runtime, system tools, and libraries, among others.

Containers also make it easier for programmers to employ continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) and move applications between environments.

Kubernetes makes it easy for engineers and administrators to monitor, quickly respond to failures, update, and generally manage these discrete packages by automating these processes.

Kubernetes Statistics

Kubernetes adoption has been hugely successful, considering its version 1.0 of its open-source project was released only four years ago. Let’s look at a couple of stats that speak to the star power of Kubernetes in IT.

451 Research predicts the project market for application container technologies in 2022 to be $4.3 billion.

A 2019 container Adoption Survey done by Portworx and Aqua security reported that 87 percent of respondents said they were running container technologies, up from 55 percent in 2017.

Benefits of Containerization

Containerization provides a wide range of benefits to companies who decide to deploy the technology in the development process of their applications.

Here are a couple of benefits and advantages of containerization. Let’s dig in.


Reduction on Resource Costs and Efficient Resource Utilization

Containers reduce the cost of resources required for running an application as they can contain all the runtime codes and system libraries needed to make an application run correctly.


Multiple containers can even share the same operating system and network connection.

Hence, they provide a more efficient resource utilization mechanism as compared to creating a virtual machine that will require an OS for each application.

Containers being lightweight, can take up fewer resources, enabling you to data centre and hardcore expenses.


Portable and Versatile

The very nature of containers being isolated packages allows you to run your software application consistently across a wide range of environments, i.e., on your laptop, public/private cloud platforms, among others.

Containers can also be deployed onto live environments quickly and reliably, which simplifies the speed of your software development, resulting in a faster time-to-market. An advantage of this feature is that your company can respond quickly to customer requests for bug fixes or integration of new features to the software application.


Scalability and Modularity

The lightweight nature of containers means they can be created within seconds and scaled instantly. What this means is that you’re able to react to unexpected system issues such as an increase in website traffic load.


Containers also make it easy for programmers to break down an application into individual components, each with their function. For example:

You may want to have your database in one container and your software application running in another container. Jovianx lets you link these containers together to create your application, making it easy to update or scale those components independently.

The full effect and advantage of this capability of linking your containers are best demonstrated when used in combination with a microservices architecture, which is where an application is built out of loosely coupled services that communicate through simple APIs.


According to the 2019 container Adoption Survey done by Portworx and Aqua security reported 65 percent or at least two-thirds of the respondents in the survey indicated that their organizations were using two or more container orchestration tools.

Among the popular container management applications used in conjunction with Kubernetes is Jovianx. Let’s take a look at Jovianx, which is becoming an increasingly popular choice for companies looking to deploy container management tools.


Understanding Jovianx

Jovianx is a SaaS backend platform that helps companies build their SaaS product quickly and cost-effectively, enabling the company’s development team to focus on the company’s core functionality instead of backend services.

Jovianx achieves this by providing companies with standard services and tools in a single pre-integrated platform, containing all the typical SaaS building blocks out-of-the-box and as-a-service.

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