Courtship allows women to enjoy the attention they get from men by being treated in a special way and receiving gifts from them. Molina (1983) characterized that some women even delay their marriage so that they have more time to experience what it’s like to be showered with attention and affection. They involve servitude in their home as well as serving the parents of the woman. Furthermore, it has been done with the first step of the man visiting the woman’s house and presents himself to her parents in an official manner. The most usual trend to be acceptable to the woman’s family is from the saying “courting a Filipina means courting her family too” (Business World,2002). It is generally unacceptable to most Filipino families to court the woman without knowledge of her family. Courtship allows women to enjoy the attention they get from men by being treated in a special way and receiving gifts from them. Molina (1983) characterized that some women even delay their marriage so that they have more time to experience what it’s like to be showered with attention and affection. They involve servitude in their home as well as serving the parents of the woman. [unique_solution]Furthermore, it has been done with the first step of the man visiting the woman’s house and presents himself to her parents in an official manner. The most usual trend to be acceptable to the woman’s family is from the saying “courting a Filipina means courting her family too” (Business World,2002). It is generally unacceptable to most Filipino families to court the woman without knowledge of her family. Courtship allows women to enjoy the attention they get from men by being treated in a special way and receiving gifts from them. Molina (1983) characterized that some women even delay their marriage so that they have more time to experience what it’s like to be showered with attention and affection. They involve servitude in their home as well as serving the parents of the woman. Furthermore, it has been done with the first step of the man visiting the woman’s house and presents himself to her parents in an official manner. The most usual trend to be acceptable to the woman’s family is from the saying “courting a Filipina means courting her family too” (Business World,2002). It is generally unacceptable to most Filipino families to court the woman without knowledge of her family.