Create a shuffled 52 card deck class without repetition
Problem 1: Create a shuffled 52 card deck class without repetition. Make a composition class having 2 flashCardPlayers (use the Problem 3, Homework 7th February as member class) who draw card from the deck and find the winner based on card score. (Marks 30). Problem 2. The following dictionary the word and is meaning is given. Create a class dictionary such that when the user types the word, the meaning of that word is displayed. Read data from the following .txt Meaning.txt Word: foo; Meaning: A file Word: fooo; Meaning: A long file Word: foooo; Meaning: A long long file Word: fooooo; Meaning: A long long long file Word: foooooo; Meaning: A long long long long file Word: fooooooo; Meaning: A long long long long long file Now create an inherited class to output the synonym and antonym of the word along with its meaning .Write the C++ code and algorithm of the problem (Marks 30) Use the following .txt files Synonym.txt Word: foo; Synonym: [unique_solution]A two o s’ file Word: fooo; Synonym: A three o s’ file Word: foooo; Synonym: A three o s’ file Word: fooooo; Synonym: A four o s’ file Word: foooooo; Synonym: A five o s’ file Word: fooooooo; Synonym: A six o s’ file Antonym.txt Word: foo; Antonym: A short file Word: fooo; Antonym: A short short file Word: foooo; Antonym: A short short short file Word: fooooo; Antonym: A short short short short file Word: foooooo; Antonym: A short short short short short file Word: fooooooo; Antonym: A short short short short short short file Problem 3: Write a C++ program and algorithm to measure the total surface area and volume of a cuboid made from a rectangle which is made from lines (length and width) and line finally made from points. The program should set values of point coordinates using constructor with parameter and finally output the total surface area and volume of the cuboid. (Marks 20) Problem 4: Write a class of 3D vector which prints in the form ai +bj +ck based on the (positive /negative) values of input constants a, b and c(i, j, k represents x,y and z direction respectively). Create two inherited classes one which outputs the dot product and angle between the vectors, and other which outputs the cross product of two such vectors. (Marks 20) Problem 5. Create a 3X3 grid board class for playing tic-tac-toe game and print it. Make an inherited class of Players X and O and use it functions to play the game and find the winner.