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Crime and investigative movies

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Crime and investigative movies

Crime and investigative movies have been accepted easily across the globe based on the intrigue and clear storylines. Unlike dramas that express different storylines and the backstories on human relations, the crime narratives can tend to be simple in the storyline. Nevertheless, the norm is often broken with some crime and investigative narratives referring to past incidences and foreshadows. Even so, the aspect of conflict and resolution is the central part of films of the crime investigative nature. The concept of a hero and villain determines the approach of conflict taken and the resolution procedure. Conflict is a standard part of humanity as people often differ in their approach, opinions, and understanding of various issues. The concept of conflict management and resolution is an essential point in learning communication. This is because conflict allows the personal traits and anger management process to be understood with ease. In the film, Sherlock Holmes, conflict management, and extreme cause of ending the conflict are expressed in the movie. In the movie, the conflict is Overt based on the lack of confirmation and recognition of the villain leading to a defensive approach that ends up in a win-lose resolution with the villain dying.

The movie features two detectives, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, in the quest of apprehending Blackwood, who uses magic and science to kill people. The detectives finally arrest the villain and put him behind bars where he is later executed. However, the movie takes a different turn as Blackwood seems to come back from the dead as the murders of parliament members start to occur. Sherlock Holmes is seen as a danger; thus the police seek to apprehend him. In hiding, he discovers that the deaths caused by the villain are focused on science and trickery rather than magic. The two confront each other and fight, thus leading to the death of Blackwood by hanging.

The interaction of the characters illustrates a high level of disconfirmation as the leading reason for the constant clash of the characters. As defined in the communication Mosaics, “The essence of confirmation is the expressed valuing of another person. We all want to feel we are valued by colleagues in our workplace, by audiences in public speaking settings, and by intimates in personal relationships” (Wood, 2017, 131). As a result, the devaluing of the other person’s feelings and values is a case of disconfirmation. The first scene of the film expresses the disconfirmation of the actions of Blackwood as he progresses with the ritualistic death of a woman (Ritchie, 2009, 02:35). The interruption of the ceremony shows the willingness of the character, Holmes, to make the society safer for the people as he risks going into the chambers of the ritual. The detectives try to stop him as he is a danger to the people living in the community. The concept of disconfirmation is expressed through the action-packed scene as the detectives run after Blackwood in the streets, unlike the other members of the society who adhere to the rules and do not cause a risk on other people’s lives, the actions of Blackwood are disconfirmed in the society. The introductory scene sets the basis of the movie and the conflict that ensues as being a result of the differences in values between the hero and villain in the film, thus causing a constant attack.

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The type of conflict revealed by the characters is an overt conflict as the difference is evident to the entire city and police force. According to Wood, “Overt conflict exists when people express differences in a straightforward manner” (2017, p.137). In that, the type of conflict is direct, and the main issues of conflict are evident to others. As recent research highlights, “conflicts also vary in intensity and can remain as latent conflicts or develop to severe crises and even ‘war-like’ situations. The conflict intensity is reflected in the so-called conflict behaviours, which can develop from complaining” (Boonstra & De Vries, 2014, p. 5). The overt conflict in this film results in a war situation based on the intensity. As a law enforcement official, Holmes has the responsibility of protecting people in society. On the other hand, Blackwood is a person that causes harm to people for purposes of rituals and recognition as a magician. As a result, the conflict between the characters is of high intensity and violent. The form of conflict is well illustrated in the final altercation. Blackwood and Holmes fight, and Holmes ensures that the villain is dead. The extreme altercation shows the aspect of a conflict based on the values and overall ideals presented by the characters in the film. The form of conflict is evident to not only the two characters but also the supporting roles. For example, Watson is happy after the first arrest of Blackwood and moves to a quiet home with the wife as he sure the conflict between Blackwood and Holmes has come to an end. Although the arrest is in vain as Blackwood comes from death, the temporary aspect of peace is a comfort to Watson. The type of conflict is expressed as being of high intensity, thus extreme measures of the resolution.

In the form of conflict, both characters express high levels of defensive traits. In that, both of the characters engaged in the conflict are guarded and fail to reach a healthy resolution of the crisis. As an expert in organizational conflict explains, “work environment as the findings suggest a positive impact on supportive communication climate at the workplace. The supportive environment, contrary to the defensive communication climate, would minimize the risk of personnel feeling defensive, especially if they observe that there are communicative behaviors signaling that they are under attack” (Nordin et al., 2014, p. 1056). In that, a defensive approach to resolution is often difficult as both the participants in the arguments focus on being right rather than understanding the main point of each other. In the film, Holmes seems defensive in the interaction with Blackwood. This is well captured in the scene where Blackwood asks for Holmes to visit him before being hanged. The interaction is characterized by a defensive approach on both sides, thus limiting the fruitful completion of the continuous conflict. Based on the defensive approach, it becomes difficult for the detective to deduce the plans of the villain in the narrative, thus more deaths. Both of the characters are highlighted as being stuck in their ways and refusing to reach a conclusion that is less violent and confrontational. On the contrary, they choose to fight and engage in the chase. Similarly, law enforcement seems to express the aspect of defensive character towards Holmes rather than support. When he pursues Blackwood after the murder of Reordan. Lord Coward issues an arrest warrant on Holmes despite the good intentions of his fight rather than offering a supportive environment. The overall presentation of the conflict is expressed as taking the defensive approach as the director shows the extreme resolutions for the challenges in society. As a result of the extreme case of resolution, the resolution causes one of the parties to win over the other.

The case presented in the film ends in a win-lose situation. According to the definition by Wood, “The win-lose orientation to conflict assumes that one person wins at the expense of the other. A person who perceives conflict as a win-lose matter thinks that whatever one person gains are at the other’s expense and that what one person loses benefits the other” (2017, p.137). In that, in the form of conflict orientation, the conflicting parties are based on one party getting their wishes as the other party loses. In the film, the conflict takes the approach of a win-lose. In that, Holmes is determined to stop Blackwood by putting him to jail and eventually getting him killed. On the other hand, the main approach of the villain is to disgrace Holmes and win against Holmes. In all the interactions, the extreme use of science and magic is explored, and violence is used to reciprocate. The characters do not wish to reach an agreement of win-win where the community is protected, and the job of the detective left intact. Towards the end of the film, Blackwood and Holmes engage in a confrontation that causes Holmes to kill Blackwood. Blackwood hangs by a chain on the bridge, thus leading to his death. The interaction between the two characters ends with one of them dead by hanging on the bridge. The extreme aspect of resolution causes the aspect of a win-lose that was sought after in the film to be evident among the members of the society presented in the film. The death of the character shows the lack of mercy or rational approach in the society characterized by magic, political influence, and trickery.

The approach takes in the resolution shows a lack of empathy in the approach. In the definition presented by Wood, “Empathy is the ability to feel with another person—to feel what he or she feels in a situation” (2017, p.52). In that, empathy is the ability of a person to sympathize and put their feelings into considerations. According to recent research, “It can be described that respondents who had a strong empathy were more likely to minimize concerns for satisfying their needs and interest and tried to maximize their concerns for the needs of others, which tied directly to accommodating conflict style” (Promsri, 2019, p. 1265). In that, the accommodative style of resolution is applied whenever a person is concerned about the feelings of the other in the conflict management process. In the film, the characters show no signs of empathy towards one another and the society. In the opening scene, when Holmes stops a ritualistic killing of a woman, the process seems to be less compassionate and only focused on achieving the various forms of ritualistic impacts needed by Blackwood. In the same way, the interaction between Blackwood and Holmes is expressed as being merciless. The fighting and eventually the death of Blackwood is signified by a trail of merciless acts as a solution is reached at the climax of the film. As a mystic crime narrative, the lack of empathy allows the views to be drawn to the actions of the characters. Apart from the actions lacking empathy, they are focused on a blend of rational and irrational decisions.

The interaction in the conflict-based film is based on a blend of spontaneous and strategic communication approaches. As described in the book by Wood, “Strategic communication aims at manipulating a person or group for the benefit of the person manipulating…Spontaneity stands in contrast to strategy. Spontaneous communication is open, honest, and not manipulative. To be ethical, spontaneous communication must not be used against others” (2017, p. 135). In that, the communication between the characters in the film is characters by a strategic and irrational approach meant at hurting others. The conversations between Holmes and Watson are characterized by spontaneous communication as Holmes does not listen to the partner rather makes assumptions and decisions in which Watson is expected to follow. However, the interactions between Holmes and Blackwood seem to be focused on the strategic approach of their issues. The characters make strategic approaches to manipulate the other. In the scene when Blackwood asks to speak to Holmes, he uses the form of communication to trigger the resolution by manipulating Holmes to be more promiscuous. Holmes and Blackwood make use of their words to threaten the others, citing the possibility of using extreme measures in the resolution of their outstanding conflict. The aspects of communication thus allow the viewers to understand conflict as being a critical element that influences their decisions.

In the process of conflict resolution, it is evident that the conflict of interest plays an essential role in the interactions between the partners. According to the analysis of the components in conflict process as explained by Wood, “The first component of conflict is goals, interests, or views that are perceived as incompatible” (2017, p.138). In that, the interaction between the two characters is limited to the aspects of goals and interests to be achieved. The conflict of interest in the film is captured between Dr. Watson and Holmes. The partners have a miscommunication as the former is drawn towards adhering to the law in solving the crisis in the community, and the latter is focused on the irrational approach of killing the mystic character. The conflict ensures in the approach applied by both characters as they are drawn towards the resolution of a crisis in two conflicting ways. The conflict of interest is expressed after the first arrest of Blackwood as Watson moves on to start a life in 221 Baker Street. As Watson highlights, the relief is not working with Holmes causes the conflicts engaged in to recede, thus enjoying the calm. In the case where the characters realize that Blackwood is not dead, the disappointment in working together is evident among the detectives. Moreover, the conflict of interest is expressed in the members of the black magic community. In that, Lord Coward is in the group that Holmes meets in the Temple of the four-order requesting Holmes to pursue the threat on the members of parliament. However, Lord Coward goes on to nominate Blackwood as the leader of the sect. It is evident that the characters are driven by different needs and wants for society, thus applying opposing views. The conflicts of interest shown in the film affect the prosperity in the resolution techniques. On the contrary, the differences in the interests lead to the advancement of the defensive approach.

The resolution in the film fails to incorporate a clear and rational conflict resolution, such as arbitration. Conflict resolution is the main step in the steps of conflict. As Wood explains, “The final component of conflict is the outcome. When most people think of conflict outcomes, they think of the decision that has resulted” (2017, p.141). In that, the outcome of a conflict is expected to offer the finality in a conflict. However, the outcome of a conflict can either be rational or irrational. As the lecturer from Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon explains, “The important component of conflict management and resolution that has been considered as the most effective way to understand the feelings of other people is empathy” (Promsri, 2019, p. 1260). The structure of conflict management is based on the active emotional intelligence on the parts of the people engaged in the conflict. However, the lack of emotional intelligence between Holmes and Blackwell. The two-character make use of the justice system to create the aspect of conflict resolution in the first arrest. However, Blackwood cheats the system and fakes his death; thus, the second approach does not look into the resolution enhanced by the use of arbitration or legal procedure. The interaction between the characters is violent and focused on getting their various opinions to be accepted and recognized in society. The lack of a clear system of conflict management reduces the chances of a trial and disempowering to the villain. However, the structure of the conflict cannot be ended with a clear and rational approach. Apart from the irrational approach, it is evident that the characters in the film prefer control over resolution.

Furthermore, the characters in the film express the intense need for control over seeking a simple resolution. According to Wood, “Controlling communication attempts to coerce others. In response, others often feel defensive, and they may respond with resentment or even rebellion” (2017, p.135). In that, it is the incorporation of ethnocentrism characteristics rather than the use of the rational approach. In the film, the main character in the film, Holmes is controlling and egocentric. He believes that all his approaches to issues are correct and should be countered by neither the villain nor the partner. This belief causes all his interactions to be based on irrational approaches as he cannot compromise on his stand. The concept is evident in the pursuant of the villain in the introductory scene in the film. The director shows intriguing aspects of control through the costumes and props captured on the set. Unlike Watson, who hopes to discuss issues with Holmes, the latter decides to take different approaches that he sees fit, thus putting immense challenges in their interpersonal communication and conflict resolutions as they go about their work in the society. The controlling aspect is intriguing to view in relation to Holmes and Blackwood, as both of the characters are extremely controlling. The magic acts of Blackwood have to be perfected; thus he controls the people working with him and the intended understanding of the crimes by the society. Both characters express a high level of conflict control based on the power they enjoy. As a leader in the black magic sect and detectives, the environmental subjects have allowed them to have constant control; thus, their conflict is defined by it. The interaction between the characters, as developed by the scriptwriters, allows the concept of power to be highlighted.

In conclusion, the film captures aspects of conflict and conflict resolution in the extreme aspects as compared to a rational approach. The main character highlights the disconfirmation of the values and beliefs of each other, thus engaging in a defensive approach that leads to the win-lose orientation symbolized by the death of the villain in the narrative. The characters in the film, specifically Holmes, Blackwood, and Watson, are constantly in conflict over beliefs and ending of crimes in the society in which Blackwood draws pleasure. The interactions between the characters offer different forms of conflict and the various approaches used in the case of lack of empathy. The film is intriguing as it shows the fight for good and honor among detectives and a magical guru. The various scenes and editing skills allow the differences among the characters to be expressed. Moreover, the sound and video editing show the extreme form of conflict resolution that leads to the death of Blackwell. Different aspects of communication are expressed in the film, such as interpersonal communication and disclosure. Even so, conflict and conflict management are central to the main ideas told in the film.

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