Current Event
The work reported in this article is as a result of investigating the current international newspapers to establish current activities headlining the news in the United States. The president of the Virginia roofing company LMC Exteriors has announced that the company has come up with new ideas of motivating its customers.
posted by the Virginia roofing company reported that the company would be offering a free firearm for the citizens upon purchasing of roofing service(Piskorec,2014). Customers will receive a voucher to buy a gun from a licensed dealer upon the completion of the roof or a window. The roofing company announced that a roof is essential for providing security at your home just as a gun can be necessary for the safety of your home.
This step by the LMC Exteriors company has brought joy to its customers. After receiving roofing services from the company, the customers are assured of a free gun for providing extra security at their homes. On the other hand, this marketing by the roofing company will enable the company to attract more customers and compete favorably in the market hence increasing the company’s business. This move by LMC Exteriors has raised several questions for instance; who is going to be given the tender to supply the firearms? From a personal point of view, the bid to supply the guns should be awarded to a licensed company dealing with firearms. The company to provide the firearms should also be near the roofing company premises to reduce the customers the task of further spending on transport.
In summary, the discussed current event in the United States is business related. The other companies dealing with other products should adopt different marketing strategies to motivate their customers. By motivating the customers then the companies will increase their daily sales hence making more profits.
Piškorec, M., Antulov-Fantulin, N., Novak, P. K., Mozetič, I., Grčar, M., Vodenska, I., & Šmuc, T. (2014). News cohesiveness: An indicator of systemic risk in financial markets. arXiv preprint arXiv:1402.3483.