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Mental Health

Cuts to Mental Health Funding in Canada

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Cuts to Mental Health Funding in Canada


           Thousands of Canadians suffer from mental health disorders. In Canada, an average of ten people dies by suicide each day (GOC, 2016). It is considered to be the ninth leading cause of death. Since 2016, there has been reported to be 4,000 suicides per year, and more than 90% living with a mental health illness (GOC, 2016). There is no specific cause for suicide; however, there are many factors that contribute to the increase of risks of people taking their own lives. According to the Government of Canada, “a combination of cultural, social, and personal issues are the causes of feelings of suicide or suicide-related actions. “These issues present themselves to different individuals at different times and stages.” (2016). Out of the contributing factors that exist, the limited access and scarcity of mental well-being facilities is a preventable factor of suicide. This paper will aim to illustrate the debate on the accessibility and availability of mental health services. This will be achieved by discussing the efforts from municipal, provincial, and federal levels of government. Finally, preventative evidence-based approaches will be proposed to reduce harm and promote political action to create sound public policy for suicide prevention.

Mental health is a severe concern in the world today as per the recent report by the world health organization (WHO). According to this report, mental health, one in four groups of people is living with mental illness in their lives or at some stage in their lives. According to Public Health Ontario, mental health includes the emotional, psychological, social well-being of an individual. Mental illness treatments are available, but more than two-thirds of people living with this illness never try to get professional assistance from the professionals. However, the Canadian government should focus on improving the availability of psychiatric facilities and mental services offered.

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According to the World Health Organization (WHO), social influences of well-being is “the background and surrounding circumstances in which the individuals were born in, brought up, lived, worked and grew old” (2018). Such settings are formed due to the dispersal of riches, authority, and properties at the worldwide and nationwide (WHO, 2020). The mental well-being of Canadian citizens is directly affected by how easy or difficult it is to access support in the hospital system. The social policies that are put into place by the government at all levels – municipal, provincial, or federal – have a direct impact on the cultural influences of the well-being (CPHA, 2020). The Government of Canada holds the decision concerning how they would like to focus their policies, legislation, and funding for health care across the country (CPHA, 2020). 85% of Canada citizens say psychological health sectors are the most underfinanced sectors in our medical care system—and the majority agree (86%) that the Government of Canada should promote the mental being as physical well-being” (CMHA, 2018).

Individuals who suffer from mental health disorders are often stigmatized when navigating the health care system, increasing the challenges they face. The stigmas surrounding mental health are embedded in misconceptions that have been around for years. For example, people who have a mental illness are, at times, presumed to be ‘crazy’ and ‘possessed by demons.’ According to the OHRC, prejudice, stereotypes, and stigma can negatively impact the incorrect examination of the people’s behaviors. These can result in an organization coming up with discriminative policies, regulations, procedures, and practices of decision-making that may exclude and isolate people with mental disorders. Furthermore, the OHRC has made a rule that prevents the discrimination of mentally ill people and addicts in place since 2014. This policy outlines standards and guidelines; working to prevent harassment and discrimination against this vulnerable group (OHRC, 2014).

The first national report is done on psychological health, entitled “Out of the Shadows at Last,”; was conducted in 2006 to gain a more thorough understanding of the issue. As a result of this report, the Canadian government funded The MHCC has a way to address mental well-being across the nation. In December 2012, Bill C-300 was introduced, which established the enactment of a Central Framework of Suicide Prevention (Parliament of Canada, 2012). Following Bill C-300. As of May 2019, M-174, a National Suicide Prevention Action Plan, was passed in the House of Commons. This action plan includes a list of efforts to be made across the country at the federal level of government. Notably, it will work to reduce the barriers Canadians face when accessing appropriate recovery services. Likewise, funding arrangements will be increased to provide the treatment required to prevent suicide (Parliament of Canada, 2019).

At the provincial level, the Ontario Ministry of well-being and Long-standing Care (OMHLTC) states regarding mental well-being and addictions, “the mental well-being and addictions system in Ontario has uncounted some problems such as long extensive wait times, barriers to access facilities, inconsistent quality of doctors, a lack of standardized data system and widespread fragmentation” (2019). As of December 2019, the OMHLTC, Christine Elliott, has promised Ontarians 3.8 billion in funding over the next ten years. Also, in a bid to foster mental well-being of patients, the municipal government of Ontario will implement various vital programs. To be more precise, co-funding and providing essential mental health programs like long-term care and purchasing equipment that will facilitate a standardized data system that serves all patients equally. What is more, the municipal government will develop infrastructure to ensure easy access to remote regions; in a bid, help mental-illness patients who are disabled. Through locally funded incentives, the municipality will recruit adequate professional psychiatrists into communal mental facilitates that lack efficient access to primary mental care.


Honorable Christine Elliot February 4th, 2020

Minister of Health and Long-Term Care

Hepburn Block

10th Floor, 80 Grosvenor St.

Toronto, ON M7A 1E9


Minister Elliott,


I congratulate you on your position as the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care in Ontario. I admire your commitment and drive to provide Ontario with a more refined and improved health care system.

This letter is regarding the decrease in Mental Health and Addictions funding for the year 2019-2020. As a fourth-year nursing student and a passionate mental health advocate, I write to you in concern for the limited access to quality psychological well-being services. As promised in your plans to follow a stepped care model, many vulnerable and marginalized Ontario citizens are falling between the cracks. Despite your commitment to invest 3.8 billion dollars over the next ten years, there has been a 200 million dollar cut made by the Ford government towards public health. Mental illness cases continue to day after day. Cases of suicide, addictions, defilement, rape, and murder due to mental health have multiplied rapidly in the last 5years.

This is a result of a lack of mental health services in many hospitals in Ontario. The available hospitals offering mental health services are few, and access is limited. The same hospitals offer expensive services; thus, many people with mental illness don’t have access to mental treatments. Therefore, I urge you to increase and invest in improving mental healthcare in hospitals in Ontario.

Prejudice, stereotype, and stigma is a serious challenge to people living with mental illness, and it is said to be the cause of suicide among Ontarians. The prejudice that leads to anger can lead to hostile behaviors. Spiritual ill persons tend to respond to these issues differently, but mostly they lose control and heart people around them or even themselves. Therefore, I would like to ask you as a minister of health to look into ways of addressing this problem. I would suggest provisions of education programs, seminars, and protest campaigns get stigmatized images of mental disorder withdrawn.

As a family member to a loved one who has committed suicide in 2016 due to mental illness, I firmly believe that the public health funding cuts made are putting many Ontarians at a higher risk for suicide. The goal of health care should be to promote health and prevent illness, as is the first step in the stepped care model that is outlined as a goal of yours for the provinces’ health care system.

With every suicide committed, there are seven to ten individuals who are significantly affected and are in dire need of support services. Without adequate support, there is a high chance that history can repeat itself. I hope you consider my suggestions for your plans for Ontario.

Thank you.





Bachelor of Science in Nursing Student


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Canada, P. (2020). Suicide Prevention Framework – Retrieved 18 February 2020, from What are the social determinants of health? | Canadian Public Health Association. Retrieved 18 February 2020, from

James, T.(2020).M-174 National suicide prevention action plan 42nd Parliament, 1st Session – Members of Parliament – House of Commons of Canada. Retrieved 18

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Kirby, M. (2008). Mental health in Canada: out of the shadows forever. Cmaj178(10), 1320-1322.

Mental Health,(2020).  Public Health Ontario. Public Health Ontario. Retrieved 18 February 2020, from 5. Ableism, negative attitudes, stereotypes, and stigma. Ontario Human Rights Commission. Retrieved 18 February 2020, from (2020). Published plans and annual reports 2019-2020: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Retrieved 18 February 2020, from

WHO, (2020). Mental disorders affect one in four people. Retrieved 18 February 2020, from

WHO.INT.(2020). About social determinants of health. World Health Organization. Retrieved 18 February 2020, from



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