different types of media outlets and the influence that they have on adolescents
APA Format, Minimum of 5 references so we can use more than 5 peer-reviewed articles and NO PLAGIARISM. This assignment will help you explore the different types of media outlets and the influence that they have on adolescents so, choose a topic that reflects Medias influence on adolescents. For example: body image, violence, female representation, etc. 1. Introduction: Write an introduction to this topic that is clear, concise and to the point. Be sure to include a strong thesis statement that will capture your reader’s interest. 2. Body: Choose three separate examples of media to discuss. (such as Social Media, Music Videos, Video Games) For example, if you were choosing to talk about how violence in media influences adolescents, you may choose to look at a video game, social media, a music video, and a television show. [unique_solution]Discuss each type of media outlet you have chosen. You are going to identify, summarize and evaluate this media outlet. Again, if we use violence as our topic and you choose to discuss a video game (example: Grand Theft Auto), you will need to talk about how violence is portrayed, and how this would influence adolescents. Your evaluation should include a brief discussion regarding the significance of this media outlet. 3. Conclusion: Summarize your findings. As a result of your research on this topic, make some of your own recommendations (minimum of three). Using the video game example, you could recommend that parents monitor what games are brought into the household until their child reaches a certain age. Be sure that your recommendations are clear and well thought out.