Discussion on HRM (growth)
Human Resource Management (HRM) refers to the strategic approach towards the effective management of human beings in a firm. Human resource management helps their business in regards to gaining a competitive advantage. Human resource management has been mainly concerned with the management of human beings within the enterprises as well. Human resource management deals with the problems and issues related to performance management, safety, compensation, wellness, employee benefits, training, company-related growth as well as development, employee motivation, and so on. Human Resource Management plays a significant role in regards to managing human beings as well as the workplace culture as well as the environment (Bratton and Gold, 2017).
Discussion on HRM (growth)
The strategic human resource management refers to one of the parts of human resource management that link towards the implementation of the strategic goals, aims as well as the objectives, which improves the performance of a business as well as growth as well as the development of the firm. The human resource management deals with managing the employees in a firm, which means recruiting efficient as well as skilled employees at the right works at the correct cost at the right time. Moreover, human resource management has emerged to be one of the major partners in a firm as a whole. Don't use plagiarised sources.Get your custom essay just from $11/page
The strategic human resource management focuses on the primary regions of human resources where long-term strategies could be implemented in regards to the improvement of productivity. In addition to it, human resource management plays a huge role in regards to achieving the enterprise related aims as well as objectives. In regards to achieving such targets, goals as well as objectives, human resource management has to apply some strategies towards the firm as well as enterprise-related management. Human resource management follows a strategic process concerning facing as well as overcoming the completion of the outside world. Strategic human resource management solves the issues, which affect human beings’ control, as well as concentrates upon employee motivation as such (Rees and Smith, 2017.).
HRM theory
Human Resource Management (HRM) focussed upon constructing theoretical frameworks as well as models towards studying as well as understanding the functional activities of human resource management. Human resource management has been mainly concerned with personnel policies as well as managerial practices as well as systems, which influence the workforce. All the decisions, which affect the workforce of the firm generally, concern the human resource management function also known to be as the personnel management. Human resource theories have been researching believe that human beings desire to be part of the supportive team that facilitates development, growth as well as productivity. Human Resource theories aim towards achieving two critical outcomes, such as more and more productive work performance as well as increased worker commitment as well as motivation. For example, an efficiency theorist, Henry Fayol, argued that the employees function more and more efficiently when the management has been more efficient.
In addition to it, human resource theories help in explaining in what ways management behaviors, as well as structures, could negatively as well as positively influence the functioning of the employees. In regards to having as well as acting upon a basic understanding of the organizational behavior as well as the theories of human Resource, the small business owners could maximize employee creativity as well as products as well as reduce the employee turnover rates. Human resource theories have been derived from a synthesis of many sciences that includes economics, sociology, psychology, medicine, engineering as well as political science, and so on. For example, economic studies could help human beings in regards to understanding in what ways, poor employee health affects productivity as well as finally profits as well. Another example has been that medicine could contribute information upon in what ways; the longer-term stress affects employee health (Sparrow, Brewster, and Chung, 2016).
HRM planning
Human Resource planning refers to the process of planning labor by human resource management in regards to organize the skilled as well as efficient employees towards the right work, which results in organizational development as well. It involves introducing newer programs as well as then implements as well as develops such programs. Human resource planning predicts the future requirement of human resources as well as plans in meeting such needs. These programs include recruiting the staff, training the employees as well as programs that improve the performances of the employees as well as enhances employee satisfaction as such.
There have been four phases of human resource planning. In the 1st phase, the human resource planners collect as well as analyze the data. That data includes how much human resources they require concerning the future as well as the plans that have to be implemented as well as introduced in regards to the future. The second phase has been to establish the objectives of human resource planning. The third stage has been to design as well as implement the programs that would achieve the human resource objectives. The fourth stage has been to monitor as well as analyze such programs. These plans could be short term as well as long term plans, which depend upon the human resource planners as well as the situation of the enterprise. When the human resource planners implement newer strategies, procedures as well as policies once checked by them, they require any additional labor. It mentions regarding the terms as well as conditions of an enterprise such as benefits, pays, special requirements such as traveling, mobility, experience, training as well as career opportunities.
In case, the human resource planners require additional working staffs, and they describe the work roles, responsibilities, duties as well as tasks. In regards to achieving strategic aims, goals as well as objectives set by the human resource planners, a firm requires right as well as a correct team along with necessary skills, attitude as well as cultural or traditional fit. At some companies, the internal candidates must apply with external candidates.
Attracting skilled employees at such competitive markets has been one of the active phases in recruitment as well as the selection process. Fewer enterprises approach colleges as well as universities where their career coordinator helps them in contacting talented as well as skilled candidates. In addition to it, the first preference in the recruitment process must be given to the internal students. In case they have not found any employees within the firm, they shifted towards the next step utilizing advertising via online internet as well as using the consultant agencies (Collings, Wood and Szamosi, 2018).
Recruitment, as well as the selection process, plays an essential role in regards to achieving the firm related objectives, aims as well as goals. The recruitment and selection process primarily aims towards getting the employees at the minimal price towards satisfying the human resource requirements as well as needs. Recruitment, as well as the selection process, has been different at various firms. A separate human resource team has performed the selection process. The selection process has been changed at various companies.
The individual interview helps the interviewer to get closer and closer as well as regarding the employee. Utilizing a single interviewer, there has been a change regarding the biased decision. The human resource team uses different selection techniques such as telephonic interviews, assessment centers, face-to-face interviews, aptitude tests, and so on. In the case of an individual interview, the human resource team uses the second interviewer at the interview panel.
Another technique at the selection process has been selecting the students utilizing assessment centers as well. Assessment centers help the participants in regards to knowledge regarding the culture and tradition of the enterprise, beliefs as well as values. As such, the assessment centers could decide whether the candidates have been fit for the work or not. When two, as well as more human beings, have been at the interview panel, they could discuss their judgments upon the behavior of the candidate at the interview as well as modify any biased opinion on the whole. The techniques utilized at the assessment centers in regards to judging the personal skills have been performed utilizing aptitude tests, general intelligence tests as well as attainments. The group discussions have been of the techniques used at the selection method or process. The ultimate phase of the selection process has been to offer employment in case the candidate meets their requirements as well as needs. The contract of the work has been too made at this stage.
The five various stages at performance management are monitoring, planning, rating, rewarding, developing as well as growing. Performance planning refers to the 1st stage of the performance management cycle where the performance agreement, as well as the contract, comes. Performance planning has been regarding the team as well as the individuals, in what ways they have been expected in regards to meeting the roles as well as responsibilities as well as developing their skills for achieving the objectives, goals as well as aims.
In regards to introducing as well as implementing the performance planning, they concentrate upon the role definitions, standards as well as objectives. This plan provides support as well as guidance from the management. Performance agreement has been regarding objectives, aims, goals, capability requirements, as well as performance standards as such. The individuals would have a contract in regards to the personal development plan at which they have monitored, trained themselves, assessed as well as advised towards any further developments in case required.
Each individual of an organization would be compared along with real performance as well as agreed development performances. Both the norms, as well as agreements at the performance management, would vary sometime, which depends upon the situation or condition as well as levels of management. Every plan has been jointly agreed by the managers as well as the individuals.
Monitoring refers to the 2nd stage of performance management. In regards to monitoring the performance of an individual employee, the administration would directly observe as well as identifies strength as well as weaknesses of every employee. Ongoing monitoring provides a clear understanding in regards to what ways; the employees have been reaching their predetermined aims, goals as well as objectives. In case the employees are having a problem, they would be provided along with assistance.
The best process in regards to monitoring the employees has been to set the goals in regards to every two weeks. Moreover, the best method in controlling the employees has been to observe the performance of the employees, provide feedback as well as spot the performance gaps because they develop towards achieving their goals as well as objectives. Human resource management monitors the impact of the employee upon the co-workers during the periods of work stress as well as the human beings’ capability concerning achieving the goals as well as objectives.
Developing has been the third phase of the performance management. Development requirements as well as needs such as enhancing the capability of the employees utilizing providing adequate training, improving the newer skills as well as the work progress, as well as providing the assignments which help them towards achieving higher as well as greater responsibilities. The performance management process helps in identifying employee development needs as well as requirements. When the latest, as well as newer technologies, have been implemented as well as introduced towards the firm, the working staff and the employees must be trained so that they could conveniently as well as quickly access them.
Rating refers to the 4th stage at performance management. This rating has been provided as per the plans as well as procedures included in the appraisal program at the firm. Score at performance management has been to compare the performances of the employees at their firm. Rating at performance management has been to know who has been given the best output among their working staff as well, as how many members have been up to their standards in regards to the performance planning of an employee.
Rewarding refers to the fifth stage in the cycle of performance management. Few of the firms reward gifts, cash, as well as the employees, have been promoted towards the next level. The system of rewarding has been different at various firms. The workers have been rewarded when their work has been recognized. In addition to it, reward management has been a part as well as a parcel of human resource management that deals with rewarding the human being equitably as well as fairly in regards to implementing the policies, strategies, plans as well as services towards the company (White, 2016).
The primary objectives of reward management have been to achieve the company oriented goals, objectives, strengthening the psychological contract as well as encouraging, inspiring as well as motivating the employees as well. Reward management looks after the rewarding process, policies as well as strategies that improve as well as betters the individual performance as well as enterprise-oriented team or groups. The reward system might be of two kinds, one has been a financial reward system, and the other one is a non-financial system. For example, recognition, rewards, promotions, and so on fall under the non-financial rewards system. For instance, pay incentives, base pay, as well as employee benefits, falls under a financial reward system.
Employee and employer relations
Excellent communication between the employees as well as management, must be upon higher priority in regards to enterprise-related growth, development as well as profits. Human resource management implements as well as introduce some policies, strategies as well as procedures in regards to maintaining as well as establishing excellent communication with the employees, where mutual trust have been the critical agenda.
Employment contract refers to an agreement that has been signed by the employee, a proof of evidence along with the terms as well as conditions of the employment. Some management implements a strategy like partnership agreements, where both the trade unions as well as the administration agree to work together with respect to enterprise-related successes. Some of the employees form to be a union as well as discuss and negotiate with the human resource management regarding their issues on behalf of every employee as well as the workers because it has been an effective means of communication along with management in a peaceful manner. By proper implementation of the employment protection act during the year 1975, the trade unions received the right to obtain specific information from the employers as a whole.
Human Resource Development
Human Resource Development (HRD) refers to a part of human resource management that deals with training as well as developing the individuals as well as a team concerning future enterprise-related benefits. The primary objective of human resource development has been to create a learning environment within the firm so that knowledge could be shared. Cultural resource development sets long-term goals, objectives as well as aims as well as train the skilled human being as per the strategy in regards to achieving those goals as well.
There have been five strategies for human resource development. These are classified as follows:-
- Employee education
- Employee training
- Organizational development
- Employee training
- Non-employee development
Organizational development depends upon in what ways; the enterprises plan their strategies, policies as well as plans in regards to developing every management. The training which lies within the domain of the firm as well as learning which lies within the field of an individual. Various learning methods have multiple outcomes. Organizational learning refers to the set of procedures as well as methods implemented by an enterprise in regards to security as well as convenient education. The employees could be instructed, taught as well as they could learn themselves by the experience they obtained with the senior working members or staff. Taking all these towards consideration, human resource development has developed some learning techniques. Some employees could learn on a quicker basis as well as some employees’ takes time. Learning depends upon the capacity of an individual or a human being.
Modern HRM practices and policies
Some of the innovative human resource policies as well as methods, which could amplify success with recruiting, selecting as well as maintaining the satisfaction of the employees, are:-
- Interviewing utilizing video
- Mandated time off
- Investing in employee health
- Two way mentoring
Interviewing utilizing online video- Used correctly as well as thoroughly, talking over the video had the potentialities in regards to a perfect marriage of cost-cutting down technological sophistication as well as to measure. Human Resource must consider this option as it would be helpful towards the candidates staying hundreds of miles away. Examples are video conferencing, Skype, yahoo messenger, etc. Another example is utilizing online video conferencing, the interviews of the candidates could be taken; practical training could be provided to the candidates.
Mandated time off- In regards to rewarding the employees for being very much committed to taking time off, taking a vacation has been a needful action. The newer, as well as the latest policies that the employee has been needed in regards to taking time off in respect to themselves on daily intervals, result towards a re-engaged as well as refreshed employee.
Investing in employee health- Human resource managers have been learning on a quicker means that investing in their employees’ physical as well as mental health holds more significant benefits towards the productivity of a firm.
Two-way mentoring- Smart firms tap towards the mentoring relationship to be a back as well as forth and not up to down.
Through training, growth as well as development, recruitment, human resource management chooses the best employees in regards to the firm that play its role as well as responsibilities in regards to achieving strategic aims as well as goals. Human resources serve to be a primary element in the success as well as a failure of monitoring programs in regards to meeting their objectives. Human resource management plays an active role in regards to achieving the enterprise related goals and objectives utilizing human resource planning as well as managing the performances. Human resource management has been responsible concerning both human resource planning as well as decision-making (Guest, 2017).