Discussion on Leadership Styles
On transformational leadership style: I fairly often go beyond my self-interest in order to not only act as a role model to my follower team members but also to earn their respect and trust. Similarly, I frequently consider the moral implications of my decisions in order to make the correct decision that does not negatively impact any individual member in my team. As a result, I am able to avoid unnecessary confrontations within the team that may negatively influence the outcome of our project. Furthermore, I frequently talk optimistically about the future in order to encourage my team members to be more productive and objective in whatever they are doing. Finally, I frequently help others to develop their strengths for various reasons in order to make them more productive in the work environment.
Additionally, based on the transactional leadership style, I frequently make it clear on what one can expect to receive when performance goals are achieved in order to encourage my team to be more focused and productive. According to Northouse (2018), contingent rewards motivate and increases the job satisfaction of employees, thus leading to increased productivity and organizational loyalty. Finally, I do not keep track of all mistakes because I believe that once an employee makes a mistake, and it should be corrected. Keeping track of mistakes is a tedious and costly task. Besides, it a waste of time that could otherwise be used in doing other productive things.
Furthermore, based on passive/avoidant leadership style, I sometimes wait for things to go wrong before I take action because I view myself as a perceive leader and tend not to nag my employees now and then. Finally, I fairly often avoid deciding on my own because I believe It is always valuable to often involve your team members in making a decision that directly impacts their lives and work output. According to Northouse (2018), involving employees in a company’s decision-making process improves their loyalty to the organization as they believe that the organization values their welfare, thus improving their overall work output.