Employee development
Employee development is a crucial factor that plays a huge role in employee job satisfaction and retention. Companies ought to ensure that their employees and staff are growing themselves professionally in their careers. The constant follow up and going the extra mile to improve them influences their productivity and comfort in their place of work. Organizing training sessions and encouraging attendance of professional and personal growth development forums is an effective strategy. Every employed individual hope to work in a company or organization that creates an opportunity and possibility for advancement. An organization can invest in funding the conferences on behalf of employees or invite experts who assist them grow their careers for a better future. Training can also involve paying for their studies in schools to further and improve performances in the industry. This encourages the employee to retain his or her job due to the satisfaction offered in the company and also due to the fear of losing the opportunity to continue their learning. In the process of development of careers, the company gains world-class workers and generates outstanding results. The admirable employee’s performance creates confidence in potential investors, customers, and shareholders.
Additionally, companies or organizations should create an environment that ensures work-life balance. Employees yearn to work in a place that recognizes and differentiates work time and personal lives. Putting employees in tight schedules negatively affects the company’s growth as well as their own professional growth. Working overtime and during holidays creates an atmosphere of negativity amongst the employees to the betterment of the company. The staff view this as a punishment and will, in turn, not perform accordingly, and this lowers the company’s productivity and overall performance. An organization should strive to ensure that every employee is satisfied with working hours and days to make sure it doesn’t interfere with personal life activities. Noting that a company’s turnover and growth are greatly influenced by an employee’s attitude towards the job and the company’s management.