Environmental climate change
Environmental climate change can cause conflicts when it negatively affects people and livestock livelihood or when it leads to elites exploiting natural resources and social vulnerabilities. It is, therefore, vital to understand how climate change might cause violence and how we can develop a more refined approach to understanding the adequacy of different responsemechanisms. Violence conflicts can be context-specific and could develop over a long time. Climateconflict mainly occurs in places that are already vulnerable to climate. The main economic activities in such areas areagriculture and fishing. Through conflict resolution, the communities are encouraged to develop alternative sources of income that are environment-friendly, thus mitigating conflict risks. The mechanisms designedinclude food assistance and droughtpreparedness programmes, legal reforms and agricultural reforms to help curb climate conflicts. Supportive climate can be created through communication that is problem-oriented and empathetic. Parties involved can also make small changes that if undertaken consistently and persistently can cause a positive climate change. Secondly, they can create an incident that can alter climate instantly or discuss the climate themes openly and come up with solutions to them. Also to mitigate conflict risks, parties involved in research should address resource management and conflict prevention by understanding that climate change and conflicts have differenteffects on different communities they should, therefore, develop context-related adequate responses that offer solutions and empowerment to the various groups
Climate shapes interaction by influencing how parties act by facilitating how parties tend to respond and interpret other partieswords and deeds. Climate and interaction influence each other by changing individual actions which in turn influence building the climate