ethics of leadership
The week’s coverage centered on ethics and transformative values and some of the essential considerations towards becoming an ethical leader. Ethics play a critical role in influencing the levels of success realized not only in the economic but also in other facets of life. The coverage, as reflected in the textbook and the video used as a learning resource, pointed on some of the fundamental ideas and concepts associated with the ethics of leadership.
The coverage about leadership competencies formed critical coverage during the week. Arguably, the reflection on leadership competencies was one of the most informative lessons during the week. Various concepts associated with leadership competencies that were covered during the week are essential not only in facilitating my educational success but also shaping my life as a professional. As a high school program director, understanding the concepts associated with leadership concepts is critical towards enabling me to succeed in all life endeavors. Concepts related to the creation of a compelling future, inspiring others, sharing knowledge, delivering exceptional performance, and having a passionate approach when connecting with others were analyzed (WaybackMachine, 2012). I will apply such concepts to influence positive transformations within the school. For example, working towards excellent performance and inspiring others will enable me to improve performance.
Similarly, the resource video used to facilitate the lesson reflected on the concept of ethical leadership. The idea was an essential coverage which will significantly enable me to realize my professional goals. In the video, Dalai Lama reflects on ecology and economy, critiquing the traditionally upheld argument that economic downfall resulted from ‘market forces.’ According to Dalai, hypocrisy and greed were the significant causes of the economic meltdown, which significantly affected the world economy (Lama, 2010). As a program director, I understand that greed and hypocrisy can lead to the collapse of organizations. As such, upholding the accepted ethical conduct and avoiding the vices of hypocrisy and greed will enable me to achieve the best for the school.
In short, the concepts covered during the week are essential in enabling me to perfect my professional goals. As a high school program director, the concepts covered about ethical leadership will allow me to work in a manner leading to positive transformations within the school. Ideas associated with leadership competencies and moral conduct will help me to perfect my work, thus achieving the desired professional goals.
Lama, D. (2010). Ethics and Enlightened Leadership. Retrieved 9 March 2020, from
WaybackMachine. (2012). Wayback Machine. Retrieved 9 March 2020, from