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Evidence-Based Change Strategy

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Evidence-Based Change Strategy


The Harris family is a senior family with five members. The father, john sr, Trista, the mother, two daughters, Suzette and Lizette, as well as John jr, the son. The two girls have graduated with Suzette, 24 years old, graduating two last years ago, and Lizette graduating recently. The family is very stable financially, but they have social problems that have to do with the way they interact. The father has a feeling that the girls have graduated and working should move out of the family and gather for their needs rather than depending on him despite having educated her.

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On the contrary, the mother, Trista, feels that her children should stay until when are ready to move out on their own without being pressurized. Another point to note is that the girls are just dating, but no one between them is in a serious, stable relationship. The father believes that actions speak louder than words, and therefore he says he shows love to the family by providing for them. He does not have to remind them by telling them all the time. The communication in the family is abysmal and is described by yelling and insults that have created tension in the family. The son believes in the mentorship of his father and girls who are victims of circumstance, have retaliated by not showing love to their father. The competitive situation in the family has troubled the mother, who is the only person conscious of the development. She recommends family counseling therapy to resolve the failure in the conversation of the family. Treatment, according to her, would salvage the situation since it once worked between her and her husband when they had a conflict.


Literature review

Description of Literature Search Tactics

The google results on the search are abundant in the literature on regards to family therapy. There are over 17,000 outcomes that support the scope. The information covers the content on the topic from 2014 to 2019. The individual inquiry into the names of some authors gives further data on the subject and enriches the decisions and recommendations to change the communication ineffectiveness in the family. The google scholar under the above title proved to be reliable as a source of the data. There are many strategies offered through family therapies such as communication therapy and multidimensional therapy, to mention a few.

Multidimensional family therapy

Rowe, C. L., & Liddle, H. A. (2017). The Anatomy of Cognitions in Multidimensional Family     Therapy. Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents: A Casebook for Clinical     Practice, 144.

Lebow, J. (2016). Integrative approaches to couple and family therapy. Handbook of family therapy, 205-227.

Van der Pol, T. M., Hoeve, M., Noom, M. J., Stams, G. J. J., Doreleijers, T. A., van Domburgh,    L., & Vermeiren, R. R. (2017). Research Review: The effectiveness of multidimensional       family therapy in treating adolescents with multiple behavior problems a      meta‐analysis. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry58(5), 532-545.



Brief Strategic Family Therapy

Szapocznik, J., Duff, J. H., Schwartz, S. J., Muir, J. A., & Brown, C. H. (2016). Brief strategic family therapy treatment for behavior problem youth. Handbook of family therapy, 286-    304.

Szapocznik, J., Muir, J. A., Duff, J. H., Schwartz, S. J., & Brown, C. H. (2015). Brief strategic     family therapy: Implementing evidence-based models in community settings. Psychotherapy Research25(1), 121-133.

Horigan, V. E., Feaster, D. J., Robbins, M. S., Brincks, A. M., Ucha, J., Rohrbaugh, M. J., … &    Hodgkins, C. C. (2015). A cross‐sectional assessment of the long term effects of brief          strategic family therapy for adolescent substance use. The American journal on addictions24(7), 637-645.

Triple-P Positive Parenting Program:

Sumargi, A., Sofronoff, K., & Morawska, A. (2015). A randomized-controlled trial of the triple   p-positive parenting program seminar series with Indonesian parents. Child Psychiatry &        Human Development46(5), 749-761.

Keown, L. J., Sanders, M. R., Franke, N., & Shepherd, M. (2018). Te Whānau Pou Toru: A          randomized controlled trial (RCT) of a culturally adapted low-intensity variant of the    Triple P-Positive Parenting Program for Indigenous Māori families in New     Zealand. Prevention Science19(7), 954-965.

Pickering, J. A., & Sanders, M. R. (2016). Reducing child maltreatment by making parenting        programs available to all parents: A case example using the Triple P-Positive Parenting             Program. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse17(4), 398-407.

Summary of the State of the Evidence

Multidimensional Family Therapy:

The most effective remedy for lack of effective communication in a family devoid of love and affection between the parents and children is multifaceted family therapy. The independent third party individual can inquire into the causes of this unfriendly communication. The success of the strategy depends entirely on the cooperation between the family members and the therapist. The use of this technique would ensure proper operations of the family institution since all members would give their views and challenges that affect them. The insight understanding of the invidualʻs perceptions would inform the suggestions and mediations that the therapists would use to convince John Sr to allow the children to stay at home much longer.

On the other hand, the daughters would easily be convinced to move out if they understand the reason and the motivation behind their father’s indifference. The approach can solve emotional challenges, psychological trauma, and other social challenges, and Harris finally would benefit from it undoubtedly (Rowe, C. L., & Liddle, H. A., 2017). The application of Multidimensional family therapy has shown triumph over family problems and challenges by creating an understanding among members of the situations in the set up(Van der Pol. et al., 2017).

Brief Strategic Family Therapy

Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT) is supported by research that has been carried on various families with different origins ( at, 2016). The essential components, Harris family, have the sole claim on the evaluation and conclusion of the treatments contrary to other approaches that require extensive foundational factors. The strategy has a compelling effect in sorting the problem of social relations, for instance, where love and affections are not exhibited through sentiments (Horigian et., 2015). Trista would benefit generously from the therapy if John undergoes the treatment.  She would understand that sentimental expression of love to women is a powerful way to show affection to both the children and wife.

The Triple-P Positive Parenting Program

The Triple-P Positive Parenting Program is a mediation planned to educate the parents on the desired parenting strategies. The technique would provide information that would enrich the knowledge of John and Trista on understanding their children well. The parents with difficulty in parenting would use the tactic to familiarise themselves with the best parenting skills and making the role and process of children rearing natural process rather than a technical process. Sumargi, A., Sofronoff, K., & Morawska, A. (2015) analyzed the utilization of Triple-P positive parenting programs to families with young peopleʻs interaction with their parents with intentions of improving the relationship between them and their parents. The conclusion was communicated from a gathering arrangement of families that have senior children above the age of 18 years, who are beyond high school and are on the verge of adulthood( Keown, 2018). The meta-investigation from the above tactic inferred that Triple P is an influential and most informed petition for the development of excellent communication.

Communication therapy

Communication therapy is a face-to-face interaction that focuses on advancing and improving the emotional and physical well-being of the concern persons. The treatment is effective in Harris’s family, where there is a lack of communication arising from stonewalling by the father to the children. The children, particularly Suzette and Lizzette, are not in concern in touch with their father due to inflammatory behaviors, poor listening skills, inaccurate assumptions, and failure to understand their fatherʻs statements.

An explicitly stretched of the tactic is the solution of communication challenges emanating from cultural intolerance and differences, illness, personal differences as well as relationship challenges. From scholarly accomplishments, there are massive data that suggests that people are suffering from conflicts that are generated through minor issues and file up complicating interaction between people. It worth to note that proper utilization of the strategy would change peopleʻs perspectives and better their associations with one another. The family setting with the children aligned to one parent can use the same parent, Trista, as a channel into insights into the childhood experiences and feelings. As such, the informed perspective at which the mother would persuade her husband to adjust his decision to have the children move out would ease the tensions.



Justification for the choice of change strategy

Even though other collections of proof exist for different cases,  communication therapy is the most proper remedy for the Harris Family. The incorporation and contemplation of subtleties, as well as difficulties of the family involvement, give a convincing case for its importance to specific issues for that the family in need of treatment. Although the Brief Strategic Family Therapy is effective in resolving family issues with enormous literature supporting it, communication therapy is particularly suited for the Harris family. The strategy would be influential in streamlining the family functioning, given the fact that John, who is somewhat rigid, is the head of the family. Even though there is a need to improve the communication channels in the family through the head, there is also a need to educate young women to indulge in meaningful romantic relations. The relations would lead to marriage to avoid overstaying in their parents’ house.

Descriptions of selected change strategy

General Description of Selected Change Strategy

The services of professional therapists would enable one to understand whether their communication is effective in conveying their goals, needs, and thoughts at the right time. Conflicts and misunderstanding have explicitly been displayed as outcomes of misinterpretations of other people’s opinions and viewpoints. The therapy, when administered positively, would advance both intergroup and personal abilities by enabling the concern to improve the nature, frequency, and quality of the communication at home and workplace. As an individual grows old, there is always a conflict with the children and their environment due to a mid-life crisis. John, at 52 years is thinking of his retirement and how he would spend the pension alone with his wife, but the thought of the children, who he has educated staying at home, is disturbing him unnecessarily. Therefore, the conflict in him is hard to express to not only the wife but also the children because it is selfish. The services of a communication therapist are handy in the family and a suitable tactic for the above scenario.

Particular descriptions of the strategies to be taken

The first step in actualizing this approach in with the Harris family is to look for an effective facilitator. The education and communication on the importance of the therapy to members of the family are instrumental in the process. Commitment to the course of actions to be taken and willingness to adjust accordingly form the basis and foundational principles of Communication therapy. Contextually, John Sr, together with the wive, would go through recommendations recorded by every member on their take on the family state with the help of a professional. The family sessions that comprises of two meals a week together and a separate 30 minutes sessions together weekly provide the avenues for the members to initiate and actualize the suggestions to improve their family well-being.recognized.

The young women would understand the essentialities of a functioning family unit because they are almost entering into such unions. The sensitization and education would give them a rallying call to cooperate in making both their lives and other members of the family comfortable. Home visits by a professional once a week, probably during one of the family time would be useful because they would address the immediate challenges in the communications.  After the father communicating the need to move out for the genuine reason of learning to settle bills on their own before getting married, the girls are expected to accept willingly to relocate to a single house together. The sisters would learn to bond in their new house, and parents’ assistance where necessary would boost their relationship even when they are away from home. John Jr would be happy to learn of the new state of affairs in the family with no one complaining, and his satisfaction level at home would be boosted too, and as such, the entire family would be peaceful when sisters would agree to schedule their move-out plan on 12/1/2009.

Assessment of Selected Change Strategy

Assessing the adequacy of communication therapy on account of the Harris Family entails keeping track of the records of new behaviors to gauge the effectiveness of the strategy. Investigation and inquiry of the method have proven that there are outcomes desired that have been achieved in many instances. The research mostly has touched on a personal relationship with coworkers, couple counseling, and parenting, where success was witnessed. The misunderstanding mistrusts, stonewalling, inflammatory behaviors, and selfness that hinder communication have no room in an environment where honesty and transparency as well as goodwill in the operation of a family.

Difficulty in communication did enter the discourses in family sessions; in any case, the father, John Sr, communicated his stand that he wants the girls to move out for their good of learning the virtue of independence. Proclamations were identified with the girlsʻ complacent and conceited personalities, and they were advised appropriately to become responsible both on their financial acuity as wee as their love lives. The girls confided in their mother after the session that they would scrutinize their affairs with the boyfriends to ascertain their seriousness. In the meantime, the girls promise to save cash fort two months and with the assistance of their father who has agreed to support them, would relocate and pay rent in the nearby apartments. The new development in the Harris family has left Trista a happy person, although her reservations have the girls stay much longer at home. On matters of principle, she prefers a harmonious coexistence in the family. John jr, who promised to visit his sisters occasionally, was also excited and could not wait his turn to be independent and live alone too

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