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  Field trip to the museum of tolerance

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Field trip to the museum of tolerance


In our modern society now, we lived under a joyful, peaceful world, words like war, kill, plunder sounds far from our life. But do you know that back to 18 centuries, there were people age like us who been killed group by group because their race, and this event were really happens in the history called the “the holocaust”. Today our class bring us to the museum of tolerance to knowledge one of the most brutality crime of the Jewish holocaust during world war II by the Nazis.

Before we start with the holocaust I want to talk about the initiator of evil – Adolf Hitler. Hitler was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, serving as dictator and leader of the Nazi Party, or National Socialist German Workers Party, for the bulk of his time in power. Hitler’s fascist policies precipitated World War II and led to the genocide known as the Holocaust, which resulted in the deaths of some six million Jews and another five million noncombatants.[ A&E Television Networks]  He joined the World war I and later his ambition motived him to Munich and continued to work for the German military. As an intelligence officer, he monitored the activities of the German Workers’ Party- DAP and adopted many of the anti-Semitic, nationalist and anti-Marxist ideas of party founder Anton Drexler. In September 1919, Hitler joined the DAP, which changed its name to the- Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP)  often abbreviated to Nazi. Hitler personally designed the Nazi party banner, appropriating the swastika symbol and placing it in a white circle on a red background. He soon gained notoriety for his vitriolic speeches against the Treaty of Versailles, rival politicians, Marxists and Jews. In 1921, Hitler replaced Drexler as the Nazi party chairman. In our current generation most time we known this man from the movie, article, game entertainment and etc. There are not many historic resources of him like what present in museum of tolerance, and after the tour in museum of tolerance we acknowledge that Jewish is not the only race he been aim at.

But what is his motivation of this? why Hitler is such a racism man? According to holocaust encyclopedia, for years before Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, he was obsessed with ideas about race. In his speeches and writings, Hitler spread his beliefs in racial “purity” and in the superiority of the “Germanic race”—what he called an Aryan master race. [ holocaust encyclopedia] He pronounced that his race must remain pure in order to one day take over the world. For Hitler, the ideal “Aryan” was blond, blue-eyed, and tall. When Hitler and the Nazis came to power, these beliefs became the government ideology also known as propaganda and were spread in publicly displayed posters, on the radio, in movies, in classrooms, and in newspapers. The Nazis began to put their propaganda into practice with the support of German scientists who believed that the human race could be improved by limiting the reproduction of people considered “inferior. Beginning in 1933, German physicians could perform forced sterilizations, operations making it impossible for the victims to have children. Among the targets of this public program were Roma (Gypsies), an ethnic minority numbering about 30,000 in Germany, and handicapped individuals, including the mentally ill and people born deaf and blind. Also victimized were about 500 African-German children, the offspring of German mothers and African colonial soldiers in the Allied armies that occupied the German Rhineland region after World War I. [ holocaust encyclopedia] But why do Hitler hate Jewish so much? According to the census of June 1933, the Jewish population of Germany consisted of about 500,000 people. Jews represented less than one percent of the total German population of about 67 million people. Eighty percent of the Jews in Germany about 400,000 people have German citizenship. The remainder were mostly Jews of Polish citizenship, many of whom were born in Germany and who had permanent resident status in Germany. After all, about 70 percent of the Jews in Germany live

After acknowledging the crime in the museum, the commentator also introduces the “Final solution’’ to us, what is clear is that the genocide of the Jews was the culmination of a decade of Nazi policy, under the rule of Adolf Hitler. The “Final Solution” was implemented in stages. After the Nazi party rise to power, state-enforced racism resulted in anti-Jewish legislation, boycotts, “Aryanization,” and finally the “Night of Broken Glass” pogrom, all of which aimed to remove the Jews from German society. After the beginning of World War II, anti-Jewish policy evolved into a comprehensive plan to concentrate and eventually annihilate European Jewry. [ holocaust encyclopedia] After the Wannsee Conference in January 1942, the Nazis began the systematic deportation of Jews from all over Europe to six extermination camps established in former Polish territory — Chelmno , Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Majdanek. Extermination camps were killing centers designed to carry out genocide. About three million Jews were gassed in extermination camps. consisted of gassings, shootings, random acts of terror, disease, and starvation that accounted for the deaths of about six million Jews, two-thirds of European Jewry.

This entire event should be unforgettable, not only in the history but also peoples mind. And that’s why the museum of tolerance is a remarkable museum that everyone should go, in the museum it used the artist way to shows people of the crimes that Nazis did, and many place the viewer could interaction with, which made me felt the history so realism that I can’t even believe it. The museum presented many true histories, it used the prejudice from people than using it to telling people of how prejudice and racism could destroy peoples mind and make each other hate each other. I still remember we were sitting in a restaurant, and there were two black people had a fight with three white people, at the end the gun shot accidentally murdered a ladies life, it looks like a small fight in our life but at the end its became a tremendous thing that killed someone, and all start with peoples racism and prejudice. And we went to an underground prison, the wall is cold and heavy, the prison is old and dark, imaging people were locked down here day by day, year by year, but other people such as Nazis were plunder and kills out there, and most of all this thing is real, it’s really happened back then, every time when I think about this my heart start shaking, not only angry of what they did to them also be grateful of the peaceful in the world now.

After the tourist in museum of tolerance I want to thank for my professor for this experiment, and the explain from the museum. Before I never thought this holocaust is such a big deal in the history, and mainly I never thought that a man’s prejudice could become a weapon took others life, as an international learner I know that the war mighty be over centuries ago but the prejudice between human is never going to stop, but I know I will stop that by looking at the biography in the museum corridor, I will stop the prejudice between people and make their death remarkable. As a designer I know that my creation should not only bring ideology to each other also make people treated this impotently, and for our world now, prejudice is happened everyday maybe around us maybe in some where in the world, just like recently the covid-19 virus, media, newspaper, they all start to blame other counties for this virus but they never tried to unit people together and fight this thing together, for country we may from different race and bloodline but overall, we are humans, and we are all the same.

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