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Formal Roles within the Educational System

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Formal Roles within the Educational System

The Common Core

The common core standards are the thresholds that all students should meet in the US in mathematics and English language arts. They set clear goals that guide parents, teachers, and students in the learning process. These standards were benchmarked from other countries, aligned to college expectations, and enforce the application of knowledge. Students are also tested annually to evaluate whether they have gained the essential skills in these subjects. In addition, the common core standards aim at preparing students to fit in the corporate world. The core standards also enhance the critical thinking, analytical, and problem-solving skills of the students, which make them productive in the future. Moreover, the test results provide feedback to the teachers on how they can improve the performance of individual students. Parents and teachers can track their student’s progress since the standards run from kindergarten to 12th grade.


However, the common core standards have been a source of conflict in the education sector. Governor’s claim that this is an attempt to deny them control of the education standards in their states. Teachers also claim that they were never consulted, and the system is ineffective. Some feel that imposing uniform tests on the students is ineffective in recognizing their abilities. There are students with talents that goes unrecognized because of the uniform tests subjected through the common core standards. Moreover, teachers are being overwhelmed with the pressure of ensuring that their students pass these tests. This is leading to teacher burnout as they work in a tense environment where they have to show positive results. Additionally, parents are also highly involved through the homework given to their kids. For instance, the above picture shows a dad helping his son do homework. Some parents complain that teachers are giving students too much homework.

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The Meaning of Roles

Every organization has positions that create certain roles for the individuals. The decision-makers determine the selection process depending on their objectives. If a school requires to improve its performance, it will hire a result-oriented principal. In other cases, stereotyping can influence the selection process. For instance, female teachers are mostly hired in teaching positions and not administrative ones. The people holding these positions also perform specific tasks but must work as a team. All the roles and responsibilities are geared towards the main goal of improving the student’s performance. In some instances, the roles are clearly defined while, in others, one has the liberty of determining new responsibilities. This liberty expands as one gets to a higher position in the education sector. Those engaged in the education sector are also expected to use their unique experience and talents in transforming the sector.

The centralization and decentralization of the decision-making process also influence the roles of various individuals. In centralization, staffing, curriculum development, budgeting, and standards are set at the headquarters. Centralization creates a uniform standard of education in all the districts. The decisions made by others influence the actions taken by school boards and teachers. For instance, schools in New York City are under the control of the Mayor. The New York City Department makes all significant decisions regarding education in the state. The following is a picture of Henry Garnet high school that runs under the decisions made by the department:

However, centralization lowers the autonomy of teachers. They are hindered from making decisions regarding their students at the classroom level. Decentralization gives the school boards and teachers the freedom to make decisions regarding their schools. This makes it effective for teachers to handle their students since they understand their abilities. The morale of the teachers also increases since they enjoy the autonomy of making independent decisions.


Theoretical Approaches to Role Expectations and Conflict within Organizations

According to the functionalist theory of Emile Durkheim, all stakeholders in the education sector have a common goal of improving the education standards of their children. Teachers, students, principals, and school boards work together to create a conducive learning environment for the students. The interest of the student’s future guides them in their daily activities. For instance, the picture below shows a meeting between a teacher and parents. Both are guided by the interest of seeing their students doing well in school. Therefore, every stakeholder is expected to perform his role to meet the set goals.

On the other hand, conflict theorists argue that individuals in the organization serve according to particular interests. In the US, the superintendent is obliged to meet the objectives of the government, which might collide with the parent’s expectations. These interests create conflicts among those holding various positions in the education sector. For instance, the need for a school board to increase tax levies and obtain funds to expand the school’s infrastructure might displease the parents. Similarly, a government action to enact performance contracts might demoralize the teachers. Nevertheless, each stakeholder must act within his interest and those holding influential positions in the education sector.

The symbolic interactionism theory defines the roles of each stakeholder according to their interaction with others. Humans also create meaning from their interactions, which also shapes their decisions. For instance, the veteran teachers opposed the common core standards since they were used to a different curriculum. Teachers also opposed the standards due to their daily interactions with students. The direct contact between teachers and students gives them an understanding of the student’s abilities hence viewed the standards as ineffective. Therefore, each stakeholder acts in accordance to the interpretations obtained from the interactions with others.


Roles in Schools

The roles of the individuals working in the education sector depend on their positions in the hierarchy. The US Department of Education, headed by the Secretary of Education, is the topmost organ in the education sector. Through this department, the federal government allocates funds to a majority of the low-income students. Additionally, the government uses various initiatives such as No Child Left Behind (NCLB) to exert its influence in the sector. The government has the mandate of appraising schools according to the students’ performance. It also expanded its influence in hiring and firing of teachers. The department has also directed more attention to policy implementation of various programs. The common core standards were one of the initiatives implemented by the department of education.

After the secretary of education, there are state boards of education, superintendents, and principals. They are all tied by the decisions made by the department but have the autonomy of choosing different ways of implementing the directives.  At the bottom part of the hierarchy, there are teachers who abide by the standards set by the department. The role of teachers is to work within the guidelines given by the department of education. They have no mandate of setting the policies to be implemented unless they are consulted.

However, the government’s role in the education sector continues to instigate conflict among other stakeholders. The common core standards raised concerns among the teachers and parents. Some teachers felt that it was limiting their autonomy in class. Moreover, performance-based contracts have attracted criticism from teachers’ unions. The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is opposed to performance payments. Teachers feel that they will be working under immense pressure, which might affect their credibility. In recent years, the US has witnessed major protests of teachers demanding a pay rise and increased school funding. The following picture shows a demonstration staged by teachers in Kentucky (Gabbatt, & Elk, 2018):

School Boards: Liaison between School and Community

School boards represent the views of the community in the education sector. The board ensures that the school’s objectives are in line with the values and expectations of the community. The state board of education is appointed by the governor to oversee the education standards. It influences the inclusion of some subjects in the curriculum. After the state level, every school has a local board. The school board comprises of ordinary citizens with powers of hiring principals, teachers, and superintendents. The school board also influences other matters such as budgets, student’s welfare, and infrastructure. A board comprises of five to eight members elected in a term of four years. It is advisable to elect professionals who understand various dynamics in the education sector. The following is a picture of the board of education sitting in Edison Township School in New Jersey (Amy, 2017):

The community’s interests drive the school boards. They ensure that the school curriculum and policies meet the expectations of the parents. They also have to oversight the school’s resources to ensure that they are used appropriately. The board must also protect the rights of both teachers and students. However, the role of school boards puts them into conflict with other stakeholders. For instance, the need to expand the school’s infrastructure can lead to the imposition of a tax levy, which can create a conflict with the community. Some of the policies proposed by the board might also be against the community values. For example, a decision to teach sex education in school can be opposed by the parents. Some states, such as New York City, have lowered the autonomy of school boards. The creation of a centralized system of education where decisions are made at a higher level lowers the mandate of school boards.


Superintendent: Manager of the School System






One superintendent might head a small district. If a district has many schools, the superintendent might appoint various assistants. Heading a district requires one to be a professional who understands legal issues, public relations, and processing data. The superintendent also prepares reports to the federal government and the state’s board of education. Staff negotiations and discussing issues to do with curriculum implementation also happens in this office. A superintendent must also be dedicated to transforming the education sector in a district. Most of the superintendents in the US are males due to the demanding administrative roles of this office.

One of the major duties of the superintendent’s office is planning. The office must make sound plans of how the education sector in the district will transform the student’s life. The subjects to be included in the curriculum are also determined in this office. Additionally, the superintendent maps out the resources and determines how different schools will use them. This planning also influences the amount of funds sent by the federal government to each district.

However, superintendents have an uphill task of balancing the interests of all the stakeholders to avoid conflicts. For instance, they have to meet the teacher’s demands within the available budgets without conflicting with school boards. This office must also ensure that students are performing well without compromising the education standards. The superintendent must adopt a managerial technique that allows him to meet the interests of the stakeholders. A collaborative managerial style can help in making sound decisions that meet the expectations of all the stakeholders. The following is an image showing a superintendent meeting with parents and teachers:



The Principal: School Boss-in-the-middle

The principals serve as the link between the superintendent and teachers. They head the schools and are expected to provide leadership. Principals also make decisions on hiring and firing of teachers. Since they interact with teachers daily, they are expected to offer them moral support. They also have to organize counseling sessions for the students. Principals must ensure that students maintain discipline and perform well. School budgets are also managed from the principal’s office, and resources must be appropriately allocated to avoid wastage. However, the principal’s task is challenging, especially in high schools, where the students engage in bullying and experience mental health. The principal must guarantee the safety of each student within the school environment. The following is a pictorial demonstrating the responsibilities of a principal:

Most of the principals in the US are women at 52%, where 64% are in elementary schools, while 30% are in high schools. Principals are also well paid, which motivates them when performing their tasks. Additionally, they enjoy the autonomy of making independent decisions. They decide on the kind of co-curricular programs to run in consultation with students and parents. The principal is also influential in hiring the support staff in the school. This ensures that principals make the soundest decisions to run the school. However, principals face various challenges, as shown below:






The principals also find themselves conflicting with other stakeholders. Some of the decisions they make collide with the expectations of others. For instance, most conflict with parents when their children are suspended. Any dismissal of teachers also attracts criticism from teachers’ unions. The government is also keen on how schools utilize the allocated funds. This makes the principal’s job one of the most stressful, and some of them are retiring early.



Teacher: The Front Line

Teachers are the most significant stakeholders in the education sector. They directly interact with the students and spend more time with them than their parents. Besides, all professionals working in different fields have passed in the hands of teachers. Most teachers are driven by the passion of imparting knowledge to the students. Others are motivated by job security, financial rewards, and love for children. Teaching is a large workforce with about 3.8 million teachers, where 76% are women (Ballantine, Hammack, & Stuber, 2017). Most women love the profession since they get closer to children and understand their needs. The love of women towards children influences most of them to join the profession.

Generally, teachers must possess a bachelor’s degree and be certified. They must also have completed a training program and passed in a teaching exam. The qualifications also vary from one state to the other. Teachers are tasked with challenging roles of transforming students into professionals. They are expected to impart knowledge, inspire the creativity of students, and sharpen their problem-solving skills. Through socialization, teachers are also expected to transform students into people who can respectfully interact with others. Teachers must also ensure that students are disciplined and are following the school rules. Patriotism and integrity are also some of the values instilled in the students by teachers. The following is an image showing that teachers are role models:

However, teachers face significant challenges in their daily activities. The top decision-makers limit their autonomy, and this affects their teaching styles. School bureaucracy and close supervision also demoralize most teachers. Stress and fatigue are also other challenges that teachers face due to the stressful working environment. The pressure to attain good results stresses them due to the fear of being sacked.


Recommendations to Improve Teaching and Teachers

The tough teaching environment creates problems in the education sector. One of the ways to motivate teachers is by implementing performance-based contracts. Teachers who are performing well should receive salary increases. This will encourage them to work hard in imparting knowledge to the students. Likewise, non-performing teachers should get pay cuts or be dismissed from the profession. This will ensure that only dedicated teachers remain in the workforce. Secondly, teachers should be granted autonomy in making decisions regarding their students. Their daily interactions with the students help to understand their abilities hence can make sound decisions on how to help them.  Therefore, the autonomy of making decisions in class can make the learning process effective. If teachers have the freedom to select the teaching methods that fit specific students, the teaching process can be effective.

Thirdly, teachers need support from all the stakeholders. Parents should be on the frontline of supporting teachers. They should help students in completing their homework. Parents should also ensure that their children respect teachers and observe the school rules. They should also be willing to provide financial support when called upon by the board. School boards, principals, and the government should also support teachers by ensuring that the necessary resources are available. Additionally, the government can organize pedagogy sessions and fund professional development courses for the teachers. The principals should also allow teachers to operate freely without close supervision that pressures them. School boards should also employ other professionals to boost the work done by teachers. For instance, the school principal should hire counselors, music directors, and sports coaches to nurture the student’s talents. The following is an image showing a stocked library which can motivate teachers:



Behind the Scenes: Support Roles in the School.

Teachers are mostly engaged in the learning process of the students. However, a school requires other support services to run smoothly. Counselors are some of the support staff that plays a crucial role in schools. They counsel students who need emotional support and motivation. They also advise students about career choices in college, depending on their talents and abilities. In high schools, students who are in the puberty stages experience various challenges, and it is the counselors who help to overcome them. The school administration should continue supporting counselors with all the resources they need.

Additionally, paraprofessionals also play a crucial role in supporting the teaching staff. They help students with mobility problems and train them about conflict management. Other support staff are the nurses, gatekeepers, janitors, drivers, and administrative secretaries. Nurses attend to the mental and medical needs of the students. On the other hand, administrative secretaries support principals in the administrative roles of managing the schools. They keep records of all the school supplies and communicates with parents about school meetings. Moreover, drivers play a crucial role in supporting the education sector. They drive students from their homes to schools and back. The following is an image of school buses that supports the movement of students:

The government should create programs supporting the support staff in schools. For instance, the federal government should set up funds for paying them, which can serve as a motivation. The school boards should also create an environment that attracts volunteers. Most of the retired teachers, business fraternity, and university students volunteer to support schools. For example, university students offer to mentor high school students and guide them in career choices. The community can also sponsor some support staff to serve students in the schools.




Amy, H. (2017). More Chinese get on New Jersey’s school boards. China Daily.

Ballantine, J.H., Hammack, F.M., & Stuber, J. (2017). The Sociology of Education; A Systematic Analysis. Routledge Publishers:pp.380-424

Gabbatt, A., & Elk, M. (2018). Teachers’ strikes: meet the leaders of the movement marching across America.


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