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Every employee works on motivation. The impact of motivation and reward systems in the workplace has been on the rise over a long time. Therefore, there is a need for analysis of the motivation and reward systems in the workplace. The data will be analyzed to determine the impact of employee motivation on the sales of the company. This will be necessary as it can be adopted by any company to motivate their employees. This project will, therefore, use both qualitative and quantitative studies to establish how employee motivation impacts the sales of any organization.

Draft Rationale

As a student doing Research Methods, it is essential to use the skills learned in class to develop the community. This calls for the need to come up with a solution to the problem of employment and also the development of companies or organizations. This project will, therefore, look at the issue of employee motivation and how it affects companies and employees. The project will also determine how employers can motivate their employees to perform better in their duties. This has been an on-going problem, and many companies fail due to a lack of proper motivation for their employees. This paper will help promote employee motivation and encourage better work performance. This paper will also provide a solution to a problem experienced by many companies. It is relevant to my course since it helps society, and my future employers could also adopt it.

Key Terms

Employee Motivation, Company Sales, Employer, Sales


To find and encourage positive employee motivation in organizations


  • To establish the impact of employee motivation on company performance.
  • To determine how companies can motivate their employees positively.
  • To establish ways in which companies can motivate their employees.


Annotated Bibliography

Rožman, M., Treven, S., & Čančer, V. (2017). Motivation and Satisfaction of Employees in the Workplace. Business Systems Research Journal8(2), 14-25. doi: 10.1515/bsrj-2017-0013

This research journal talks about employee motivation and satisfaction in the workplace. It is important in my research since it provides data and analysis on employee satisfaction. It is vital in the research since it touches on the satisfaction of the employee. It motivates the employees to put in more effort at work.  This is a well-researched article that will be useful during my research.

Shahzadi, I., Javed, A., Shahzaib, S., & Nasreen, S. (2014). Impact of Employee Motivation on Employee Performance. European Journal Of Business And Management6(23). doi: 10.21275/v4i11.nov151549

This article talks about the impact of employee motivation on employee performance. It is important since it covers the same topic as my research. However, it will only be used to improve the data collection and data used during my research. The data collected and analyzed in this journal article is important as a source of qualitative data. This paper has also been analyzed adequately, and it will highly inform the direction of research used during the making of my paper.

Singhvi, P., Dhage, N., & Sharma, P. (2018). Compensation and Its Impact on Motivation Employee‟s Satisfaction and Employee‟s Performance. International Academic Journal Of Organizational Behavior And Human Resource Management05(02), 1-43. doi: 10.9756/iajobhrm/v5i2/1810012

This researched article talks on compensation and its impact on the motivation of the employee. Compensation is an alternative term for motivation, although it is used in different circumstances. This, therefore, makes it an important piece of data that will inform the decision and direction of research used in the paper. The data and conclusion made in the journal article will also be useful in my research. This paper was adequately researched and analyzed, which makes it an important source of data for the topic under research.











Motivation is the most significant thing when it comes to job performance by any employee. The role of motivation in the accomplishment of any organization is very vital. Every employee in an organization is inspired by a particular goal. The motivations may come in different forms, from career growth to personal development or even just monetary gain.  Motivation is just anything that stimulates, energizes, or encourages a person to achieve a particular goal or get certain benefits from an organization company or individual. Motivation is a crucial element that impacts a human being. For managers and leaders in a company or organization, motivation plays a significant role in the development of the employee workforce (Ali et al., 2016). Many international companies have a way in which they motivate their workers to achieve a particular goal. Companies such as Tesla Motors have invested in employee motivation to achieve specific goals in the company. This makes the study on the role of motivation in the performance of an employee relevant. It is crucial to understand how an employee is affected by a lack of motivation in the company. This paper also looks at the importance and ways by which employers can use motivation to facilitate the growth of their company or organization.

Some of the concepts that will be covered in this paper include; the issue of motivation, the best ways to motivate employees, and the effects of motivation on the performance of a company. This will be done through the use of data collected from the field, analyzed, and presented for analysis through credible analysis methods. The data obtained will be used to establish the impact of employee motivation on the performance of a company. This analysis is appropriate since this is a topic that affects companies and organizations (Singhvi, Dhage & Sharma, 2018). This is also important in determining how employers can motivate their employees.  This paper will evaluate the several forms of analysis that can be used by employers and how this affects the employees and the sequential performance of the company. The relevance of this study is that it will play an important role during an internship undertaken by students. This topic is vital since it will guide the students during the performance in their work stations (Ali et al., 2016). This topic is also critical as it can be used by companies and organizations to understand how they can motivate their employees. This will help to improve the sales or success of the company or organization.


To find and encourage positive employee motivation in organizations


  • To establish the impact of employee motivation on company performance.
  • To determine how companies can motivate their employees positively.
  • To establish ways in which companies can motivate their employees.

Literature Review


Sales representatives and employees in any organization are the most significant groups that should be motivated when it comes to job-related motivation. This is because motivation plays a vital role when it comes to improving sales and promoting better work in any company. Social science literature emphasizes the importance of motivation in the working of a company or organization. Employee motivation affects productivity in a big way. Any manager or subordinate needs to ensure that the employees are well motivated by any particular company (Pranita, 2018). A poorly motivated workforce will lead to the failure of a company. The lack of motivation is also expensive for any company. This is because motivation affects the workforce, and sometimes employees may compensate this through the use of other means that might affect the company (Babalola, 2016). The most common way of doing this is through the inadequate or inefficient use of the company’s raw materials. This eventually ends up being expensive to the company, and it may have an effect on the working of the company, or reduce their profit levels. All these points to the direction of how important employee motivation is toward the operation of a company. This also shows that it is essential for any organization to ensure that its employees and subordinate staff are adequately motivated before performing a particular task.

Motivation is also related to work behavior. Good work behavior affects the performance of the company or department. Employees that are adequately motivated have good work behavior that is constructive to the company. This is also the same effect as a rewards system for organizations (Ford & Williams, 2015). Companies can use several reward systems. Their main aim is to motivate the worker to be productive towards the company. A manager of the company needs to establish the reward systems that will be of benefit to the company. Motivation and learning theories show that employees should be paid according to their performance at work (Babalola, 2016). This is a way in which individuals can be motivated to work for the company towards better productivity. A productivity problem should also be approached with the right mentality. However, having a motivated workforce does not automatically lead to high productivity. This only works if the other variable is favorable. Furthermore, the employee must identify the factors which motivate his workforce. This is because the workforce that is driven by appraisals is different from the workforce that is motivated by better working conditions.. [create_order

Job Satisfaction and Performance

Job satisfaction and better performance are strongly related to motivation. Satisfaction in any particular job is associated with the amount of job satisfaction received by the worker. The determinants of job satisfaction are different from those of job dissatisfaction. Motivators are the ones that lead to job satisfaction. Some of the motivators for better job satisfaction and better performance include salary, working conditions, and the policy of the company. Motivators are things that make an employee put more effort into their work, and without which, it leads to neutrality (Dubin, 1977). Motivators that drive to better job performance may be from within the company r may be obtained from the employee. Some of the intrinsic motivators are a promotion, demand for the job, recognition, achievement, and responsibility of the worker. The work of motivators in any company is to increase the level of job satisfaction that can be obtained from a job. Job performance, on the other hand, is a continuous process that affects the company according to how people work. There are a variety of means that companies use to increase or regulate the level of job performance for the company (Dubin, 1977). This also involves the systematic way in which the work of an employee is monitored to ensure that the level of performance is at the optimum levels.



The population is the total number of people that are available in any geographical area. This study will focus on the employees of a particular company. Therefore it will use the population of the people available in the company who are aged between 18 and 6o years, which is the retirement age for most organizations (Mugenda, 1999). This study will use a population of about 50 people who would be willing to participate in the study. However, there will be a combination of employees from a different department to increase the variability of the data that will be collected during the study.

Sampling Design

The sampling design is the process of isolating a small group of people from a large area. The design of sampling is essential to establish why a defined group of people was selected for the study while the other group was left behind. This sampling design was made according to the relevant characteristics. In this study, the population that was used were the ones that were willing to take part in the survey from different departments. This is because this is a voluntary case study that needed the use of employees who were willing. The sampling frame was explicitly those employees who had worked for at least a year. This is because that was plenty of time for the employee to observe the motivations and demotivation that are obtained from the company. Moreover, one year is an adequate time for an employee to follow the trend and workings in the company, and this will lay a vital role in the answers that are obtained during the study (Mugenda, 1999).

Data Collection Methods

The data was collected through the administering of questionnaires. The questionnaires were designed according to the objectives, aims, and research questions of the company. The use of questionnaires was recommended since they are easy and practical to administer. The employees will also have adequate time to answer and give more honest feedback as opposed to interviews. Both open-ended and closed-ended questions were compiled to form a set of questions that were used during the study. The research questions and objectives of the study will be highly considered during the formulation of the questionnaires. The main aim of the questions used will be to obtain information on the working environment and the ways by which the company motivates the employees. The first part will begin by taking the demographics of the respondents, such as age and sex, which will be used during the analysis of the results collected. The personal details, such as the names of the respondents, were not collected to make it easier for them to answer the questions that they were asked (Saunders, 2009). The study made sure that the privacy and confidentiality of the information provided by the respondents were respected, and this made it easier for the respondents to provide honest feedback. The process of administering the questionnaires took a maximum of 20 minutes, and it was done during a tea break. This is to prevent interfering with the normal working time of the employees. Furthermore, it was voluntary, so this ensures that the feedback provided was honest and from the hearts of the employees.

The process of study was first done through a pilot study.  The pilot study was done to obtain information on how the study will take place and the possible mistakes or details that might be left behind. The results of the pilot study were then used in the study. The researcher had to first make contact with the respondents in the field before undertaking the survey. The researcher also had to obtain information from the administration before conducting the study. This is important in ensuring minimun interruptions and disruptions on the work activities in the company. The venue of the research is also important, and the offices of the employees or the common meeting places were chosen as the best places to administer the questionnaires.

Data Analysis Methods

Data analysis is the process that obtains information and establishes credible information from a list of figures and numbers. This gives meaning to what was captured in the study. This involves the researcher systematically taking an analysis of the data collected during the research and modeling it by retrieving useful information from it. The data is then organized in a clear manner that can be interpreted. The data from the questionnaires were compiled into a table first and then analyzed using Ms. Office Excel. The data was analyzed using visual means such as graphs, which makes it easy to give full information on the data that was collected. Furthermore, giving summative information collected from the field is easier with the use of graphs.


The study took into account some ethical considerations when conducting the research:

·         The well-being of the respondents was important. The researcher adopted the task of ensuring that the respondents were in a comfortable environment that did not interfere with their work environment or personal space. The questionnaires were also designed in a way that can be understood by all the respondents in terms of the language used and the simplicity of the language used.

·         The privacy of the respondents was also taken into consideration during the study. Permission had to be obtained before the respondent was involved in the study. The data collected did not take personal data such as the contacts and names so that it could be done privately and confidentially. The consent of the respondents had to be obtained before the data was used in the study.

·         The quality and integrity of the data were also maintained. The research was done in a quality manner, and the data collected. This includes the impartiality of the research. The results obtained had to be impartial and independent, and there is no involvement of a third party during analysis and giving conclusions on the results obtained.




Ali, A., Bin, L., Piang, H., and Ali, Z. (2016). The Impact of Motivation on the Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction in IT Park (Software House) Sector of Peshawar, Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 6(9).

Babalola, S. (2016). The Effect Of Leadership Style, Job Satisfaction And Employee-Supervisor Relationship On Job Performance And Organizational Commitment. Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), 32(3), pp.935-946.

Dubin, Robert, Human relations in administration, prentice hall, New Delhi. (1977).

Ford, T., and Williams, J. (2015). A Study on the Impact of Rewards and Recognition on Employee Motivation. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 4(11), pp.1644-1648.

Mugenda, O. M. (1999). Research methods: Quantitative and qualitative approaches. African Centre for Technology Studies.

Pranita, F. (2018). Influence Of Motivation And Organizational Commitment On Work Satisfaction And Employee Performance. Proceedings of the ICECRS, 1(2).

Saunders, M. N. (2009). Research Methods for Business sn.

Singhvi, P., Dhage, N., and Sharma, P. (2018). Compensation and Its Impact on Motivation Employee‟s Satisfaction and Employee‟s Performance—International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, 05(02), pp.1-43.






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