Gender and children’s movies
In this movie, it entails a fairly consistent and well-founded site of research results about gender in relation to an agent of socialization of children’s films. My observation in the store is closely similar to those of other classmates. Children are indeed born in the world of pink and blue. For instance, while I was walking on the department of the store toy aisle, I noted that there is a clear demonstration of the gender divide. There are princesses and dolls meant for girls, while for boys, there are superheroes and vehicles. Hence, classmates’ posts observations are similar to mine where there is gender stereotyping of toys. This is a reflection of the varying interest that boys and girls have or instead the aim of the toy manufacturers, which intend on imposing concerning the gender stereotypes on children. So, by comparing classmate’s posts and my observations, then it is clear there is gender stereotyping in the stores and toy aisles.
The information form the movie concerning gender and children’s movies in which an agent of socialization portrays that there is gender stereotyping in the roles played by females and males in the movie. It translates that there are roles and responsibilities that a particular gender should play. Further, these movie themes are similar to the toy isles since they all unintentionally show gender stereotyping in their content and creation. The movie themes indicate that boys and girls are naturally programmed to have different preferences and interests, which seems like enough justification for gender and toy stereotyping. Consequently, this gender labeling of toys has excellent influence on how much intrest boys and girls show any gender-neutral toys.
References T6XB4ilk