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Gender issues

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Gender issues


The existence of gender issues has been associated with adverse effects on both men and women. Women fall under the most affected population since most of the gender issues affect them.  This argumentative essay focuses on the need for women programs concerning gender issues that affect them. The essay gives an insight into why women’s programs are increasing each day. It also identifies the relationship between gender issues and stress in women. Although women’s programs are formed based on helping women, men’s issues are neglected and should be addressed.


The issue of Guaranteeing equal rights and opportunities to females will help them in meeting development objectives as well as achieving gender equality. Gender issues are hitting societies very hard since women believe that their rights are not observed.  Lack of women emotional is the leading cause of this issue since Empowered women are contributing a lot of the community. Gender refers to roles constructed socially by societies by assigning them to women and men, respectively. Gender equity comes in when men have equal powers with women in terms of financial income, level of education and opportunities. Women empowerment is critical since it helps in raising self-worth, control power and decision making power. Gender issues begin when one is growing up and the actions played by men and boys play a significant role in achieving gender equality. Gender inequalities have been seen in different situations such as education, employment gaps, lack of mobility, and discrimination on divorce rights, violence and freedom of marriage.

Thesis statement

The number of women who wants power is increasing each day, and many have developed their program that nurtures girls throughout their age since many women are indicating high levels of stress. Therefore, gender issues cause of stress in women and the increased number of women-based programs


Over the last few decades, the number of women movements is growing tremendously. They’re led by women and nurture girls by empowering them. In this case, I believe that the increased number of women programs is as a result of the gender issues in society. Women are subjects to job discrimination, early marriages, violence and education limitations hence the need to come up with ways to address such problems. Stress in women is another issue troubling them psychologically, and psychologists are trying to understand what triggers it.

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Gender discrimination issues stress

Discrimination is an issue that doesn’t only affect races only but exists in gender alignment. Unjustifiable treatment expands feelings of anxiety which can prompt more prominent odds of physical disease. This makes workers late or missing due to medical issues. At the point when representatives would prefer not to work, they can generally evade it which costs business efficiency. This mostly affects women since they are subjects of discrimination. From their explanation, it’s a pity to listen to some of them since they believe that too much is expected of them. Back home, they are required to take care of children and at the same time, want to work. Coming to work and getting subjected to unfavourable conditions adds them to mental problems. Also, such medical issues can build human services asserts and can prompt expanded protection costs for the business. In numerous nations, ladies have restricted access to pre-birth and newborn child care, and are bound to encounter intricacies during pregnancy and labour. This is an underlying worry in nations where young ladies are subjected to marriage before 18 years since they aren’t prepared enough. Quality maternal medicinal programs give a significant passage point to data and administrations that engage moms concerning their wellbeing and the strength of their girls. Prenatal stress issues among mothers led to the creation of the Center for Reproductive Rights. This organization works with the UN to advocate for the needs of reproductive health among girls, prenatal and secure abortion. The organization has come up with programs that teach girls about their rights and reproductive health. Over the last year’s more than 50 countries have benefited from it.

Education levels issues

In most societies, education is the primary determinant of success. What is seen in most countries differ from this norm and hence women are rising to advocate for girls’ rights to education. There are several dropouts among girls, even though the world is promoting the issue of equality across the globe. Research shows that 25% of girls do not attend classes. Most of the families that are not in a position to provide basic need, their children are likely to stay at home. This makes the highest percentage to be girls since boys can do other roles to make money.  Most of the families will take advantage of the situation and make these girls work on family chores search as searching for water, cleaning and childcare hence interfering with their studies. This leaves on with a question of how ladies are going to cope in the future if not allow going to school. One might want to understand why some measures are not taken to the boys of the same age. Therefore, the women programs are advocating for education towards females to she’d light of prosperity in the future. This is because when a lady is well educated, she can make decisions on when to get married and can educate her children when the time comes.  HIV being an issue in society today, educated girls have information on what is happening and can avoid the risk of being transmitted. Of all the programs being set up by women, most of them focus on educating the young girls on the need to educate. Spare the Children is one of the greatest universal NGOs progressing and ensuring the privileges of youngsters in very nearly 120 nations around the globe. It works in the most burdened nearby networks teaching them about the opportunities of youngsters. A program known as spare the children tries to propel sexual orientation correspondence in all parts of its work, perceiving that sex imbalances make significant obstructions for supportable improvement.

The association attempts to guarantee that every one of its projects recognizes various requirements of everything being equal, including young ladies, young men, ladies, and men. The association likewise uses sex transformative methodologies, and it underpins significant and enduring effects in the lives of kids by working with key partners to distinguish and change the main drivers of sex disparity. The association additionally advocates for arrangements that advance sexual orientation uniformity and research and examination on sex to discover imaginative methods and handle changes.

Violence issue towards women

All genders can experience violence, but there is what people call gender-based violence. This refers to the force imposed on a person due to gender disparities, and this has an impact on human right and social order. The person committing this king of violence looks considers the gender of the other person in the view that they are more superior. It is violence experienced by both men and women, but ladies are said to be the most affected.

Nonetheless, utilizing the ‘sexual orientation based’ viewpoint is significant as it features the way that numerous types of brutality against ladies are established in power disparities among ladies and men.  Gender-based violence makes women developmental problems and most might wish to commit suicide. According to research papers, they found that women are likely to get tortured since they are recognized as less human in society. Considering the changes made in the last few years, women are beginning to understand their rights hence coming up with programs that advocate for their rights against gender-based violence. For these genders, an international amnesty program has been set up to deal with this issue. The international program consists of over 2.2 million individuals, who battles for globally perceived human rights for all. Amnesty International takes a shot at improving the Universal Declaration of Human Rights through global solidarity and crusading on human rights issues. Its crucial to direct research to create an activity to forestall and stop grave human rights mishandles, and to request equity for those whose rights have been manhandled. One of the critical exercises of Amnesty International is battle violence against ladies and backing for sexual orientation correspondence. Under its course to Stop Violence Against Women, the association advocates for the execution of laws that assure access to equity to ladies who are survivors of violence. It deals with engaging ladies and calls for the appropriation of new requirements that ensure ladies’ privileges and requests a conclusion to laws that oppress ladies.


The gender gap at the workplace

The gender gap has been an issue all along since the 19th century. Many women tried to fight for equality, but it has never worked. With the increasing number of women movements, one might want to understand whether gender issues contribute to this. I believe the gender gap is a critical motivating factor as to why women are coming together to say they have had enough of torture, and it’s time for them to take initiatives at hand. From studies, a large number of women are more educated than men.  Evidence shows that for a considerable length of time, most women have the highest levels of degrees and doctorates compared to men. Even if this is the case, several women are working in lower positions than men, and those in similar situations are earning less. A few studies have shown that ladies acquire 80 per cent of what men are paid, and from new information distributed in November 2018 recommends the compensation among females is a huge problem that needs to be solved.

The Institute for Women’s Policy Research has indicated that women are earning less than men. In contrast to this research, some people believe that women get more advantages in the workplace since they get more time to attend vacations and hence shouldn’t complain. The numbers of times women leave their jobs in a year can double the time men commit to working. In another study  From the study, the Stop Street Harassment nonprofit organization, the findings show their bosses harass that38% of women at work, and 80% have received verbal harassment and physical beatings. The most affected is the group of women who depends on tips to top up their salary.  The research has added that the immigrants’ women and those lacking documented visas are at risk of getting harassed at the workplace. Also, it is complicated for ladies to reach the top positions in an organization. Regardless of them being more educated than men and comprising almost 50% of the workforce, research shows that men are more promoted than women. This is known to the public since ladies make up fewer than 5 per cent of CEOs and under 10 per cent of ladies are top workers in the S&P 500. The worst effect is the black women population since they don’t feature in any of this arrangement.

When a complaint is made, the explanation given to why women aren’t moving into higher-up official sort jobs is the absence of good female examples in the working environment. Due to a lack of role models for women, they might think that moving to top positions is unattainable.  Finally, women are not in a place to request additional payment and compensation at the workplace. While identified with the issue of inconsistent compensation, the dread of talking about cash is a different issue that influences ladies more essentially than men. For ladies, arranging pay is regularly seen as being hungry or urgent, which prompts dithering with regards to requesting their value in the working environment. From this scenario, one can understand why stress in women can be associated with gender issues. It is difficult for a woman to handle such a problem at work and the duties back at home. Putting women in such situations makes them feel depressed, and most might not want to work at all. In this case, we can refer to the gender at the movement. This is a global women’s activist movement involving arranging information attempting to fabricate inclusive societies and end victimization ladies. The program works with scientists and activists over the world to create new knowledge on disparity structures and implanted unfair cultural standards and to deliver inventive methodologies and apparatuses to change them in associations and networks.

In addition, this association accepts that the world is confronting the emergency of popularity based establishments, in which the entertainers who battle to accomplish social equity have been undermined and where spaces for support and activity of common society bunches have been limited. In this way, it wide scope of counselling administrations to associations to fortify their commitments to sexual orientation uniformity and advance women’s activist authority. It additionally encourages activists to recount to their accounts and offer their bits of knowledge on sexual orientation imbalances with a more extensive open.

On the contrary to this, most researchers will argue that gender issues are overrated and are not supposed to affect people’s lives. On the subject of stress towards women, most people believe that other factors can cause stress and not necessarily gender issues. According to studies, gender division is vital in society since it makes it easier to differentiate men and women. Children need to learn different behaviours as they grow up, and that’s what makes one be associated with gender roles. In most societies, gender means everything to them, and in any case, women must be subjective to men. Spiritual beliefs have also interfered with how organisations classify gender. The Bible has created boundaries on what men should do, and women shouldn’t. From this analysis, one can tell that men will always believe to be the end in family and workplaces. In addition to this, stress is associated with issues like poverty and cognitive issues. Most women who are born in poverty find it hard to make through hence experiencing health issues. This should be considered as the most reason for stress among women.

Regarding the problem of many programs focusing on solving women issues, this should not be supportive. Gender issues are not only meant for women, but also men are the culprit. For instance, the issue of violence affects both men and women. In recent studies, the information shows that women are violating men in different ways.  Programs have been set up to help men from violence in relationships. Also, sex harassment is an issue affecting men, although it is not widely spread.

Many incidences have been reported where male workers are harassed by their bosses.  This is an indication that men should stand up and talk more about programs that will save them from such gender issues. Another reason why women are not in the top positions is the fear to request and lack of role models. They lack confidence in asking for what they need especially on salary increments. Most women have low self-esteem that makes them speak in public since they fear being humiliated and unacceptable.  What they need to understand is to lower their expectations of being accepted by everyone in society. Women coming from different organisations will give different opinions about gender equality since each has their way of doing things.



In a nutshell, the increased number of women programs is propelled toward advocating for their rights. Most women live under stress due to unfavourable working conditions out there to allow then to grow. Although there are programs solving gender issues affecting both men and women, most of them focus on solving women’s gender issues. From research papers, gender issues such as violence affect both genders, and that’s why both genders need to come up with programs that stand against this act.  Women need to be treated equally to men since they are more educated. There is no reasonable explanation that will convince women that they need to stay behind men or shouldn’t acquire top positions. Employment should be done according to merits and not on gender. Discrimination, according to gender should be highly condemned since it gives pressure to women. It is vital to uphold gender roles as a form of identity, but people shouldn’t be discriminated against on gender classes. Most families are headed by women and have been in a position to educate their children. From this, one can understand that both men and women are equal in capabilities.


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