Geopolitics, according to Neil Smith, is a form of critical capitalism that is tied to stage controlled spatial control and imperialism. The United States government has been accused of practicing critical geopolitics as it aims to et up a global American empire, albeit with bloody consequences, particularly in the invasion of Iraq. What looks apparent from the invasion of Iraq and other countries by America is the absolute disregard of human lives (Gearo’id et al., 321)Jennifer Hyndman argues that geopolitics is simply a theory of how space and politics interact. Fraser McDonald, on the other hand, criticizes America’s cause superiority policy is the cause of many conflicts in the world. Overall, the geopolitical tool used by the US to advance its foreign policy is faulty and risky.
Gearo’id, Jennifer, Fraser, Emily, and Virginie. New directions in critical geopolitics: an introduction. Springer. (2009)