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Health Care Reform – Busting The 3 Biggest Myths Of ObamaCare

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Health Care Reform – Busting The 3 Biggest Myths Of ObamaCare

In recent months, the Ministry of Health and Human Services has introduced many rules and regulations for health care reform. Whenever this happens, the media has access to it, and all kinds of articles have bee write about it in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and the television program news programs. All analysts talk about the pros and cons and what this means for companies and individuals.


The problem with this is that an author often looked at the regulation and wrote a piece about it. Then other authors start using parts of that first article and sharing parts to match their item. With the dissemination of information, the actual rules and regulations have been distorted and distorted, and whatI’ll show you in the media sometimes does not reflect the reality of the rules.


There is a lot of misunderstanding about what’s going on with ObamaCare, and one of the things I’ve noticed in conversations with customers is that there are some myths that people have picked up about health care reforms that simply aren’t true. But because of what they have heard in the media, people believe that these myths are true.

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Today we are going to talk about three myths that I hear the most. Not everyone believes these myths, but enough, and others are not sure what to think. It is, therefore, appropriate to dispel these myths now.


The first is that health care reform only affects the uninsured. The second reason is that Medicare benefits and the Medicare program are not affected by health care reform. And finally, health care reform will reduce healthcare costs.


Health care reform only affects the uninsured.


Let’s look at the first myth about health care reform that only affects the uninsured. Different expressions we use in many conversations with customers: “I am already insured so that I do not suffer from ObamaCare” or “I only keep my health insurance for grandfathers.” The latter – and I can give them some leeway because there is one part of what is right: “I have a corporate health insurance policy, so the health care reform does not bother me.


Well, the reality is that health care reform will affect everyone. From 2014 we will have some health plans, and these plans have many benefits with many additional features that existing programs do not offer today. So these new plans will cost more.

The next myth was that health care reform would not affect Medicare. It is a bit funny because of the most notable cuts we explicitly aimed at the Medicare program from the start. If you look at Medicare’s share of the total budget, you see that Medicare accounted for 4% of the US federal budget in 1970 and had grown to 16% of the federal budget by 2011.


If we look at this over the past ten years from 2002 to 2012, Medicare is the fastest-growing part of the federal government’s most basic law programs and has grown by nearly 70% over that period.


Due to the size and rapid growth of Medicare, it is one of the most critical programs that ObamaCare is trying to control so that it does not affect the US Medicare bankruptcy, and the first cuts to Medicare have indeed been around 716. Billion dollars set.


Medicare Advantage Cuts and the effects


Of this $ 716 billion reduction, the Medicare Advantage program is the most cut and has the most impact. itThis increases the premiums that people pay for their Medicare Advantage plans and reduces the benefits of those plans.


Increased Medicare costs


Many people currently opt for Medicare Advantage subscriptions because they do not have a premium. If you choose for Medicare plans, you see it as an easy decision because it is a free program for you: “Of course, I get Medicare benefits, I don’t pay for it. Why not?” Medicare premiums now go from zero to $ 70, 80, 90, and $ 100. We have already seen some Blue Cross Medicare Advantage plans this year. It will be even worse if we continue in the future.


Benefits with reduced Medicare benefits


To keep premium increases to a minimum, many Medicare Advantage plans increase personal contributions, increase deductibles, and change co-insurance. To keep premiums low, they will only pass on a more significant portion of the costs to recipients of Medicare Advantage. The Medicare Advantage plan expects higher premiums and lower benefits.


Fewer Medicare doctors

During the first years of health care reform, the mandate was rather weak. The order states that everyone must take out health insurance or pay an exceptional (tax). Healthy people just have to stand aside and wait until the order reaches the point where they finally have to take out health insurance. People with chronic diseases who previously did not have health insurance will start health care in early 2014.


The costs of the 2015 plans will rise at the end of the year. I can guarantee that this will happen because healthy young people are not motivated to participate in the programs. You will not see the benefit of an expensive plan because of the chronically ill step into the ideas and increase the costs.


The aim of health care reform is only a matter of semantics.


Its last piece is one of the most significant things – and it’s smart, I saw it in the initial two years of 2010 and ’11 – one of the most significant things referenced in the Obama organization documentation: change of the Healthcare would help lessen the costs that we would find later on the off chance that we didn’t do anything today. So they presented a cost reduction in Healthcare that would lower future costs. Not today, but it would reduce what we would pay in the future if we didn’t do anything now.


Well, that’s great, in 10 years we’ll pay less than we could have paid. And we all know how accurate future projections are reasonable. Meanwhile, we all pay more today, and we will pay even more in 2014 and 2015 and 2016. People will be quite upset about it.




These three myths that health care reform will only affect the uninsured, that it will not affect Medicare beneficiaries and that ObamaCare will reduce health care costs are precisely that. There is nothing for them.


You must keep an eye on developments in healthcare reform, as there are more changes this year. You need to know how to position yourself to be in the right place. Making the best decision at the beginning of 2014 will be very important for everyone.


Tim Thompson is the founder of SPF Insurance Services in San Diego, California, and has been writing about insurance issues for more than ten years.


And if that wasn’t bad enough, Medicare doctors will receive fewer and fewer reimbursements for Medicare Advantage patients and will stop taking new Medicare Advantage recipients. We will see that the group of doctors who are supposed to support the people in Medicare is also shrinking unless changes made in the next five years. So Medicare will be affected, and health care reform will affect it dramatically. Everyone is dependent on needles and pens and is waiting for what will happen there.


Healthcare reform will reduce healthcare costs.


The last and probably greatest myth about health care reform is the belief that ObamaCare will reduce health care costs. It is foolish. At the start of the process, when they tried to establish the rules and regulations, the focus and one of the reform goals was to reduce health costs.


But at some point, the goal has shifted from cost reduction to regulation of the health insurance sector. After this transition, the pushed cost savings into the background. There are some small cost-reducing components in ObamaCare, but the real emphasis is on regulating health insurance. For example, the new plans have much broader benefits than many plans today: more considerable benefits mean higher prices.


Subsidies for health reform: do they make plans affordable?


Many people hope: “The grants will make health insurance more affordable, won’t it?” Yes, in some cases, the grants will make plans affordable for people. However, if you earn a dollar too much, the affordable plans suddenly become very expensive and can cost thousands of dollars for a year. Whether a grant is accessible or not is currently really controversial. We will have to see what the prices for these plans look like.


New taxes on health care reform pass on to consumers.


Then a whole host of new health care reforms have been added to the system to help ObamaCare pay. itThis means that everyone who has health insurance, whether in a large group, a small group, or only as an individual, is taxed to pay the costs of the reform. The health care reform adds different health care taxes that insurance companies collect

Introduction: We are not number 1


I think Americans need a new way of thinking about health. Take a look at where our current perspectives on this topic have brought us – we are the last of the 17 most industrialized countries in the world in all major health indicators. Its previous piece is one of the most significant things – and it’s smart, I saw it in the initial two years of 2010 and ’11 – one of the most significant things referenced in the Obama organization documentation: change of the Healthcare would help lessen the costs that we would find later on the off chance that we didn’t do anything today.


The lead author of the Institute of Medicine, an NIH-funded study that uncovered this situation, commented, “Americans are getting sick, dying sooner and suffering more injuries than people in another high-income country.” (This is a quote from the report.) He, at that point, included this beauty: “We were astounded by the portions, all if we don’t do anything, the life expectancy will be abbreviated, and the malady rate among youngsters will be higher than in different nations.


Two ways to think about health


I think Americans are too passive about their health. Good health can only be achieved and maintained through conscious action. These actions require planning and disciples. Examples of this are regular and intensive training, eating in a way that nourishes the body without causing problems, and is positive and active in other ways.


The level of health that you will enjoy depends on your lifestyle choice. Your state of health largely depends on whether or not you invest in your well-being. If you make little or no investment, your health depends on the chance, the genetics, the aging process, and the timeliness of the quality of the medical care you receive.


On the other hand, if you invest, search, protect, and defend advanced health, your health is dramatically different – and better.


That is why we must distinguish between these two types of health situations – passive and active.


The most recent placement report from the Institute of Health for America reflects the passive segment of America. If the relatively small part of the American population that practices ongoing health were to be separated, if their health data were collected and compared, we would certainly be number 1.


For these and related reasons, I propose that we look at health in two different ways – by distinguishing between static health – that is how most people view and view their health and earn health. You get the latter if you invest wisely in your well-being.


It is a way of life that I call REAL well-being.


Health as currently observed


The WHO definition of health is unrealistic (no one, not even the most devout, enjoys “complete physical, mental, and social well-being,” at least not every day). Most people think much less about health. Most think they are okay if they are not sick. It is pathetic. It means no immediate medical assistance is needed. For the vast majority, this is a “good” view of health. Thinking like this is a self-fulfilling prophecy. It means that healthy is not the best you can hope for. He is the static definition of health, and it needs to reform and at least accompanied by a different perspective for those Americans who are willing to do their bit. That would deserve health.


I think we need health ideas that remind people that a passive situation is not as useful, desirable, protective, or rewarding as a dynamic state of health. We must all realize that static health, the default setting that you get when you are alone and doing nothing special to improve health, can and must be improved.


The use of the term “earned health” can remind people that health can be much more than just non-disease. The term ‘earned health’ can indicate a higher level of well-being. It can tell everyone that at best, health is more than a static condition.

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