Hillary Clinton’s Biography
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton was born on the 26th of October in the year 1947. Hillary Clinton is a renowned female politician, public speaker, writer, lawyer, and diplomat. She was lucky to serve as the First Lady of the US from the year 1993 to 2001. She also served as a senator from New York state from 2001 to 2009. She became the United States secretary for the period 2009 to 2013. She became the first female candidate to ever run for the US presidential race using the Democratic party ticket after winning it in 2016. She is also the first female presidential candidate ever to win the US popular votes and lost to Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton is now the current chancellor of Queen’s University Belfast in Northern Ireland.
Hillary Clinton was raised in a suburb in Chicago –Park Ridge. She graduated from college, Wellesley College, in the year 1969, and earned a Juris Doctor in 1973bfrom Yale Law School.
Early Life
Hillary was born at a medical center called Edgewater in Chicago, Illinois. She was brought up in a Methodist family that was united and then moved to Chicago suburbs of Park Ridge. Her father was called Hugh Rodham. He was of English and Welsh descent. Clinton’s father, Hugh, managed a small textile business that was very successful as a founder. At her early age, Clinton was so much attached to her father due to her feminist nature. Her father’s love was stronger than that of her mother’s love due feminism and the Oedipus complex.
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As a young child, Hillary became the favorite student among her peers in class at the public school. She participated in swimming competition and soft ball competitions which earned her numerous awards and badges as a Girl Scout and Brownie. She went to Maine East High School. In her high school, she participated in the student council. During her time, the high school newspaper was selected for national honor society. It is at this time that she got elected as a vice president for her junior year and later lost the same elections in her senior year for a presidential race of her class.
Hillary Clinton’s father, Hugh Rodham, a traditionalist felt like her daughter’s success from opportunities in her endeavors should not be limited by the fact she was female.
In her Junior High School, Hillary was a strong supporter of the antiwar nominations of the presidential race of the Democrat Eugene McCarthy. In the wake of assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., Hillary made a move and organized a two days strike lamenting the assassination.
In 1969, she graduated with an Arts degree in Political science. She became the first student to ever speak at a commencement event. After speaking at the event, she received an overwhelming standing ovation, one that lasted for seven minutes. It is this moment that her political career could be foreshadowed.
Section 2
Feminist Theory and Hillary’s Oedipus
Hillary’s development is a crucial event and it is therefore convenient to begin her description with the Oedipus complex. It is often the most reliable and direct route to hidden conflicts and anxiety sources. To understand the development of a woman, a male centered myth is used to give emphasis on the sexist bias when it comes to Freudian psychology.
A psychologists on feminism, Nancy Chodorow gives an explanation, “… the earlier criticisms of Freud’s bigotory and phallocentric theories could still stand without… being obligated to discard the psychoanalytic theory in its entirety.” The psychologist further concludes that both ideas, traditional and the new theories could be used to understand the male and female Oedipus complex.
Hillary’s investigation begins with questions about her image, behavior and character which is puzzling. Her energy, organizational and leadership capabilities, professional and political ambitions, intelligence, social and religious motivations and charisma together with family commitment can be recognized vividly. All the attributes needs to be bealanced with her anxiety, temper outbursts, impatience, chronic anger as a ‘worrier’ and a victim of a husband that is philandering. She demonstrates the role of a bread winner with cut ethical edges. She was labeled “Sister Frinidaire” in her high school newspaper. It shows some of the polarities and complexities that is explored in Hillary’s psychohistory.
One may raise the question, “How does Hillary’s problems explained fit in the Freudian and oedipal models?” Well, the Freudian Hillary, was fixated in her love for her own father. It is according to the explanation of a fateful and universal event after being disappointed by the oedipal when she came to discover at around four years of age that she was lacking a “penis”. The penis envy moves Hillary from a mother love to a father love in the pre-Oedipal years which is never even really solved.
It all sums up and results into a conscience or rather superego woman, which is seen as incomplete in the girl according to classical Freudian tradition. Her newly formed superego becomes weak due to the sudden fear of loss of her mother’s love. According to the theory, Hillary Clinton remained ambivalent about boys gender due to her natured tie to Hugh. She is uninterested in make-up and dating as a girl.
Her relationship with Jones was one visible admission of Hillary’s first oedipal love that was not extinguished. Chodorow’s explanation on the female drama brings out the nature and quality of any girl’s sexuality is largely determined by the kind of relationship with the mother.
Section 3
Coping: Character Adaptation of HC
Some features of personality of people are often developed for adaptive value for one to thrive in a given environment. The values in this case are largely influenced by nations, towns, schools and parents. People do cope up with different environments in order to meet expectations around them. Hillary Clinton, just like any other person around the world, is the product of her culture. One may put up an argument Rodham could have never been motivated to reach her political, national and social prominence that she has currently if she was in grade school during the amplified civil rights movements. Her church and parents exposed her to the inner city conditions at a tender age which greatly influenced her social programs penchant. She was not given the chance to pursue being an astronaut at a young age since she was female. She was also influenced by the fact that she was a young adult when civil rights activists were assassinated; Martin Luther King Jr., and others.
The factors at hand contributed to a given sense of social and political inequity. The inequity resonates in her policies as a political. The critical emotional experiences motivated her and molded her into her adapted political and social views and ideas collectively. Her family also played a very crucial role in shaping her political ideologies especially her father Hugh. Her father swore that her daughter’s dream and opportunities will not be hampered by the fact that she was female. A father’s encouragement served greatly in making sure that HC does not deviate from her political endeavors regardless of the adversities that she may be experiencing in her social and political circle.
Having been raised by parents that were financially stable gave her a big opportunity of attending one of the best colleges in the United States. The recommendation for her to join Wellesley College was made by her high school teacher. The teacher wouldn’t have made such a suggestion if Rodham’s family was impoverished. She was undoubtedly affected positively by the personality of her parents. Her parents were tough on her in a good way but she managed to cope with all that. The parents, especially her father Hugh Rodham set very high expectations for their daughter Hillary. Her strive to meet such expectations molded her into a renowned and reputable political figure around the world today due to her stands. It is accounted by her need to achieve and a strong reaction she poses in the wake of failure. Hillary Clinton is a product of her adaptability in her political and social endeavors. She is seen as a strong political figure by virtue of her strives in conditions that are encompassed with adversities. She exhibited strong stand in politics at a tender age in her high school. It her seen her through to her political achievements as an adult. With this kind of personality, she became the first female to win a nomination for presidential ticket with Democratic party of the United States of America.