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Special education

historical foundations of our diverse public school system

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historical foundations of our diverse public school system

  1. Using your knowledge of historical foundations of our diverse public school system:

Describe four historical or foundational influences which have contributed to increased equity and access to general education settings for individuals with disabilities in our diverse school system.

Use appropriate citations for each major point.  (20 points possible) find passages on these in your textbook





Intro-one paragraph on how kids have more access to gen ed settings versus the past

-when did this change? Was there special legislation that started this? A court case or law? Briefly mention it (use quote from your textbook if possible)


2.a. The first influence which increased equity and access for individuals with disabilities is…


* don’t forget text book quote and explanation![unique_solution]


  1. The second influence/historical influence was__________


* don’t forget text book quote and explanation!

Say how things changed after this law or event’


  1. In addition to (insert paragraph A topic) and (insert paragraph b topic) ________also was influential. The ___________increased equity and access by _____________

* don’t forget text book quote and explanation!

Say how things changed after this law or event’


  1. Lastly, a major historical influence which increased access for individuals with disabilities is___________. According to _(name quoted author) this is important because ____(insert quote).  ****explain or summarize the quote. Say how things changed after this law or event’



Summarize what the four events/things are and closing sentence. Altogether these four ______led to better access and increased equity for individuals with disabilities.



Question 3:While policy is developed through special education law, current practices continue to be defined through case law.

Explain how each of the following five pieces of legislation impacts our current delivery of special education in a multicultural society; Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, Americans with Disability Act, Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, Bilingual Education Act, and Every Student Succeeds Act.

Support discussion of legislation by citing specific examples of how on-going case law has established the six principles of IDEA.


Use appropriate citations for each major point.  (40 points possible)



-Name all five pieces of legislation which have shaped special education : Section 504 of the Voc Rehab Act, Bilingual Ed Act, Every Student Succeeds Act

(Common Core), ADA, and IDEA. Together these laws had a major impact on how special education is designed in today’s multicultural society. In the next pages i am going to talk about how each of these does that.  (or make up your own sentence lol)

  1. The first law which was important is Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act. The law ( describe what it does). In a multicultural society and in special education this ___________________(describe what it does)

++++++dont forget text quote! See index if can’t find for location

++++explain how it helps in multicultural setting

  1. The second legislation which shaped special education was the Bilingual Education Act which first came out in ___(insert year). For bilingual individuals with disabilities this allowed them to _______.
  • Discuss how fits with IDEA 6 principles.
  • IEP- iep can include accommodations for culture like language
  • Parent and student input on cultural background used to create goals and learning outcomes (give example-eg. Student who took ESL class)
  1. Another important special education related legislation was the Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA laws ____-describe what it does like ramps on campus.

+++Talk about how this adheres to the 6 principles of IDEA (choose one or two only- Procedural safeguard and LRE (do ramps allow kids to be at schools they used to be barred from due to stairs?)

+++what does this have to do with diversity and increased equity (ppl getting what they need) in the classroom

  1.  The fourth major legislation was IDEA which __________________use text book quote.

This law made sure that the learning environment fit six general principles including an IEP, FAPE, and LRE (write out the words.). Describe how two of them work in real life classroom for ELL , cultural and language minorities.

  1. The last piece of legislation was Every student succeeds implemented by the Obama Administration. THis law is reauthorized ______________(see link for info) this was important because ______________insert text quote.   This law replaced the NCLB education standards using the Common Core in its place. (describe why CC is better using book quote? Check index for location)




++++++dont forget APA citation list on last page and rubric! GOOD LUCK!



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