History of World Civilization
Assignment for paper 2
Write a 2-3 page (typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-in. margins) paper in which you respond to the question below.
Paper is due at the beginning of class, Tuesday, April 10.
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Answer the following question, supporting your thesis with specific examples drawn from class readings. I will be looking for a clear thesis, supported by specific examples.
Did the Industrial Revolution have more winners than losers? Or more losers than winners? You need to decide how you want to define the groups you’re analyzing here. You might want to talk about regions of the world, social class, or gender, but you should only talk about one of those. You also need to have a clear and consistent definition of what you mean by “winning” and “losing.”
Base this paper on class materials (the textbook, primary sources, lecture). If you choose to use outside sources, they must be full credited, and it should be clear what information you have drawn from them.
Use parenthetical citations with the author and page number.