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How artificial intelligence will change healthcare in the future.

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How artificial intelligence will change healthcare in the future.

Tom Chang, who is an ophthalmologist in Pasadena, deals with a lot of hospitals in the area, such as the Methodist hospital of southern California. He has a degree in the faculty of medicine. Tom chang has been in practice for more than 20years. Gr chang was among one the first surgical team that performed a stem cell treatment and implantation. This surgery was meant to treat dry macular generation. To date, this team has been one of those teams in the world that has done many stem cell surgeries. They have a center for this practice, which is known to be the best in the world.

Dr. Chang believes that in a few years to come, artificial intelligence will be one of those technologies that will come in handy when it comes to health matters. In his eye clinic, he can perform a 360eye exam in less than 20minutes. This process requires a lot of time and keenness. The technology that Tom Chang has enables him to complete this process at a shorter period and efficiently. This technology can detect a lot of health issues affecting the eyes.

The rise of artificial intelligence will act as a guide to health practitioners, especially when it comes to decision making. When it is matters concerning the eyes, patients are encouraged to do regular checkups. AI machines will help these physicians have a better approach to their patients. They will be able to encourage them to have regular checkups. The physicians will also be able to have a better diagnosis of their patients. This will, of course, be in a short period because the information is readily available.

Tom Chang, MD, firmly believes that the rise in artificial intelligence will create even better health outcomes and decisions made by health practitioners. He explains that the same computers can come up with very informed decisions, the same way they will be able to come up with formulas to help improve services in this field.

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