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Human Resource Development (HRD)

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Human Resource Development (HRD)


Human Resource Development (HRD) is the deliberate effort of an organization’s human resource office in improving the skills of their employees as a strategic initiative in improving the productivity of their employees. HRD programs have come in handy in bringing efficiency in the way work is done in offices as well as enhancing the productivity of employees. HRD is designed to make the employees more competent and also making them more committed by introducing a favorable HRD program that enables them to do their job efficiently. These HRD programs have equipped employees with better problem-solving skills; besides, it has also integrated people into the business. Choosing the right program to use in HRD requires a balance of the objectives that should be met at a minimum cost. Any organization’s goal is to maximize their profits by minimizing their cost and maximizing their revenues. A program that is chosen should help in achieving the organization’s purpose by increasing workforce productivity, quality, and efficiency. An HRD program has specified goals that ought to be delivered in the short and long term, should have schedules and methods of training, and ways of accessing the trainees. A program may be developed internally within an organization or outsourced from a different human resource company with a high level of expertise in that field. Generally, an HRD program should lead to performance improvement in specific areas or the general organization. Additionally, improving the performance of a company is critical to its sustainability. The purpose of this project is to determine the purpose and process of equipping employees with sills in using Enterprise Resource Program (ERP) and how it brings efficiency and productivity in a company. Most organizations are adopting the use of the system in running their value chain. The project establishes the need for HRD to invest in program training and how the impact can be assessed.

CHAPTER ONE: Phase Assessment.

1.1 Topic and Importance of the Topic.

The topic is on the HRD program on ERP development in an organization. ERP system is becoming an integral part of any company’s production and management process. Therefore, the project will research staff training on how to use and apply the system in their daily operations. Generally, an HRD program should lead to performance improvement in specific areas or in the general organization. Additionally, improving the performance of a company is critical to its sustainability as well as developing the skills of its employees

1.2 Where training is needed

In the organization’s entire value chain, there is a need for having practice on the use of ERP in all departments. The organization is a manufacturing company with different departments that make up the entire value chain. ERP system helps share data across the spectrum in the company’s value chain. Interdepartmental relations are critical in achieving overall company goals. Therefore, there is a need for training in all departments. Failure of one department may cause the company not to realize its overall objective.

There is the finance and accounts office that is in charge of paying suppliers of raw material and accepting payment from customers on the invoice. Finance and accounts officers require training on how to use the system to make prompt payments to suppliers to avoid stock-outs and delays. Additionally, training is necessary to prevent the problems of double invoicing, which may have a substantial financial impact on the overall company. Finance officers may be trained in making informed financial projections.

Additionally, there is the supply chain department that procures raw materials from suppliers and also monitors the stock positions of finished products. The supply chain department requires training on how to use the system in determining when there are stock-outs and how to make re-order to avoid stock out of raw materials. Additionally, store management is critical in the company’s financial position. The department t should be trained on how to counter check paid invoices to release goods to customers who have been paid for from the accounts department. Still, training on stock management levels will prompt the procurement department to seek more stocks from the production department when the system notifies there is a stock out.

The sales department is in charge of issuing invoices to prospective customers and doing a quotation of goods required. A lot of training is needed to be done to salespeople as they are the ones in charge of issuing invoices to customers. A wrong invoice may cause the company financial loss hence the need for training. The sales staff also require training on database management of all customers that have been served by the company. This training helps in keeping records and making bulk messages for marketing purposes.

The human resource department also requires the training on how to effectively the system on updating human resource records and effectively managing the employees. Some of the ERP systems can capture records of time in and time out. Further, training is required so that the human resource department can make payments and compensation promptly to their employees.

1.3 What Kind of Training is Required

The training required in all departments is to use the ERP system in making decisions effectively. Data from the system should guide decisions that are made. Making a data-informed decision is critical for any business as data is the bloodline for any business. Management should be able to make forecasts from an informed point of interview. Training on improving the skills of the employees is critical in enhancing their productivity hence leading the company to profitability.


CHAPTER TWO: Designing and Training Program

2.1 Title of Training

Training for business sustainability and personal growth through skill development in ERP. This is the title of the training program. It captures the objectives for the training, which is ensuring the sustainability of the business through human resources development and developing on their capacities as individuals. This is aimed at increasing productivity in their entire value chain through ensuring efficiency and increasing individual capacity to improve on performance.

2.2 Objectives

The training has established four objectives of doing the training. The first objective HRD program on using an ERP system is automating business solutions in the entire value chain by interlinking all the departments into a single unit. The other objective of the training is to increase operating efficiency in the whole organization by equipping all employees with skills and technical knowledge in using ERP to ensure the smooth running of the business. Thirdly, it is simplifying business processes by having an integrated system that will ensure transparency at a reduced cost. Lastly is guaranteeing the competitiveness of the business through the reduction of costs and increasing productivity through enhancement of skills.


2.3 Registration and Enrollments.

Training will be done to three representatives from each department in which one has to be the head of a department. The three people will further do the training to their colleagues and act as mentors. This selection will help in the continuity of business during the training period as well as saving on cost. A reduced number of trainees will help in ensuring efficiency in the training session by increasing interaction between the trainer and trainee. The company will do the facilitation.

2.4 Lesson Plan

The training will incorporate various teaching methodologies and techniques as well as ensuring excellent interpersonal skills to effectively pass the knowledge to the employees. The lesson plan is designed to achieve the objectives of the training. The lesson is intended to be actionable and has practical sessions to ensure they get the knowledge and skills required in using an ERP system. The methodology for training will be face to face interaction.

2.4.1 Content to Be Covered

The content to be covered will be divided into phases to ensure that the practice can have an impact. The first session to be covered is on the general application of the ERP, data entry, and requesting while avoiding errors of omissions or commissions. The next level will be on doing authorization levels and customer relation management (CRM). The last part of doing the training will be assessing to ascertain whether the employees understood.

2.4.2 Preparing Training Materials

The training will involve a lot of demonstrations and practicals. In readiness for this, the company has been requested to provide their employee with computers. Additionally, a projector will be required in the training room for demonstrations. Internet connectivity has to be good to ensure the excellent running of the program. Visual videos will be made for easier understanding where the employees can enhance their skills by watching the videos and visual graphics that show the step to step process of running the system.

2.4.3 Activity Sequencing



8.30 AM-9.00 AM

All trainees have arrived and settled. Prepared for the start.

9:00AM-10:30 AM

Theoretical introduction to what ERP is, how it is used, how it will ensure productivity and its advantages compared to the manual system.

10.30A.M- 1.00PM

Practicals on using ERP. All participants are expected to have their computers. Demonstration on how to make a request, make authorizations, generating invoices, generation LPO and GRN, and any other document.

1.00 PM- 2.00PM

Lunch break

2:00PM –4:00 PM

Question and answer sessions on using ERP

4:00 PM-6:00 PM

Assessment of personal understanding. Will be done through practicals.

2.4.4 Methods of Instruction

The training method adopted will be consultative and participative to ensure the trainees grasp all the required information. A question and answer session have been set aside where the trainee will be allowed to ask any question about the working and applicability of the system. Having a participative learning process is vital as the trainee feels free to engage the trainer. Doing an assessment will be part of the teaching methodology to evaluate how well I have delivered the content.

2.4.5 Training Ads Poster.

Graphic designs of the training will be prepared to advertise. The ads poster will communicate on the venue, time, and objective of the training.

Chapter Three: Implementation

3.1 Methods of Teaching

In ensuring that the student understands the whole process of using an ERP system, practical and theoretical teaching methodology will be used in teaching. Theoretical will lay the foundation in which the practice will lay on. However, most of the training will be done through a practical solution. Every trainee is expected to have a computer installed with an ERP process. As a trainer, I will give instructions to the trainee verbally so that they can follow by doing it practically. Research shows that human brains work best by training and practicing. This training method will help the trainee have the first-hand experience in using the ERP system. For example, a procurement officer will be required to do data entry of all raw material and stocks within the company. This exposure will help in memorizing the process and also have deep insight into running the program. This is the most effective way of teaching employees.

Secondly, after the initial training, subsequent training will be done through video conferencing and telephone communications. This is because employees already have the basics required for one to do by himself or herself. This training will be tailored to suit working hours so as not to disrupt the business operations. Video conferencing and phone calls will be done on a need basis when an employee is stuck or faced with difficulty.

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Chapter Four: Evaluation

4.1 Criteria for Evaluation.

Kirkpatrick’s evaluation criterial uses four steps in evaluating the effectiveness of training. The first step is determining how the participants reacted to the training. This includes the perception the trainee had towards the learning process and how they felt the effectiveness of the training. The second stage is determining to what level the trainee actually got the information and knowledge that was being trained on. The trainee skills that have been acquired from the e training program should be measured to ascertain if the training was effective. Thirdly, the behavior of the trainees after the training should be an assessment that one ought to carry out. The response of the employees after additional skills and knowledge and its impact on the company. Lastly, one should check on results after the training. If the objectives of the training were realized and whether the company noted differences from the training.

4.2 Evaluation of the training

From cognitive behavior and the reaction of the employees, the trainee was positive in their feedback form the question and answer session. Most of the employees felt that they had added skill that made an asset to the company. The teaching methodology was participative, and therefore, from the mood, there was no boredom. Participative learning encourages everyone to be active, hence no monotony of giving long speeches. Breaks were provided in between the sessions that made them refreshed throughout the training session. They felt everybody’s learning process was taken good care of as it was interactive; those who had difficulties were free to ask their colleagues who had a better understanding.

After the training session, an evaluation test was done by the trainees to evaluate their understanding of the application of the process. All trainees displayed good knowledge background in the use of the system; however, some areas which ware bit technical, the employees had some challenges. It was established that they all had basic knowledge in using the system, which was a prerequisite in doing their daily jobs in their fields of expertise. An emphasis on practice makes perfect is key.

After the training, employees were motivated to work as the workload had been reduced by half. The elimination of the manual system motivated employees to work due to the efficiency of the systems. The company reported a reduction in operations cost and a better audit system, which enabled them to monitor their finances and stocks movement. The behavior of the employee was sustained over a long period and has been incorporated as a company culture of using the ERP system. The participants took the initiative of mentoring other employees who were not present in the learning sessions. Interns, too, became vast by using the system.

The overall impact was increased efficiency throughout the company and better interdepartmental relationship, which has greatly improved the quality of service done. The company reported increased profitability, higher customer retention, and good quality of work. As a result, the company has increased the compensation package to its employees due to good business profitability.


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