idea of race as innate biology
The series questions the idea of race as innate biology as to why there is a division of people into different groups of black, red, or white. That this idea of division has become embedded too much in ourselves that even when one tries to dismiss the idea will be seen as crazy. The series suggest that the belief in inborn racial differences has become more of believing a lie. However, race still matters even though it does not exist in biology; it does not mean it is not real. In the first episode of the series, the difference between us looks into genetics that challenges the sense that makes humans assume that it is reasonable to group people into different groups according to their physical traits. In the second episode, the story we tell shows the different roots of the story of race in North America, which was legalized by the 19th-century science, and how it was accepted by the western imagination. It explains the role of race n rationalizing and justifying American social inequality. The last episode of the house we live in asks what is a race if it is not biology. It explains how race exists in politics and culture but not in nature. Furthermore, it reveals how race is used to channel unequal resources and power to the white people and to oppress the other.
Just like the 21st century in the united states, people have different opinions on race and ethnicity and whether it still has relevance in society. Prejudice and discrimination among people of a different color are still on the rise, and it has become a nationwide disaster. Many people have died because of discrimination, and no justice has been serving. People have tried to explain why there is imbalance like Herbert Spencer using Darwin’s evolutionary view of survival for the fittest argued that it is natural that some people will be rich, and others will be poor.