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Impact of Job Satisfaction and Attitude on Employee Motivation

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Impact of Job Satisfaction and Attitude on Employee Motivation


The purpose of the study is to evaluate and develop a suitable analysis on assessing role of attitude and job satisfaction on the motivation among workers in an organization. It is vital for developing a proper relationship among development of appropriate perspective and job satisfaction on the motivation of the employees. The study is useful for depicting various principles of job satisfaction and opinion on the long- term development of a company. There is implementation of multiple theories and models for representing importance of job satisfaction and attitude on motivation in the workplace. The study helps in evaluating positivity of adequate job satisfaction and approach to the minds of the workers in an organization.



It is vital for developing a suitable approach by the employees in a workplace. The development of positive attitude among the employees helps in developing a problem – solving framework and achieve overall objectives of the organization. It offers a unique range of positive mindset in the minds of the employees and produces an enhanced working culture. The development of suitable attitude among the workers helps in managing entire work and provides sustainability in operations (Yalabik et al. 2017). There is a direct link among developing of positive attitude among the employees and creating a profit scenario. Most of the employees looks for demanding a favorable situation from the management and reduce any type of flaws in the operations of the management.

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Moreover, attitude is development of a positive belief, values and feelings shown by the employees towards the management and achieves overall success in the future. It is a positive framework developed for measuring any type of negativity shown by the employees towards managing work in the organization. The implementation of positive attitude shown by the workers in managing work provides enormous effect on the organization and increases overall productivity. It is a vital procedure for the employees for measuring work performance and reducing existing flaws within the operations (Mahmood et al.  2019). Most of the management of the organization focuses on creating a positive working atmosphere and develop long- term relationship with employees by conducting useful management programs. The development of suitable management programs ensures stability in the operations and promotes positivity among the employees. Attitude is methods developed by the employees for managing negative situations in the workplace and create positive strategies for maintaining work culture. It provides suitable measures for producing coordination among one another and creates high morale.

Job Satisfaction

Most organizations strive for developing high job satisfaction among the employees in an workplace for assessing success of an organization. It provides a positive framework and develops strategies for ensuring adequate relationships with the employees. The development of inadequate strategies leads to negativity in the opinions among the workers and reduces turnover for the organization. It is directly linked to ensuring long- term success and develops appropriate work procedures for the workers (Kuzey, 2018). Job satisfaction is a positive state of mind produced by the employees for managing entire work in the company with high motivation. The management of a company needs to develop a positive working environment for the workers to create high productivity and asses efficiency in the future. Job satisfaction creates positivity among the minds of the employees and helps in providing a profitable scenario for the organization.

The development of suitable job satisfaction among the employees develops efficiency in the operations and creates a positive image. Most of the employees feel secured to work in a positive working atmosphere in the company and achieve long- term success of the organization (Froese et al. 2019). It is an essential principle developed among the minds of the employees for ensuring better work culture and maintain good relations with the management.

The principle of job satisfaction is vital for reducing any type of flaws in the current mindset of the workers and develops positivity. The development of adequate job satisfaction ensures loyalty among the behavior of the employees and creates effective co-ordination among one another (Shaju and Subhashini, 2017). It is a method that helps in maintaining positivity in the works managed by the employees in an organization and create a competitive edge. Job satisfaction provides a direct impact on the primary motivation of the workers to develop adequate procedures for maintaining work in the company.


Moreover, development of positive attitude and job satisfaction provides a positive effect on the motivation of the employees in the organization. It can be analyzed that motivation is a process developed for creating positive behavior among the workers. The development of suitable motivation leads to job improves productivity and enhances existing work culture.  Most of the employees focus on developing adequate motivation procedures for creating a positive mindset and create efficiency in the operations (Tella and Ibinaiye, 2019). On the other hand, development of inadequate motivation among workers leads to negativity in the workers and reduces turnover.

It is vital for maintaining a suitable working atmosphere in the organization and ensures that overall objectives of the organization are achieved in the future. The development of adequate motivation among the employees provides self- esteem and willingness to perform entire work within stipulated time (Suhartanto et al.  2019). It is essential for creating positivity in the mindset among the employees and improves overall morale of the work force.

According to Bernanthos, (2018), development of motivation among the employees ensures development of ethics in the workplace and manages sustainability. Most of the workers are highly engaged in performing entire work with proficiency and develop innovation in the existing procedures for generating productivity. However, adequate development of principles of motivation among employees creates negativity in the mindset and affect work performance. Employee motivation ensures a high level of satisfaction among the employees and provides a suitable framework for measuring actual levels of performance. There is a direct link among development of suitable measures for ensuring motivation in the workplace and develop ethics.

It is a long – term strategy developed by the management for increasing willingness of the employees to improve existing performance and provide productivity. Moreover, employee motivation helps in managing work rate of the organization in an effective process and regulates production rate of the company. Employee motivation helps in creating suitable balance among the ability to perform the work by the workers and develop willingness for performing entire work. The principle of employee motivation leads to efficiency in the operations developed by the workers and implement long- term strategy. It is vital for providing exceptional measures among the mind of the employees and ensure stable work force (Berliana et al. 2018). Employee motivation develops positivity within the entire work of the employees and develops regular operations for the company. The implementation of adequate employee motivation ensures better work rate for the employees and improves performance rate in the future. The development of suitable employee motivation provides a guiding principle for the employees in managing entire performance.

Impact of Job Satisfaction and Attitude on Employee Motivation and Organizational Behavior

Herzberg Two Factor Theory

The implementation of this theory helps in evaluating impact of job satisfaction on employee motivation among the organization.  It is a two- factor theory that evaluates impact of increase in job satisfaction on employee motivation. According to this theory, Herzberg proposed that there are various factors in the job that increases motivation (Herzberg, 2017). On the other hand, there is presence of other factors in job among the employees that leads to negativity in the motivation for the employees.  The developments of hygiene factors are essential for satisfying employees and provide strong sense of motivation among the workers.

In this regard, development of adequate hygiene factors creates reduced amount of dissatisfaction among the employees.  The development of adequate dissatisfaction among the workers creates redundancy and provides a direct effect on the motivation. Most of the management of the organization focuses on developing suitable hygiene factors for improving existing job- performance and improve motivation in the work place (Lee and Sabharwal, 2017). It is vital for evaluating hygiene factors and maintains proper ethics in the organization.

Figure 1: Herzberg Two –Factor Theory


According to Herzberg, there should be development of positive motivation among the employees for developing job satisfaction. The development of this factors helps in ensuring proper motivation among the employees and yields superior performance. It is essential for praising employees and creating appropriate recognition among the workers for managing existing work. The development of positive intrinsic factors among the employees provides additional attention among the employees and yields motivation. It provides a direct effect on the performance and ensures stability in the operations. The utilization of appropriate job satisfaction measures among the employees develops proper relationships and improves existing mindset with one another (Abdolshah et al. 2018). The development of this theory focuses on evaluating suitable procedures for improving motivation among the workers and that affects job satisfaction. It is an innovative theory developed for providing extent of appropriate linkage among the two entities in the mindset of the employees.

Cognitive Dissonance Theory

According to the theory, attitude provides a direct impact on the motivation of the employees in an organization. The principle of this theory states that employees need to maintain consistency in the values, beliefs and behavior in the workplace. The development of positive attitude among the employees creates proper motivation and willingness for performing the entire work in a systematical process (Carlson et al. 2017).  There is development of negativity in the motivation during development of inconsistency in the attitudes and behaviors of the employees.

Cognitive Dissonance theory is a method developed for creating positivity in the attitudes of the employees that leads to proper motivation in the entire work. Most of the workers tend to build inconsistent behaviors while working in the workplace and creates a direct impact on motivation (Ridaryanto et al. 2018). The implementation of this theory ensures development of appropriate principles for measuring attitudes and creates proper motivation in the organization.

Moreover, cognitive dissonance theory proposes a suitable process for marinating a balance between developments of adequate attitude and creates appropriate motivation in the workplace. The development of adequate relations among the employees and management in the organization creates positivity in the mindset of the workers and improves motivation. It provides an analytical framework for evaluating any inconsistency shown in the attitude of the employees that provides effect on the motivation. The development of suitable strategies by the management creates suitability in the operations and develops positive state of mind among the employees in the organization (Fletcher et al. 2018).

Figure 2: Cognitive Dissonance Theory


It is a positive theory developed for implementing effect of attitude developed by the workers for assessing current motivation. The development of suitable attitude among employees creates a balance among the operations and improves overall operations (Ohunakin et al. 2019). According to this theory, employee attitude is directly related to motivation in the workplace and develops long- term success for the organization.

Dispositional Theory

The implementation of dispositional theory assumes that stability in job satisfaction among employees provides a positive effect on the working culture in an organization. The development of job satisfaction is related to assessment of the psychological perception of a worker in an organization. The management of an organization focuses on providing positive satisfaction among the mindset of the employees for conducting entire workforce (Wnuk, 2017).

According to this theory, there are presence of various type of perceptions among the employees which provides a negative effect on the organizational culture. The development of negativity in performing work by the employees develops negativity and causes disperencies in the operations (Visvanathan et al. 2018). Most of the employees tend to asses existing satisfaction while conducting job in organizations. This theory proposed that development of suitable conditions in the working environment for the employees ensures stability and maintains a suitable working culture.

Figure 3: The Dispositional Theory



Moreover, dispositional theory provides extensive focus on assessing various factors for the employees to work in the organization and manage organizational behavior. It is vital for ensuring appropriate procedures for the employees and develops suitable relationship with the employees. The implementation of this theory helps in evaluating positive working atmosphere and maintains adequate relations with the employees (Sawalha et al. 2019). It provides positivity in the existing working conditions for the employees by developing suitable procedures and manages overall processes in the workplace. The development of adequate relations within the workplace for the employees ensures stability approach and maintains long- term relations. The development of high rate of job – satisfaction among workers provides a long- term effect on the minds of the workers for managing entire work in a systematic process. It is a vital framework for managing evaluation of job- satisfaction on organizational behavior.

Functional Approach Theory

The implementation of functional approach theory asses that variations in attitudes and beliefs of the employees provide a direct impact on organizational behavior. There is variation in the perception of the employees which provides a long- term effect on the performance of the organization. The theory is useful in evaluating an appropriate formation of attitude by the employees for maintaining overall performance of the organization. It provides a suitable approach for analyzing various views of the employees while conducting entire work in an organization. The developments of proper principles by the management ensure stability in the existing operations and evaluate working performance. The implementation of this theory creates systematic mindset among the employees and provides long- term effect on the organizational culture. Most of the employees tend to develop negative in the attitude while working in the organization that results in conflicts among one another.


Figure 4: The Functional Approach Theory



The utilization of appropriate recognition programs and assessing long- term problems of the employees develop better understanding among one another. It provides a useful review of the necessary actions required to build positivity in the attitudes of the employees and manage entire work. There is a direct relationship among management of appropriate procedures for evaluating positive attitudes among the employees and improve productivity. It provides basic approach for developing proper balance among maintenance of appropriate attitude by the employees for measuring performance in the organization (Yildirim et al. 2017). The development of adequate clarity and assessment of systematic operations provides direct effect on the attitude and maintains long- term relations.


The study provides an in-depth analysis of effect of job performance and attitude on employee motivation in workplace. It helps in providing suitable depiction of the interlinkage among the entities to develop positivity in the organization. The implementation of appropriate theories and models helps in evaluating impact of job satisfaction and attitude on overall objectives of the organization. It is vital for ensuring stability in the existing process of the organization and creates a suitable working culture for the employees. The development of adequate principles helps in relating positive linkage among one another in the organization.

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