implementation of simulation in a recognizing different heart rhythms
Task 1: Project Proposal Introduction: In this task, you will identify a gap in a nursing education program in an academic setting that leaves nurses unprepared to complete a duty in the workplace. You will use the gap you identified to propose a solution for changing the curriculum that addresses the gap in the nursing education program in an academic setting. This solution should be designed for future nurses or nursing students. Your proposed solution will not require you to conduct primary research but should use scholarly, peer-reviewed sources to support the proposed nursing education program improvement. As a result, this project will not require Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. However, you will be required to conduct a comprehensive literature review of the primary, peer-reviewed studies you will use to identify best practices in support of your proposed solution. During your capstone course, you will create implementation and evaluation plans that include the details of a lesson plan for your proposed curriculum. Once your project proposal is complete, you will create a professional presentation that outlines your plan and then present it to your leadership group.C. Summarize your project by doing the following: 1. Describe the curriculum gap in an academic setting that leaves nurses unprepared to complete a duty in the workplace that your proposal will address. 2. Describe recent internal organizational trends leading up to the gap described in part C1. 3. Explain the specific organizational background causes of the gap identified in part C1. 4. Identify the nurse or nursing student audience that will be the target of your proposal. a. Describe the characteristics of your target audience (e.g. education level, educational setting where the target audience will receive your proposed solution). b. Discuss how your proposal will help the professional development of the target audience identified in part C4. D. Explain your proposed solution (suggested length of 3-5 paragraphs) to address the gap identified in part C1. E. Explain the intended outcomes of your proposed solution. F. [unique_solution]Provide an evidence summary synthesizing literature to support the solution you described in part D. G. Provide a final reference list for your evidence summary, in APA format, that includes at least five scholarly, peer-reviewed sources that were published within the last five years. Note: This reference list refers specifically to your evidence summary from part F. H. Explain your proposed implementation plan, including the following: 1. a plan of action 2. a timeline 3. needed resources and personnel 4. the proposed change theory 5. barriers to implementation I. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. J. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission. This a hipotetical project of implementation of simulation in the Medical Surgical Nursing class and more specificaly in teaching students to recognize different cardiac rhythms.You have to answer the questions in the task and the section where is asking fot the resources is going to be in the end even though is listed as a part of section G Evidence Summary.You have to explain for this specific school NUY Rory Meyers College of nursing which is real school in NUY New York city why hipoteticaly this a gap and how you wil implement this proposed solution in my case simulation to fix the gap you have to implement simulation and include it in the curiculum of this course Medical Surgical Nursing. and more specificaly recognizing different cardiac rhythms.I sent an attachment with the document with the project i already sterted it and answered first two questions please if you can think of more direct answers feel free to add it . Please type diretly in the attached document.This project is a part of my cap stone and I should be able to add and build on it as i am adding the rest of the parts .IN part H in the plan of action you should include that i met with my preceptor for this project who is a teacher in NUY Rory Meyers College of Nursing and teaches Medical Surgical course part II that includes teaching students recognizing diferent cardiac rhythms and we identified gap in teaching this subject and i decided to implement simulation teaching this subject and specific area of student′s learning and knowledge to better their education regarding this topic This is the grading rubric and requirments to the parts of the paper to be competent C1. ADDRESSED CURRICULUM GAP The desсrіption of a curriculum gap in an academic setting is in narrative format and is relevant to the nursing education program the student evaluated. C2. ORGANIZATIONAL TRENDS The desсrіption is in narrative format and includes recent internal organizational trends that provide logical support for the gap described in part C1. C3. EXPLANATION OF CAUSES The explanation includes specific organizational background causes that logically explain why the gap exists. C4. IDENTIFICATION OF TARGET AUDIENCE A The response identifies a nurse or nursing student audience that will be a logical target for the proposal. C4A. CHARACTERISTICS OF TARGET AUDIENCE Characteristics of the target audience are not provided. The desсrіption is in narrative format and includes specific details about the target audience’s education level or educational setting. C4B. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The discussion is in narrative format and addresses how the proposal will help the professional development of the target audience identified in part C4. D. PROPOSED SOLUTION The explanation of the proposed solution is in narrative format and provides a detailed overview of the steps the student will take to address the identified gap. E. INTENDED OUTCOMES The explanation is in narrative format and logically explains the intended outcomes of the proposed solution. F. EVIDENCE SUMMARY AThe evidence summary is in narrative format and logically synthesizes literature to support the student’s proposed solution. G. REFERENCE LIST An appropriate reference list for the evidence summary is provided in APA format and includes at least 5 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources that were published within the last five years. H1. PLAN OF ACTION . The explanation of the plan of action is in narrative format and covers all necessary components related to the project. H2. TIMELINE The explanation of the timeline is in narrative format, includes a detailed overview of the milestones in the proposed implementation plan, and is logically consistent with the information provided about the project. H3. RESOURCES AND PERSONNEL The explanation of the needed resources and personnel is in narrative format and is reasonable given the information provided about the project. H4. PROPOSED CHANGE THEORY An explanation of the proposed change theory is in narrative format and is included in the implementation plan. The explanation is reasonable given the information provided about the project. H5. BARRIERS TO IMPLEMENTATION An e planation of the barriers to implementation is in narrative format and is included in the proposed implementation plan. The explanation is reasonable given the information provided about the project. I. APA SOURCES The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and demonstrates a consistent application of APA style. J. PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION . Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the candidate. Terminology is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding.