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Improving mental health treatments

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Improving mental health treatments.

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            The subject of mental health treatment and how the services offered should be improved gained popularity across the globe. Most people who are mentally ill, depressed or with PTSD have had poor services given to them, which calls for an improvement to be made in this sector.  I chose the two quantitative research articles because they contain detailed reviews from different publications on mental health-related issues. On the other, the other two qualitative research articles focus on real-life qualitative analysis through interviews to determine what patients with mental illnesses go through in society. Finally, the mixed-method research articles chosen give a wide range of psychiatric issues touching on people from different fields. These fields range from war veterans to medical doctors, a clear indication that no one is an exception of mental related issues.


Mitra, R., & Hodes, M. (2019). Prevention of psychological distress and promotion of resilience amongst unaccompanied refugee minors in resettlement countries. Child: care, health and development45(2), 198-215.

The authors of this article, write in reflection to the high numbers of unaccompanied refugee minors (URMs) entering Europe. From the several works of literature review, it is noted that the URMs have a particular issue pertaining to their mental health. This paper thus focuses on developing better ways and setting in place improved facilities aimed at improving the mental health of the URMs. Considering the psychological resilience of the URMs and their mental health, thirteen published quantitative studies for children under the age of 18 years seeking asylum were used. From these quantitative studies, it was noted that most of the URMs are not receiving any sort of psychological intervention.

In this piece of writing, the authors did not mention anything in relation to the possible roots of Post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD). Another point of weakness in this article is that the authors do not give a clear path of handling while preventing more URMs from streaming into Europe. Contrary to this is a way that is provided to ensure that the children can get access to mental health facilities. Yet by them accessing these facilities, the general health outcome remains unhandled. It would thus be of great essence that after noting that of the sampled population on 30% having guardians or foster parents who can detect mental health need, the remaining 70% have a strategic plan set for them to reduce these percentages.

This paper demonstrates the three preventive interventions that can be used to improve the mental health of the URMs. The interventions include; targeted, universal and indicated strategies. These strategies cater for both primary and secondary interventions for children with psychiatric disorders. According to the research, the residential setting can be adjusted to provide a little bit more freedom. This has been identified as the source of stress and equally as a measure that cab used to reduce PTSD cases.


Flynn, M., Houtjes, W., Merks, A., Van Mierlo, A., & Van de Wetering, B. (2015). Metabolic syndrome in mental health and addiction treatment: a quantitative study. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing22(1), 15-19.

The increased risks of contracting heart diseases in mentally ill patients are the reason behind their shorter life expectancy. The authors of the article reviewed a number of other publications on this subject matter and drew conclusions as addressed therein. Other than the direct link between mental illness and heart disease, the medication used also acts as a bridge between the two aspects. The drug used during the treatment process for mental diseases results in weight gaining, thus putting the patients at risk of contracting heart-related diseases. This research thus presents measuring the patients’ pressure and waist circumference as a way of monitoring the metabolic processes of their bodies.

There is no mention by the authors of this article, which could be used instead of the second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) and other remedies of mental illnesses. Since the provided solutions, according to the authors, result in metabolic syndrome, it would be prudent, therefore, that they offer an alternative solution too. It is not worth it, rejecting a remedy that is helping save lives and failing to give way forward. In the process of analyzing the results of the used medication in relation to metabolic syndrome, other data on the counter solution would also be a necessary evil.

This study demonstrates the application of waist circumference and blood pressure measurements as ways easy ways of identifying patients with metabolic syndrome. The two described ways could be used for patients that aren’t willing to give their blood samples for the tests. By applying this model of monitoring metabolic syndrome, the medics would then be able to regulate the drugs that are administered. By so doing, then the mental illness cases would be minimized while at the same time reducing heart disease-related risks.


Sirey, J. A., Greenfield, A., DePasquale, A., Weiss, N., Marino, P., Alexopoulos, G. S., & Bruce, M. L. (2013). Improving engagement in mental health treatment for home meal recipients with depression. Clinical interventions in ageing8, 1305.

Thus paper compiles a sample of collected data through interviews of older adults with depression and in need of mental health treatment. It was thus identified that engaging older adults who are under depression would save a bunch of them not becoming mentally ill. Engaging those people who are in a state of depression thus acts as an intervention that makes it easy in the treatment of mental illnesses. The authors of this article thus concluded that for anyone with major depressive disorders needed mental health treatment. This was the only way to prevent further issues that would reduce the life expectancy of older adults.

Contrary to the solution, the authors of this work are providing; they made no mention of how to stop depression in older adults. This would have been a good starting pointing in ensuring that depression among the older adults is completely eliminated. With that in place, even engagement intervention would be worthless. The study also fails to illustrate the cause of the rejection experienced for referrals. Would it be that the services and facilities for mental illness treatment are not appealing that makes the affected prefer open door intervention, or would it be due stigmatization? This is a key area that should be focused on in the move of mental illness treatment.

The authors of this study clearly demonstrate the link between ageing adults receiving their ageing services and developing depression. From the results of the interviews, it was evident that providing the ages with the basic service they needed would help save them from getting major depressions. Other than just depression and mental illness, the older adults also recorded the highest percentage of suicidal ideation. This indicates a significant potential risk. Open door intervention thus plays a vital role in as much as mental health treatments are concerned.


Pennay, A., McNair, R., Hughes, T. L., Leonard, W., Brown, R., & Lubman, D. I. (2018). Improving alcohol and mental health treatment for lesbian, bisexual and queer women: Identity matters. Australian and New Zealand journal of public health42(1), 35-42.

The authors of this paper explore the needs and experiences of Lesbian, Bisexual and Queer women in relation to alcohol and mental health treatment. It is noted that they are so much affected by the identity salience. From over twenty-five in-depth interviews that were carried out, it was evident that most of the lesbian women were at a high risk of binge drinking as opposed to the bisexual ones. Excess drinking as a way of concealing what they go through puts them at risk of developing mental illnesses. Better ways of offering mental health treatment to them, this ought to be determined. As a means of overcoming the treatment barriers for the LBQ women, treatment providers are thus to consider better ways of gathering information about them.

This paper identifies the barriers that lead to the silencing of women with same-sex orientation. They are these barriers that burr them from accessing the GP services on alcohol and mental health treatment. Contrary to the expectations, the paper does not touch on anything to do with the sources of those barriers and how the sources can be handled. For instance, if the LBQ women have issues with identification, them what solution can be provided to haul them from this situation. And for those with low confidence about their orientation, what could be done to build their confidence as a part of ensuring the provision of proper mental health treatment.

The authors of this paper clearly demonstrate the need to understand different kinds of people and accepting them as they are. LBQ women seeking treatment on alcohol and mental health should thus be understood and offered with the relevant services. As a result, the number of LBQ women suffering in the bondage of alcohol and mental illnesses is bound to reduce significantly. As a way of improving the alcohol and mental health treatment of LBQ women, it is thus necessary that their desires be respected regarding the disclosure of information.


Gallegos, A. M., Wolff, K. B., Streltzov, N. A., Adams, L. B., Carpenter-Song, E., Nicholson, J., & Stecker, T. (2015). Gender differences in service utilization among OEF/OIF veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder after a brief cognitive-behavioural intervention to increase treatment engagement: A mixed-methods study. Women’s Health Issues25(5), 542-547.

With a close monitor on the women veterans who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom (OIF/OEF), the authors of this paper prove disparities in the gender differences regarding the utilization of mental health treatment services. The women who once served in these forces stand higher chances of PTSD as compared to their male counterparts. Understanding these differences and barriers to treatment is crucial in improving engagement with such people and the associated mental health outcomes.

Cases of women veterans have been handled at length in this study. The study also identifies the hectic time that women go through is searching for mental health treatment. The authors, on the other hand, do not mention a thing to do with the veteran men who totally cannot get access to any services. This regards the fact that men are the majority in the forces. There appear to be efforts directed from different organizations such as the VA and VHA, that are aimed at saving the situation of the women. Should men veteran’s interests be continually ignored, then their mental health will be the worst in the near future.

As the cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) intervention is design to assist women, a similar intervention should be designed for men too. This is because post-traumatic stress disorders and co-morbid chronic infections in veterans are not gendered biased. Both sides are bound to suffer the consequences should the conditions not be tackled in a good time.


Clough, B. A., March, S., Leane, S., & Ireland, M. J. (2019). What prevents doctors from seeking help for stress and burnout? A mixed‐methods investigation among metropolitan and regional‐based Australian doctors. Journal of clinical psychology75(3), 418-432.

With the increasing attention to the mental health of medical doctors, the authors of this article directed their study towards the barriers to treatment that the doctors could be facing. Most medical doctors and said to undergo a lot of stress and burnout but fail to see the help. As a result of this arrogance by the doctors, there are reported several issues regarding psychiatric disorders, early retirement, absenteeism and poor doctor-patient interactions, among others. Other than this, there are other barriers to that burr doctors from seeking help.

In this article, the authors provide valid arguments as barriers to doctors seeking help in the case of having stress and burnouts. Other than the inadequacy of the facilities to visit, the other reasons for time, stigma and treatment attitude and expectations are valid. In most cases, the doctors suffer for their own wishes. On the other hand, proper interventions are needed for this situation. The health sector is a part of the spin of the community. Therefore, should there be cases of doctors who cannot get access to mental health treatment, then the general society, which is at a bigger risk, will not be in safe hands.

This study shades more light on the kind of health systems around the world. A case where doctors cannot get access to medication suggests a terrible state for the nations. This generally calls for a pull up in the health sector in the whole matter of mental health treatment.



In conclusion, the six presented articles give a clear indication of what people from different prospects of life go through regarding mental health treatment. Gaps have been clearly shown, proving the need for improvement. As evident in the articles, anyone is bound to suffer mental illnesses, and thus the services should be readily available.






















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