Inception. Journal of Religion & Film
Inception, as the title suggests, is about a process, about fighting all way through sheets of dreams and reality, “reality within dreams and dreams without reality.” The movie involves the story of a man who suffered short memory-term loss, then the story is told backwards. Cobb, the hero in the film, believes that individuals cannot differentiate dreams from reality (Fisher, 2016). According to Cobb, movies may seem to last long hours, but in fact, they only take a short time. The most significant problem is that the dreamer cannot tell if he is dreaming. The problem comes in when, while dreaming, you are involved in another man’s dream.
Cobb is known to infiltrate individual people’s ideas. This time, he is hired to do exactly the opposite of that. He is hired by a multibillionaire, Saito to introduce an idea into a rivals mind. The hero assembles a team that will help him in executing the deal. He gathers the following characters; Arthur, one of his most extended associates, Eames, a master at deception, and Yusuf, a master of chemistry (Fisher, 2016). The most unique character in this movie is Ariadne, who takes the role of an architect, who is a specialist in creating spaces. The film creates a thrilling feeling about Cobb’s abilities and how he is going to execute the plan.
This movie involves extraordinary events, which makes the viewer keep anticipating the next thing. The video uses appropriate sound such that the viewer is very engaged. The movie is filmed using a powerful camera; thus, the pictures have very high resolution (Fisher, 2016). The movie is generally has a combination of science and fiction. The uniqueness of the movie arises as a result of characters with extraordinary capabilities.
Part #2
Inception means giving birth to a new idea. This meaning repeats itself in several approaches. First of all, is Cobb’s power of stealing ideas from individuals. The other aspect where an idea is born is through introducing a belief in the rival’s mind. The opponent is Robert Fischer. This manipulation is possible because people cannot differentiate dreams from reality.
The implicit meaning of the movie can be illustrated by considering how individuals treat one another for personal interests. For instance, Saito’s selfishness forces him to hire Cobb to manipulate Robert Fischer so that he can surrender the property to him (Fisher, 2016). The hidden meaning of this movie can be summarized by two simple words, opportunism and deception. The video also displays how the rich take precautions to protect what they have, while their rivals are willing to spend millions to acquire. The film also shows the human abilities to take risks to redeem himself from the chains of an enslaver. Cobb’s motivation to take risks the mission is due to the guilt and grief involving his two children and wife (Fisher, 2016). The movie has made me reevaluate my thinking about life, especially about dreams and realities.
The movie’s values and messages were neither biblical, Christian, nor religious. The film presents social evils among the society which involve deception and selfishness, which are against the teachings of Christianity. The movie has exceptionally violent scenes. Religious teachings advocate for peace among all. The central theme involves interfering with God’s work through manipulating Roberts thinking to act abnormally.
Fisher, D. (2016). Inception. Journal of Religion & Film, 14(1), 17.