Individual Paper on Logistic Topics
Topic One: Role of Technology on Logistics
Technology remains to be an essential concept that affects various aspects of business, and logistics management has been impacted equally by developments of technology that seek to make the area more efficient. Logistics refers to the segment of the supply chain concerned with planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective, forward, and reverse movement and storage of goods and services along with related information (Cannella, Dominguez, Framinan & Ponte, 2018). In other terms, logistics is all about the right product, at the right time, at the right place, and in the proper condition in a manner that satisfies the customers’ request. Emerging technologies are playing an integral role in ensuring that all these are met while reducing associated costs for the organization. Regardless, the desired success that builds competitive advantages in logistics relies on the selection of the right technology that can be applied to increase the logistics management infrastructure.
One of the roles that innovative technologies play in enhancing logistics is enhancing data entry. Programmable logic controllers such as barcodes and radio frequency identification make it possible to track packages and containers, thus increasing the accuracy of dispatches and deliveries along with the convenience of data storage (Cannella, Dominguez, Framinan & Ponte, 2018). Besides, these data entry technologies like barcodes reduce human errors during the production process. Communication technologies also help in tracing and tracking good carriers by allowing communication between the consignee, consigner, and the driver through real-time interaction (Ilie-Zudor, Kemény, Ekárt, Buckingham & Monostori, 2014). IT technologies like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) helps in addressing particular business issues, thus improving response to customer requirements and improving the service levels in both internal and external environment (Cannella, Dominguez, Framinan & Ponte, 2018). Therefore, technology plays a crucial role in improving logistics management, particularly in data entry, communication, and reducing logistics costs.
Topic Two: Challenges in the Supply Chain Management
A supply chain is a complex system that is characterized by various elements that work together, which all work together to increase customer satisfaction. It is thus crucial for every organization to ensure that that they have efficient supply chain management for its survival and success. The challenge today, however, is not in taking up a supply chain management initiative, but in implementing the initiative successfully. Groznika and Trkman (2012) stated that an informative perspective is crucial since the flow of information is an integral part of the supply chain management and material flow. Therefore, one of the issues affecting supply chain management is poor strategic insights. Groznika and Trkman (2012) explained that many organizations that struggle with efficient supply chain management fail to recognize that there should be a smooth flow of information in the critical components of the supply chain. The fundamental components are operations, outsourcing, channel, customer service, and asset network. Lack of cohesiveness of shared information within these areas creates a bullwhip effect, which describes the inefficiencies in the supply chain.
The other challenge often encountered in supply chain management today is risk management. Lambert and Enz (2017) explained that no business operates in a vacuum, and it is crucial for companies to continually keep up with the fluctuating demands by managing individual functions and effectively responding to the risks in the external environment. The constant changes in the market coming from various sources like consumer demands, global sourcing, political agendas, and environmental sustainability affect the way a company operates. It then means that any organization that seeks to build a competitive advantage must be responsive to the changes while addressing the arising risk-related issues to achieve efficiency. At the same time, it means that organizations should always have risk management plans on how it will overcome disruptions in the course of its operation.