John Rawls concept of “Justice as Fairness.”
- Choose three of the following topics:
- Hume, Bentham and Mill all argue that emotions play a significant role in our moral judgments.
- What role do emotions play in each one of these philosophers’ ethical views?
- How do these philosophers define terms such as “good” and “evil”; “right” and “wrong”?
- What is the standard of morality for each one of these philosophers?
- How do these philosophers arrive at their standards?
- Critically evaluate these philosophers’ ethical views indicating their strengths and weaknesses.
(Give coherent arguments in support of your answers.)
- Discuss Kant’s Moral Philosophy.
- What is the source of morality in Kant’s view?
- Are there absolute moral standards in Kant’s view?
- If so, what are they? If not, why not?[unique_solution]
- Is there a relationship between Kant’s moral philosophy and his retributivism?
- Critically evaluate Kant’s moral philosophy, indicating its strengths and weaknesses.
(Give coherent arguments in support of your answers.)
- How are Psychological Egoism and Ethical Egoism related to each other?
- What are the similarities and differences between these two theories?
- To what extent does the theory of Psychological Egoism allow freedom of the will to function?
- How would an Ethical Egoist evaluate seemingly altruistic actions?
- Critically evaluate these theories indicating their strengths and weaknesses.
(Give coherent arguments in support of your answers.)
- Discuss the Theory of Ethical Subjectivism.
- What is the distinction between “Simple Subjectivism” and “Emotivism?”
- What is the distinction between “reporting” one’s attitude and “expressing” one’s attitude?
- Is it possible to have moral disagreements within the framework of ethical subjectivism?
- Are there any moral facts according to ethical subjectivism?
- Critically evaluate the theory of ethical subjectivism.
(Give coherent arguments in support of your answers.)
- Describe the theory of ethical relativism.
- What is the correlation between “ethical relativism” and “cultural relativism?”
- What is the importance of tolerance, culture, majority, praise, or blame in cultural relativism?
- What role does multiculturalism play in cultural relativism?
- Critically evaluate the theory of cultural relativism.
(Give coherent arguments in support of your answers.)
- Discuss Virtue Ethics.
- How does Aristotle explain what virtues are?
- What are the four cardinal virtues of ancient Greece and how are they achieved?
- What is the distinction between virtues such as generalized beneficence and justice and concern for family and friends?
- Are the virtues the same for everyone?
- Critically evaluate virtue ethics including its strengths and weaknesses.
(Give coherent arguments in support of your answers.)
- Choose one of the following topics:
- Discuss John Rawls concept of “Justice as Fairness.”
- How does Rawls explain the concept of the original position?
- What are the principles that people in the original position would agree on?
- In what sense is “Justice as Fairness” an alternative to Utilitarianism?
- Critically evaluate Rawls theory of “Justice as Fairness”?
(Give coherent arguments in support of your answers.)
- In his article, “Fifty Years After Hiroshima,” John Rawls argues that the atomic bombing of Hiroshima was a great wrong.
- Reconstruct in your own words why Rawls thinks that the bombing of Hiroshima was a “great wrong.”
- How does Rawls distinguish between a politician and a statesman?
- What were the reasons used by the U.S.A. to justify the bombing of Hiroshima?
- What are your views of the bombing of Hiroshima?
(Give coherent arguments in support of your answers.)
- Discuss Bertrand Russell’s views on “Sexual Ethics.”
- What are Russell’s views on monogamy?
- Russell states that there is a conflict between an impulse to jealousy and the impulse to polygamy. What does this conflict consist of? What are its effects?
- What are Russell’s views on the sexual education of children?
- What are your views on sexual ethics?
(Give coherent arguments in support of your answers.)
- Discuss Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail.”
- How does Martin Luther King Jr. support “direct action”?
- Why is Martin Luther King Jr. no longer willing to wait?
- How does King distinguish between just laws and unjust laws?
- Do you think that Martin Luther King Jr. has achieved his goals as stated in the letter? Why? Why not?
(Give coherent arguments in support of your answers.)