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Joy is the feeling that we all seek in life. We all undoubtedly remember joyful memories from our childhood, or on special occasions. It is a feeling that seems to get farther from us as we are getting older and spend less time. Even now, as we see the young children playing, we can see joy. We also see joy in the faces of religious and spiritual people who at a point, we cannot even see seems to understand and enjoy life. Joy is something we can all sense, but it is difficult to explain (Lama, Dalai, Desmond and Douglas 15). Joy is a deep sense of happiness and contentment. It is a love of life in its purest form.
In describing joy, the first step is to clarify what joy is not (Amir 153). Joy is not just a sense of pleasure or happiness. Elation is a very superficial and time-consuming feeling of high spirits. Euphoria is that moment you turn on the radio and get up to dance your favorite tune. When the music is done, you have to return to your homework. The feeling goes away. Joy is not a feeling that everything is the way you want it at a precise moment in your life. Contentment or satisfaction can be called this feeling, which is a major feeling, yet it is no joy. Joy is a real body feeling from deep inside. It is not your opinion of the situation in your life.
Joy is the feeling of satisfaction that you get when you do what you cherish (Kramer, Edith, Susan, Ainlay and Lani 249). The stimuli that make a child satisfied, and pleased give rise to the feelings of joy. Joy or pleasure is an emotional reaction to the satisfaction of a motive. It is also the result of reaching a goal. It is the scent of the favorite food that is being prepared on the stove or the essence of dessert on a smoky summer day. It is seeing your loved ones and cuddling up with your pets to watch a motion picture. Satisfaction is completing a decent book or watching an intense show and discovering who the killer was (Amir 155). It is the sound of a whisper to you in the dead of night about the memories you have not been contemplating for years. It is the comfortable feeling of home, the adoration of the family, and the duty of fellowship.
In conclusion, joy is a tendency that has influence. Individuals giggling with laughter, bounce, and even weep; it is a filling in your heart, making you cheerful. At times when people feel joy, many things can happen, which are lovely. Most people have their most creative feelings when they feel optimistic. For some people, happiness can be an escalation. At a point when a man wakes up feeling happy, it can be a push to get things done. Most people have their inspiration for gestures, such as travelling and drawing. When they feel happiness, it shows in what they do. Delight is natural for each one of us usually motivated to do something.
Works Cited
Amir, Lydia. “The Good Life I: Joy, Happiness, Timelessness.” Philosophy, Humor, and the Human Condition. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019. 151-192.
Kramer, Edith, Susan Ainlay Anand, and Lani Gerity. “Quality and Inner Satisfaction: Re-Visiting the Importance of Quality in Art and Art Therapy 1.” The Legacy of Edith Kramer. Routledge, 2017. 247-257.
Lama, Dalai, Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Carlton Abrams. The book of joy: Lasting happiness in a changing world. Penguin, 2016.