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Language and Power. Different usages of English can affect or determine a person’s status in society.

Language is vital since it enhances the description happenings and events in the world we live, also language is significant since it aids in the creation and maintenance of the social relationship. Also, language act as a potential platform through which power is exercised. Language acts as a reliable instrument in totalitarian states and democracies; it also acts as a powerful and unique means of influencing the people as well as economic, educational, and social conditions in the society. Additionally, language serves a superior toll on enhancing an individual identity.

The English language is considered as amongst the highly spreading language throughout human history. English is recorded to be the most reliable type of global communication; it is used mainly in various sectors such as businesses and companies. Also, English is used as a form of national language by some states. Due to its massive acceptability in multiple sectors in society, the English language tends to have a significant effect on an individual status in society (Lars Nordgren, 2017). It tends to have a positive and negative impact on an individual status in society; it acts as a significant influence on better opportunities and education in society. English tends to have a considerable effect on the role of individuals in society; it offers individuals opportunities to participate in various professional sectors. For instance, people who are fluent in English tend to be offered leadership positions in multiple organisations and groups in society. Also, individuals who are fluent in English are likely to be offered opportunities in social media platforms such as television compared to individuals who have poor English communication skills. Most of the African-Americans tend to encounter the issue of racism since English is not their first language; they are denied equal opportunities with the whites (Lars Nordgren, 2017). Acquiring a new leadership position or job opportunities in society as a result of having good communication skills in English tend to establish a new status for an individual in society. Hence, the English language plays a significant role in establishing a new status amongst individuals in society. Also, it has a massive impact on a person’s status. The selection of the people to attend certain positions based on how well an individual is good at speaking the English language portrays the issue of racism.

According to Ireland (2016), language tends to have a significant effect on the individual status; for instance, Japanese are treated as aliens in the western culture since they are not good at speaking English (Ireland, 2016). This portrays that the English language triggers racism and seclusion of certain people in society.

Specific Question

Is it true that “Language attitudes are means of controlling other people” (Hale & Basides, 2013, p.86)?

Language attitude denotes to the ideas, prejudices, and opinions that are postulated by speakers towards a particular language. Language attitude indeed tends to act as a means of controlling other people in society (Linda Melander English et al., 2003). For instance, attitude held towards the English language as a superior language tend to have a significant impact on the way of living of people in most countries. The attitude has facilitated nations to approve the language as a national language and a compulsory subject in the school (Linda Melander English et al., 2003). Also, the superiority attitude attached to the English language tends to control various activities of people and organizations in other countries. For example, some organizations demand that a person must have good English communication skills before he/she can be accepted in a particular organization. Thus, it is true that language attitudes act as a means of controlling other peoples indirectly.

According to the article written by Valentine (1998), claimed that language is not just a thread of letters. She argued that a person “harmless joke” could have a significant adverse effect on another person (can cause distress). He added that words such as “retard,” “nigger,” and “boong” are not permitted in common parlance. This is a good indication that the language attitude act as the means of controlling others in society. People from a certain range are restricted from using particular words while in public since they are considered abusive (Valentine, 1998). Most renowned languages, such as the English language, tend to suppress the use of other languages. This indicates that the language attitude acts as the means of controlling people.












Ireland, J. (2016, January 28). Political correctness – a great term to dismiss issues that become too hard or inconvenient. The Sydney Morning Herald; The Sydney Morning Herald.–a-great-term-to-dismiss-issues-that-become-too-hard-or-inconvenient-20160128-gmflgo.html

Lars Nordgren. (2017). Language and Power – Faculty of Humanities. Hum.Su.Se.

Linda Melander, English, C-Essay, & Dalarna, H. (2003). Language Attitudes Evaluational Reactions to Spoken Language.

Valentine, J. (1998, December 31). Naming the Other: Power, Politeness, and the Inflation of Euphemisms. Socresonline.Org.Uk.







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