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            Learning styles differ from person to person. It is this reality that influences each individual’s approach to learning and its effectiveness. Various elements standout from my self-assessment. First, I am a moderately active learner. I enjoy group work, as it facilitates my comprehension process for multiple concepts and ideas. Secondly, I am a highly intuitive learner. It excites me to discover the relationships and possibilities that exist between various theories and concepts. I love being creative in my approach to new learning material, as well as in evaluating and analyzing it to relate to what I have already learned. Also, I am a moderately visual student. My comprehension and overall learning process are enhanced when theories, data, concepts, and other elements of learning are in the form of a visual model such as diagrams, graphs, and maps. I am also a global learner but in a balanced way. In this scenario, Although I absorb and learn some material randomly without perceiving connections and then suddenly getting it, I also depend on sequential learning a great deal – following logical steps to solve problems works best in many other cases. I learn best in a situation where these features are balanced. For example, the presence of group work activities and visually rich content for learning would enhance my knowledge – it would be my best learning environment. The modifications to my study techniques would be seeking like-minded individuals to engage in group activities, considering that I study mostly alone. Also, seeking out learning material and resources that appeal to my learning style would be a significant adjustment – such as that which contains a practical balance between visual and verbal presentation of ideas (Felder, 1988).




Felder, R. (1988). Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education. Engineering Education78(7), 674 – 681.

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