Lesson and lesson plan rationale
TESOL is an abbreviation that majorly means t5eacghing the English language to speakers of other languages. The abbreviation is distinct and completely different from the other abbreviation, TEFL, that ahs been confusing many people. Unlike TESOL, TEFL gives a personal space and responsibility to teach English as a second language to the non-English speaking nation. On the other hand, TESOL is designed majorly for the teaching of English language to second language speaking individuals in an English speaking nation. It is mostly applied to the study abroad students who are seeking to understand the English language for better exam and other education-related performance. Therefore, there are set aside qualifications for an individual to attain the minimum requirement to study a second language under TESOL. For this piece, there is the justification of the application of various teaching aspects and aids in teaching a second language in line with the TESOL requirements.
The lesson and the lesson plans, in this case, use lots of materials to help in the achievement of the lesson goals. The first material used in this lesson plan is the student activity worksheet. This worksheet is used in line with the need to allow students to take part in the learning process and practice as the teacher teaches. This improves the learner’s engagement in the lesson. There is also the use of student’s listening worksheet. It is important to recall that this is an onolinelearning provress. The teacher is not physically present for the studet to intercat directly. Therrfeore, listening skills developed by the student will be of great helpm in the end of the esson. Therefore, them lesson uses a listening worksheet where the student can be able to jot down the imoportant points of the learning process while listening keenly to the teacher. As always themcase, most styudfents learn be,ttetr by writuing the main points gfrom what trey listen to the teacher say duriujng teacher stdent interactions. Therefore, the listening worksheet will be part and parcel of tyhis lesson as indicated in the plan. There is also the video from youtube that the teacher gives the students the oportunuirt to watch online as he interect them on what tpo do. this video has been used ehre as a materails isnce it helps the students to understand deeper by watching the christmass song that will help in the sinking of more knowledge into their brains. Many learn by seing hence the use of the video here as a material after the expoklaantions given by the teacher virtually is one of the best ways to enhance the best outcome of the learning process. klearning through seeing is another of the important aspect of learning. Remember one of the objecticves of this klesson is to master sertain engalish words and vocabularty. Therefore, the video is utilixed majorly to ensure that the learners listen to certain vocabnulary used in thessong that will help them understand best some vocabulary and phrases concxerning christmas. Laptop is also used to help ityhe connectuion between the treacher and thestudents. It is a virtual or online learnig process where the teacvher and the learner are not in a classroom. For that reason, the laptyop here creates a virtua;l classtroom between the teacher and thestudents hence the best online ijteractuion via youtube videos and skype. The lesson also uses the internet cionectiuon as a nother material to help this lessonachieve its objective. The internet is used here to offer a connection thread betyween the teacher and the students. It is the only way through whichb the teacher and the student can coject via sype and via emails and other youtube videos foor a proeor learning session without interuptuions. Therefpre, all these materails used in this lessons have a role to play in ensurijg that the lesson objecyuves and tcomes are met.