Marketing Strategy for Coca-Cola Company Team Project (4 sections)
In the first half of the course, you and your team will research the marketing strategy for an existing product of the Coca-Cola Company, and eventually propose a growth opportunity. You will examine the market, the category, environment and competitive challenges. The specific product/brand/category will be chosen by your TA. They will also identify the geographic scope of your work, and parameters of the category. The Coke project will have 4 sections.
To aid in your knowledge about the product and the category, you should study the product in the retail environment. Look at shelf position, competitive products, pricing strategy and packaging. This can inform and enlighten you on the category, the consumers, competitive set and segmentation strategies.
Learning Outcomes:
The student will know or be able to do the following as a result of completing this assignment:
- Understand the importance of information and research in marketing and business decision making.
- Get familiar with key industry and company information resources.
- Identify and “size” the market, and look for trends in the industry, category and customer segments.
- Perform an environmental scan, and SWOT.
- Identify growth strategies used by companies.
- Apply the concepts of segmentation and targeting to the product category.
- Explore use of the product life cycle as strategic tool in business.
- Develop critical thinking, analysis and business writing skills.
Team Project Guidelines/Policies
Team Organization
Your TA will assign you to your teams early in the second week of the semester after the add/drop period ends. Students have to be professional in their dealings with teammates, and must put forth their fair share for each part of the team projects.
Team Charter
To document how your team expects to work with each other, your team has to complete a Team Charter Form and submit on ICON by Friday, September 14 @ 11pm. The Team Charter Form is available on ICON. Thoughtful and thorough charters earn 10 points.[unique_solution]
Project Work Plan
Team projects teach us the importance of collaboration, cooperation and critical thinking. Simply dividing the project into sections and assigning each teammate a segment will produce disjointed, poorly thought through solutions. You will prepare a work plan in discussion that integrates project management skills to encourage joint sharing of responsibilities and working together for improved outcomes for the first segment of the team projects. Work plan due on ICON Friday, September 21@ 11pm. You should repeat this planning process for the subsequent 2 projects for success.
Project Team Member Peer Evaluation
At the end of the semester, you will to evaluate your team members. The peer evaluation is worth 40 points. You do not reward points to yourself, only your team members. Failure to submit the peer evaluation form in discussion December 3-7 will result in the loss of all of your peer evaluation points.
Unsatisfactory Participation and Performance – Termination of a Team Member
A team can fire a team member if multiple members of their team agree that firing is appropriate. The firing process policy is that groups can fire a team member if team members (and/or their section TA) warn the group member in advance that firing will result if current behavior continues. The warning must be formal, sent through e-mail and copy the TA and Professor. If the behavior continues following the warning, and multiple team members (2 or more) agree that firing is still justified after a reasonable time has elapsed (at least a week), then that individual will be removed from the team. Dismissal from a team will result in a grade penalty for the dismissed student, and s/he must complete all subsequent group assignments individually, which will result in a substantially increased workload.
Team Project Assessment
- Content and Analysis: 80% of your grade for each part of the assignment is based on thoroughly answering all of the assignment questions, and following the additional guidelines below.
- Logical reasoning and sufficient elaboration.
- Well-supported defense and assumptions
- Explaining and supporting WHY your answers make sense as a whole.
- Inconsistencies, flawed reasoning, and unsupported conclusions cannot earn above 70% of the points for any of the queries.
- Submission: BE ON TIME
- Only one of your team members must submit each assignment via drop box for each due date.
- Mechanics: 20% of your grade will be based on formatting, citations, and proper grammar and presentation.
- Proper spelling, grammar, and punctuations must be followed.
- Spacing, alignment, capitalization, punctuation, spelling are all correct.
- Any graphs, charts, tables, etc. must have proper titles, and X and Y-axes of graphs are provided.
- Styles (fonts, colors, etc.) are consistent throughout each assignment.
- Graphs or charts must be used to present numeric data showing proportions, trends, rank, or comparison.
- Assignments must read as if written by a single “voice.” And must not use “borrowed language” without proper citations.
- Sources of information (e.g., facts, graphs, charts, etc.) are provided following APA style.
- All sources must be cited.
Poor spelling, grammar, etc. are usually indications that you have not put enough time and/or thought into the assignment. Your future managers do pay attention to these details, so we enforce the same to help you develop good habits.
Coca-Cola Company Project Part Three
Due Friday, 11/16/18 @ 11 pm via drop box
(40 pts)
We have examined an industry, category, product and its key competitors. In part three of our project we report on distribution and pricing strategies. For this assignment, your team should write a report, with diagrams and tables as needed. It should not exceed 4 pages. You may need to do primary research through retail partners and with the company to answer some of the inquiries.
Number your responses according to the queries below. DO NOT create one long narrative.
Product: Simply Orange Juice of the Coca-Cola Company
Only DO Question 1!
- Diagram and describe the supply chain for your product. (10 pts)
- Where are raw materials acquired/harvested?
- How/where is the product processed, manufactured?
- Where is the packaging manufactured/created?
- How and where is the finished product stored, prior to distribution to its distributor/retailer channels?
- Identify any critical partnerships or outsourcing in the supply chain. (MKTG 11 pages 232-240)
- Diagram and describe the channel structure(s) for your product. (10 pts)
- Show channel structure for all points of consumer access. (MKTG 11 pages 237-243)
- Where may there be horizontal or vertical channel conflict?
- Do any specific distribution strategies employed by the company give them competitive advantage?
If yes, describe how their processes result in competitive advantage. (5 pts)
- What is the pricing strategy/dynamics for your product? Pricing strategy should support positioning, and take into consideration, demand, cost and competition. (15 pts)
- How is manufacturer to wholesaler/retailer price set? (B2B component channel)
- How is retail price determined?
- How elastic is the demand for your product? (MKTG 11 pages 342-345)
- How would you price you new product initiative from Part 2 of this project?
Explain your strategy, and rationale.