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Max Weber biography

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Max Weber biography

            Max Weber whose really names is Karl Emil Maximilian was a German sociologist, philosopher and even a political economist. He was born in the year 1864 April, 21 in Prussia. Max had knowledge on certain fields of study including the following; economics, sociology, history, law, politics and philosophy[1]. He acquired all these from the various universities in which he studied including the following the universities of Berlin, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Vienna and Munich.  He had several ideas of which the ideas influenced both social research and social theories related matter. He is also among the three founders of sociology. This is so because he took a very important place in the arguing of the study of social action through means based on the individual understanding of ideas. Among his main aims was to understand the processes of rationalisationing and secularization which he associated with the rise of capitalism. He took this as a new way of thinking among the people and the community in general. He argued that this rise of capitalism was mainly influenced with the rise of protestant religious groups which were actually emerging[2]. He went ahead and talked about the impacts of cultural practices in the community as concerned with the religion basis that this could provide better understanding of the capitalism era well. I relation to religion Max compared the differences and similarities in different religious groups which included the following; religions of china, India and Judaism religion.

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He also involved himself in politics where he was among the founders of the German Democratic Party which they formed after the First World War. This led to him being elected as a member of parliament. To quote about his family Max married his distant cousin Marriane who was a female activist and also an author. Her wife being an author assisted in publishing Max’s books after his death[3]. This helped people to well understand who Max Weber was indeed. Max was also appointed the professor of economics in one of the universities where he schooled. Weber was later interested in social life and sciences which indeed forced him to start publishing books of the related kind and others in the early 1890s. At this time he was visiting different countries including United States of America where he attended various science and art conferences. Weber was also among those members those assisted in the drafting of the German’s Weimar constitution. He participated as an advisor to the committee which was involved in the drafting of the constitution.

Max Weber was also well known for various fields which include the following; weberian bureaucracy, iron cage, methodological individualism, monopoly on violence, protestant work ethnic, rationalization and many other sociological activities[4]. He actually had a lot of influence in the lives of many people across the world. After this long time of involved in many work practices his last work attempts were in the field of politics. Weber was frustrated by politics and hence decided to reassume teaching. He carried this duty first at the university of Vienna and then after 1919 at the university of Munich. All that he taught at this time was concerned with sciences, economic history and politics in general. Max Weber contracted the Spanish flu and died of pneumonia on 14 June 1920. At the time of his death he had not completed publishing a certain book which his wife Marriane helped in its publication.

Max Weber’s influence and contributions

Max involved himself in a number of theories which he was well known of. Some of these theories include the theory of sociology of religion. This work on this theory started with the essay of Protestant Ethnic and Spirit of Capitalism Where he analyzed the religion of china, India, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Ancient Judaism. His main ideas and aims of this theory was the effect of religious ideas on economic activities, the relationship between social groups and the different characteristics of Western Civilization. He was also interested in the knowhow of the western culture. He actually concluded that the religion impacts and the practices were mainly the main determiner of economic development[5]. Weber argues that the protestant ethnic background is not concerned with the economic development of the society as it is termed by many people in the society. People tried to change their behaviors to suit those required by the religion. They worked hard to match with these characteristics actually. Their thinking that economic prospering was directly connected with religion matters. This made the work hard hence in turn making large productions and savings which lead to increase in savings and economic status.

According to Weber this spirit of capitalism not only involved hard work but also self determinacy and understanding of that money is not only for luxury but should be put in various important life aspects. Many of the people thought that money is only made for enjoying and buying luxury things such as expensive cars. Max was actually and totally against this imagination in the minds of the people. He emphasized that money on the hand should be properly used in such activities as involvement in entrepreneurship and other investment activities. This is so because these entrepreneurship activities result to higher yields and outcomes. People who just sit idle with their large amounts of money totally end up gaining nothing as compared to those who invest their cash in different entrepreneurship activities.

In this theory also Weber talks about politics and the requirements of politics. He terms politics as one of the very important issues to be taken seriously in a state. A politician should therefore be of good ethnic characters. He or she should have passion on the work and try as much as possible to work with one and main goal of serving the people. It is only through this the politicians will ensure good and healthy relationship with their subjects. He goes ahead and terms the politicians to be saints for good performance to take place. He also analyzes the different types of political leadership which include the following its domination and authority. This will include the following classes; charismatic domination, traditional domination and legal domination[6]. He emphasizes that the relationship between the ruler and the people is greatly influenced by the manner on which the rulers carry out the duties of ruling. Those harsh leaders will actually have very poor relationship with their people while those are very respectful to the people will attain their attention and hence have a health relationship. Weber also recognizes the shift from value-oriented organizations to the goal-oriented organizations. This will greatly increase and have a positive impact on the ration control. He also talks about the advantages of free market especially in Russia which has actually been abolished due the socialism era taking place in the region.

Max Weber has greatly done various researches which in turn have assisted in the growth of the economic status across the world. He has made many people understand the term economic in a different manner and even know what it requires them to carry out some economic activities across the globe. He talks about the relationship between the religion groups and wealth capacities of its followers. He says that most of the religious groups are against the capitalism behavior of carrying out economic activities[7]. The religion also sees that accumulation of wealth as a sign of God’s grace and blessings. He comes up with different social classes’ depending on various issues such as the following; social class based on an economically determined relationship to the market, status class based on non-economic qualities like prestige and religion and party class which refers to affiliations in the political domain.

Weber still greatly focuses on the weaknesses of capitalism and all the negative impacts that results from this concept. This is so because the concept is actually driven by materialistic nature of acting and even reasoning[8]. This capitalists are still seen to be heartless people who are just having one goal of gaining profits without looking on the methods they are using whether they  are harmful to the people or not. This is the main reason Max Weber is totally against this form of capitalism. His analysis for spiritual and moral behavior being directly associated with successful economic productivity continues to be a source of inspiration to modern social sciences and many other people across the globe. Weber still talks about the importance of being totally independent and all those benefits of actually depending on oneself. He terms being independent as one of those strategies to prosper in life. He argues that many of those who have actually prospered have tended to be independent in their dealings and activities.

Criticism on the theory

His arguments in the theory have also faced many criticisms from different people and groups. Some claim that there is no any relationship between economic prosperity and religion. Secondly, others say that politicians in order to carry out their duties they should be strong and subject they people to enable them follow the laws strictly[9]. Some other people also term capitalism as the best concept as compared to the socialism concept. Finally, others see it better that people should carry out some activities commonly and tend not to be independent.

Problems and the solutions based on the theory

Moral behaviors are very essential value to economic growth in every sector of the globe. For anyone to succeed economically one has to be having good moral values. Many people across the world especially in the United States of America are having troubles in the economic growth. This is mainly occurring due to their bad moral values which may lead to this in certain ways. Some of these ways which may lead to this include wastage of the funds gained in immoral activities such as drinking, wastage of the funds with friends in such cases which are not helpful at all. This could be avoided when such persons change their behaviors and engage in good moral activities in order to make high savings of these funds. Many of the people in the country are making huge losses on their cash due to their immoral activities. These persons should be trained on the importance of good morals as concerning their advantages on the income they earn. The clear evidence is that many poor people are those who are immoral while those who have succeeded economically are those with good admirable characteristics.

Most of the people are still facing challenge on how to accumulate their capital. Some think that accumulating their huge cash in bank accounts is the best way but indeed it is not. These people should instead use this amount in investments. It is only through investment this cash will tend to increase and result to high amounts with time. Investment results to higher profits which could not have got when the capital is just idle in the bank accounts. The people have to adopt the criteria stated by Max Weber that he insists in entrepreneurship and investments[10]. Investing cash in business activities increases the economic status of the investors. This is clear in the fact that most of the rich persons in the United States of America are the business people who have heavily invested their funds in various activities to earn extra incomes. People hence should be taught on the importance of entrepreneurship and investment, how these activities are carried out. The next step which should still be taken is that the people should also be provided with funds and resources to invest on. This may be in terms of loans and other related cash providing activities.

There is the issue of political problems which are being faced in the countries. These political problems and chaos are greatly resulting from the certain behavior of the leaders. In order to make good relationships between the leaders and the people the leaders should be in place to respect their subjects. It is only through this that the people will be proud of their leaders hence improving the relationships and hence avoiding these chaos and conflicts. The political leaders should also be well behaved and be of good morals. The leaders who are of good morals are highly respected by their people and are still trusted. It is only through these good behaved leaders everything will be running in the proper manner in the country. This is so because these leaders with good morals will not at anytime engage themselves in immoral activities such corruption which interrupts the progress of the country. Leaders should be encouraged to be of good morals by various agencies in the country to ensure good political progress. The people should also elect those leaders with good admirable qualities.

In the country capitalism is highly practiced by many different groups of them people. This is not a better method of carrying out activities. It should be avoided for it is always lagging down development hence resulting to underdevelopment. Capitalism is not as good method to be adopted by the community as it is only associated with personal gains but not community as a whole. Instead the concept of socialism should be adopted as it is always incorporating the needs of everyone in the community and hence everybody feels involved in the carried out activity. In United States of America many people tend to use the capitalism. This concept is commonly used in the states by many people[11]. This is what is causing the lagging behind of some of the states. This system is also accompanied by such characteristics such as discrimination, lack of unity and even capital imbalances among the citizens. This is what is making many people to be very poor while others are very rich at the same time. This makes these people to feel as if they are not part of the community due to their very low living standards. This mode of capitalism should actually be abandoned in the states so as make income balances and also find poverty among the people. The citizens should be also educated on the importance of abandoning this mode and at the same time adopting the socialism system. This socialism system is the one that will ensure that capital is distributed equally, there is unity among the people and also the rate of poverty in the community is lowered.

Max Weber tends to say that for one to succeed in a good manner he or she should be independent[12]. Many people in the United States of America are failing in their lives mainly because they are not self-dependent. Many are always on the side of carrying tasks let them be economical ones in a group. This is what is making them not to fair well in their dealings. They should try to carry these activities on their own and be dependent. Its only through being independent the citizens and investor will yield to the maximum possible. This is so because when depending on one another there will be no  great effort put in use compared to when taking the activity alone.


Max Weber actually has a great impact in today’s life as far as sociology and related economic activities are concerned. This is because he has actually laid a base of all these activities. The theorist had a great knowledge on the issues and ideas he gives in all his aspects the theory. His theory is very important even to today’s life style and the activities carried out by the various individuals. He has various contributions and many influences that he impacted to the lives of many people. This various ideas have greatly resulted to success and development of many people who put these ideas in place. Some of them are as follows. He has made many people to change their behavior in order to develop economically of which this has worked.          Many people have engaged themselves in entrepreneurship and investing activities to earn extra income. He has provided a base for the relations and also the characteristics of the political leaders. This has made them to be well behaved. Max Weber has also incorporated the aspect of being self-dependent for the purpose of personal development of the people in the states. Due to his argument against capitalism, many people avoid it and hence practice the socialism mode which has in turn reduced poverty, encouraged unity and also provided a base for capital equality among the people. Max Weber and his theory have actually provided a great positive impact to the social living of the people.

[1] Weber, Max. On the methodology of the social sciences. Lulu Press, Inc, 2015.


[2] Beetham, David. Max Weber and the theory of modern politics. John Wiley & Sons, 2013

[3] Beetham, David. Max Weber and the theory of modern politics. John Wiley & Sons, 2013

[4] Whimster, Sam, and Scott Lash. Max Weber, rationality and modernity. Routledge, 2014.


[5] Beetham, David. Max Weber and the theory of modern politics. John Wiley & Sons, 2013

[6] Fry, Brian R., and Jos CN Raadschelders. Mastering Public Administration: From Max Weber to            Dwight             Waldo. CQ Press, 2013.


[7] Whimster, Sam, and Scott Lash. Max Weber, rationality and modernity. Routledge, 2014.


[8] Fry, Brian R., and Jos CN Raadschelders. Mastering Public Administration: From Max Weber to            Dwight             Waldo. CQ Press, 2013.


[9] Fry, Brian R., and Jos CN Raadschelders. Mastering Public Administration: From Max Weber to            Dwight             Waldo. CQ Press, 2013.


[10] Shafritz, Jay M., J. Steven Ott, and Yong Suk Jang. Classics of organization theory. Cengage    Learning,             2015.


[11] Shafritz, Jay M., J. Steven Ott, and Yong Suk Jang. Classics of organization theory. Cengage    Learning,             2015.


[12] Weber, Max. On the methodology of the social sciences. Lulu Press, Inc, 2015.


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